The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 710: The plot of the emperor

"Not only did Ning Jin not be killed by Xiao Zhengjing, but also to find Emperor Xiao Qing in the East China Sea?"

In the hall, Emperor Ning Yu frowned when he got the news.

Standing in front of him was his first adviser, Xi Guan.

This is a middle-aged man with a small goatee. He once planned the plan of the Wumeng for the emperor Ning Yu, and he personally contacted the Chu royal family to win over Chu Yunlong and set up the Wumeng. .

If the Wumeng hadn't been destroyed by Emperor Xiao Qing, it would eventually become an irresistible spark. I am afraid that Ning Yu will be in a different situation at this time.

A wise light flashed in Xi Guan's eyes, "Perhaps, Emperor Ning Jin was controlled by Xiao Zhengjing."

"What is the use of Xiao Zhengjing in controlling Ning Jin's waste? Moreover, Xiao Zhengjing can't fool Ning Jin to trouble Emperor Xiao Qing."

Ning Yu shook his head and said, "Unless, the so-called discord between Emperor Xiao Qing and the Emperor Xiao Clan is an illusion."

"There is such a possibility, but I think it is unlikely."

Xi Guan groaned and said, "Unless Emperor Xiao Qing is able to let go of his parents' hatred, but with his character, he is unlikely to give up his parents' hatred. Then, maybe he wants to wait for us and the Xiao royal family to lose both. After that, the fisherman will benefit, or, it may be connected with other royal families."

"Other royals?"

Ning Yu's expression changed, "Are they also beginning to participate in it?"

The Ning-style emperor, facing the Xiao imperial clan, has already made him messy. If other imperial clan also participated in it, then he would not know how to face such a situation.

"The emperor thought that the other royals and royal families have not moved yet, are they just obediently still?"

Xi Guan sighed, "The other three royal families are also planning, but they have not yet confronted us, and they have tolerated no action. There is also the royal family, which is also in action. As far as I know, the Eastern royal family has recently it has started."

"Asshole, it's fine for the royal family to be arrogant, the Eastern royal family, just a mere royal family, dare to fight the emperor, want to die?"

Ning Yu's eyes condensed, and a look of anger appeared in his eyes, "The Eastern royal family, if they make any further actions, first kill them with the saber."

Seeing Ning Yu's expression, Xi Guan revealed a ray of disappointment in the depths of his eyes, but on the surface it was a salute, "The emperor, nowadays, the immortal gate is probably not very reliable. What we can do is The momentum of thunder, combined the power of the immortal gate and the inner power, completely annihilated the Xiao imperial family, and then turned around to deal with other royal families and royal families."

"As for using Emperor Xiao Qing to deal with the Xiao imperial clan, obviously there is not enough time."

"Furthermore, although the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi seems reckless and only knows about killing, I am sure that he is definitely not a brainless person. He just disdains to use some small tricks."

"While we are using him, I am afraid he is also using us. We have to think twice about this matter."


If Emperor Xiao Qing and the people around him heard about Xi Guan, they would probably look at Xi Guan differently.

Nowadays, some people are circulating that Xiao Qingdi, the dragon king, is brave and inexperienced. He only knows **** when encountering things, but he doesn’t know how to use gentle means. Otherwise, he would have already gathered a group in the empire. A powerful force.

As everyone knows, as far as Emperor Xiao Qing is concerned, he is just disdainful of using those methods.

He didn't want to use the simplest and direct method to solve things, and he didn't want to use any small tricks.

Only Xi Guan, the person next to Ning Yu could see clearly.

However, Ning Yu shook his head and laughed, "Xi Guan, you are too cautious in doing things, and you look too high at Emperor Xiao Qing. I can guarantee that within three days, Emperor Xiao Qing will surely kill him. Entering the Xiao imperial family, by then, the Xiao imperial family will be upset because of him, and we can easily destroy it."

"Although it seems to take a longer time, it has improved efficiency, and can completely annihilate the Xiao imperial clan with the power of thunder and demonstrate the power of the emperor."

He lifted his head, his face showed excitement, "At that time, this emperor just stepped on the Xiao imperial clan and ascended the throne of God. Then, he swung his sword east, south, and west three imperial clans to annihilate them completely, and then gave orders to all directions. The royal family comes to surrender. Within a year, the empire will be stable. Who can compare with me?"

Closed his eyes, opened his hands, and imagined peace forever, the whole world, no royal family, Ning Yu couldn't help being excited.

Xi Guan on one side couldn't help showing helplessness on his face.

How did you chat, it turned into an illusion, is such an emperor really the best choice of his own master?

While thinking in his heart, Ning Yu woke up from his fantasy, with a look of excitement, "Xi Guan, now, what we have to do is very simple, that is,'wait' and'steady'."

"Wait for Emperor Xiao Qing to enter the Xiao imperial clan and stabilize the current situation. When the Xiao imperial clan is corrupted from the inside out, it is time for us to take action. Do you think this emperor is right?"

He looked at Xi Guan with excitement in his eyes.


Xi Guan bowed.

The corners of the mouth are extremely bitter.

Does he dare to say wrong?

A companion is like a tiger, besides, if he is accompanied by such a self-righteous and self-serving person, if he dares to object, I am afraid he will fall to the ground in the next moment.

"Hahaha, when my father was still there, he said that my outlook on the landscape was not as good as that of Ning Jin and Ning Cheng and others, and even worse than the younger sister. Unfortunately, his old man has gone away. Otherwise, I must let him understand. Who is inferior to who."

Ning Yu laughed triumphantly.

Xi Guan lowered his head and did not dare to speak, but the disappointment in his heart was unparalleled.

"Okay, step back first, just wait."

Ning Yu waved his hand.


Xi Guan sighed, turned and left.

After leaving the hall, there was a woman walking towards him with a beautiful face. She was wearing a blue shirt and holding a long sword. She looked immortal, and she was Ning Yuling, the daughter of the emperor.

"I have seen Princess Yuling." Xi Guan hurriedly saluted.

Although Ning Yuling was accepted as a closed disciple by the Immortal Sword King since he was a child and did not walk around in the palace, as a close minister of the emperor Ning Yu, he naturally knew Ning Yuling.

"Is Big Brother here?" Ning Yuling asked.

"It's inside."

Xi Guan replied, and then took a step forward and whispered in a low voice, "When the princess sees the emperor, she needs to be careful."

After all, before Ning Yuling could answer, he respectfully saluted, turned and retreated.

Ning Yuling's eyes flashed when he heard the words, showing a look of surprise, but did not think much.

"Big Brother."

She entered the hall and saw Ning Yu, who was looking at the world map with her hands on her back.

"Sister, you are here."

Seeing Ning Yuling's arrival, a smile appeared on Ning Yu's face, "Come, come and have a look."

He beckoned to Ning Yuling and pointed to the territory, "Look, this is our Yanhua, and this is the territory of the world, and this is the foreign race..."

The Yanhua Empire ranks in the east of the world, but there are still some foreign races in the surrounding area, which are shown in shadows and have not completely appeared on the map.

Ning Yu pointed to those shadows and said boldly, "The land under our feet was mostly covered by shadows three thousand years ago, that is, those alien territories. Back then, our ancestors personally laid down the territory. However, a large part of it is within the control of the alien race."

Ning Yuling was born in an emperor clan, and naturally knew all this.

There was a sweet smile on her face, "It won't be long before all this belongs to Big Brother."

This is naturally a fact. As long as Ning Yu can ascend the throne of God, everything in the empire will be in Ning Yu's control.

"Haha, no, no, not only everything under our feet, but also these shadowy areas, here, and here, in the future, I will take them one by one and become our glorious territory."

Ning Yu was so proud, pointing to the shaded area above, and said excitedly, "I want to destroy all the alien races in this world, and create a great cause of eternal peace. Do you think I can do it?"

Turn to look at Ning Yuling.

The latter smiled and said, "Big Brother is the future emperor. After you ascend to the throne, as long as you want to do it, I believe that there is nothing you can't do."


When Ning Yu heard the words, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, "As expected of my good sister, only you know me. Now, my eldest brother needs you to help me. For the stability of the empire, you must do your best."

The smile on Ning Yuling's face solidified, "What does the big brother want me to do?"

"Go to Xiao Qingdi, give him this bottle of medicine, and control him in my hands."

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