The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 722: With the same surname as this king, you are not worthy of Ning Yu


"You want me to wait until the Dragon King Island is slaughtered and sacrifice to the sky?"

"The owner of Dragon King Island, Emperor Xiao Qing, the Dragon King, is a member of the Yanhua Empire. As the Great Emperor of the Yanhua Empire, you actually want to deal with his people?"


At this moment, everyone was confused.

They subconsciously glanced at Emperor Xiao Qing who was hiding in the crowd.

This man, hasn't he already known that Ning Yu would do this?

Otherwise, why hide it quietly, instead of showing people in their true colors?

Emperor Xiao Qing remained silent, but raised his head to look at Ning Yu, the cold light in his eyes flickering.

Ning Yu laughed loudly, "Everyone, with your strength, it is not difficult to slaughter the Dragon King Island, unless you are not sincere, it is a different matter if you refuse to do it."

"It's not that we are not sincere, but, do you know how many people are on Dragon King Island?"

A Yanhua warrior standing next to Emperor Xiao Qing stood up, his voice was angry, "Emperor Ning Yu, everyone is Yanhua, no matter what Xiao Qing is, he is a member of Yanhua Empire, you, Why do you want to do everything?"

"who are you?"

Ning Yu smiled and looked at the warrior.

"My name is Chen Yu."

The warrior said in a deep voice, "Everyone present here is willing to form an alliance with you and not participate in the internal struggle of the Yanhua Empire because you want the world to be stable, and you don't want foreign races to run out to cause harm to the world, but if you do, you have to let them We have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people on the Dragon King Island, let alone how many people will die on our side, that is hundreds of thousands of lives."

"How can you do this?"

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of Emperor Xiao Qing beside him, he did not expect the other party to speak for himself.

He raised his head and looked at Ning Yu.

I saw that Ning Yu still had a smile on his face.

The figure walked down from the golden dragon head, volleyed step by step, and walked towards Chen Yu.

"What you said makes sense."

Ning Yu sighed, "So, are you teaching this emperor how to do things?"


Then, he made a sudden move.

The right hand came out from behind and suddenly grabbed the martial artist named Chen Yu.

In a crash, a big golden hand appeared out of thin air, and instantly penetrated the void. Before Chen Yu could react, it directly grabbed his neck.


Chen Yu's face flushed, and the power that belonged to his eighth-rank realm burst out all over his body, but this power was suppressed by Ning Yu's power before it rose.

He can only keep struggling.

"Since the fall of my father, no one has the qualifications to teach me to do things."

Ning Yu spoke.

He grasped the emptiness with his hands, and grabbed Chen Yu with energy, and his fingers contracted more and more.

"Did you know, some time ago, when the emperor had not obtained this power of inheritance, no matter who was able to be rampant in front of the emperor, the emperor could only ask for perfection."

"But it's different now."

With excitement on his face, he laughed loudly, "This emperor has inherited the power of the Supreme Emperor. Now, he is already a strong man in the condensing stage, and this power is still constant It won’t take long for the emperor to reach an even stronger level when he climbs up. At that time, no one in the world can beat him."

"Why do I want to make a mistake? Who is qualified to teach me?"

As he said, he raised his head and looked at Chen Yu, his voice cooled down, "It's up to you?"

"A warrior with no name and no surname, what are you?"

"go to hell."

As he said, the cold light in his eyes flickered, and Chen Yu's neck was about to be crushed.


However, at the moment he was about to do it, he heard only a roar, and Emperor Xiao Qing, who was standing next to Chen Yu, stepped out, his right hand was crystal clear, like a white jade, and he punched directly.

Amidst the roar, the big hand formed by condensing the golden energy instantly smashed into pieces.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Chen Yu went down and quickly thanked Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing did not go to see Chen Yu, but stepped forward, looking at Ning Yu calmly, "Emperor Ning Yu is so powerful."

"What are you?"

Ning Yu's eyes were cold, and he shouted coldly, "If the emperor is acting, you dare to interfere, do you want to die?"


Without any extra words, Ning Yu waved his hand again, and accompanied by a dragon roar, a five-clawed golden dragon that dominated the world rushed out of his palm.

The golden dragon roared and swelled against the wind, turning into a lifelike dragon about ten feet long, whistling towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

Around Xiao Qingdi, everyone's expressions changed. Even if Ning Yu just shot at will, the power contained in this golden dragon was enough to kill any 9th-Rank master.

They all retreated towards the rear.

Only Xiao Qingdi still had a calm color on his face, his white jade-like right hand stretched out, and he pointed it out. There was still no powerful energy exploded, but this finger penetrated the golden dragon. With a slight shock, the Golden Dragon was shattered and turned into energy to spread out.

"That's it."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing understood that Ning Yu's control of his own power was not very strong.

This golden dragon looks full of momentum, but in fact, it can sense that it does not control enough power.

Obviously, Ning Yu's previous strength was not pretended, but the strength that he had just acquired in the past few days.

Even the founding ancestors of the Xiao imperial clan have left to pass on to future generations, let alone the emperor.

"I got a little power out of thin air, so rampant, I really don't know how to live or die."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, stepped out, and stood calmly on the sea, looking at Ning Yu.

Xiao Qing emperor broke through one after another, Ning Yu was already going crazy, he roared, "Boy, who are you? You dare to fight against this emperor, do you really want to die?"

"Go to hell."

"Shenlong Nine Palms."

He roared and directly displayed the imperial clan's fascination. With one palm shot, nine dragons roared out. Each of the erupted auras was extremely strong, and even reached the strength that the strong can only burst out with a full blow during the foundation period. .


In the sky, dragons roared one after another, and the nine divine dragons soared, rushing into the air with unmatched strength, and then all reversed and bombarded Xiao Qingdi in all directions.

Before these nine dragons arrived, they had already exploded with terrifying power, causing the sea under Emperor Xiao Qing to be forcibly suppressed for dozens of meters.

However, at this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing still just stood there calmly.

"Xiao...he still doesn't do anything. Is this too confident of himself?"

"The power of this palm is comparable to the attacks of nine terrifying powerhouses surpassing the Ninth-Rank martial artist. No matter how powerful he is, how can he withstand the attacks of these nine dragons?"


The people around were all staring at Emperor Xiao Qing.

Even the Pope on the side of the Light Forces looked shocked in his eyes, "He, is so calm, can he really stop it?"

"No matter who you are, you are dead."

Ning Yu's eyes were icy, "Since Er Deng has agreed to this emperor, then, whoever hasn't taken any action against Dragon King Island in a while will go to death."

He looked at everyone in the field with murderous eyes.

Repeatedly, someone disobeyed his words and didn't take action, which made him angry.

His strength is so strong, even if Xiao Zhengjing is here, he is confident that he can fight the opponent.

However, he encountered resistance here, which made his heart full of discomfort.

"If this palm can't kill you, this emperor will give you your last name." Ning Yu looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a cold voice.

With this palm, he displayed almost 70% of his power. If he couldn't kill the unknown warrior in front of him, he would not believe it.


However, with a confident smile on his face, Emperor Xiao Qing burst out with a gust of weather.

A black hair was flying in the wind, and a mighty breath burst out.

He raised his head and said quietly, "You are not worthy of the same surname as this king!"

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