The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 743: I don’t like looking up at people

"Grandpa... first sound."

"Grandpa, second call..."


In the sky, Xiao Zhengwu was like a huge furnace, covered with terrifying flames, and he was fighting against these powerful men of the Xiao royal family.

Although his strength is strong, but he is afraid that these are all his kinsmen, and he can only fight against these powerful people of the Xiao royal family.

Suddenly, I heard the neatly shouting "Grandpa" from below.

Xiao Zhengwu was stunned, lowered his head to take a look, and suddenly saw a scene that made him dumbfounded.

A dozen young people from the Xiao royal family all knelt on the ground neatly, all pale, and trembling all over, shouting, ‘Grandpa, the first time...’

This situation not only stunned him, but even the powerhouses of the Xiao imperial family were also shocked.

"How is this going?"

"Who is he?"

"A young junior can suppress more than a dozen young people of our Xiao imperial clan at the same time. Could it be that a certain imperial clan or an ancient religious sect's strongest Tianjiao deliberately came to the Xiao imperial clan to target us?"


The masters of the Xiao Royal family who had arranged their formations to fight against Xiao Zhengwu, one by one, their eyes almost fell.

You know, the Xiao imperial clan is extremely talented, and the secret realm where the imperial clan is located is incomparably full of spiritual energy. Coupled with the strongest cultivation method in the clan, every young person can reach the level of invincibility in the world. Almost the strongest among the same level.

However, in front of them, the strength of Emperor Xiao Qing was only at the pinnacle of the eighth rank, and he suppressed all of the dozens of masters of the Xiao imperial family.

Moreover, five of them are Grade 9 masters.

Was he suppressed by Emperor Xiao Qing alone?

Kneeling on the ground and shouting grandpa?

This is incredible.

"Asshole, he is full of energy and blood. He is definitely not just a simple martial artist of the eighth rank, he has surpassed the eighth rank, even the ninth rank, or even stronger."

Suddenly, an elderly strong man showed anger, gritted his teeth and roared, "This bastard, he is definitely disguised by a master in the foundation period, just to hit us in the face."

"Go to a master in the foundation building period and cut him off."

In the rear, accompanied by a sound full of majesty, a figure with his hands on his back appeared volleyed, and the aura that burst out reached a terrifying degree.

It was Xiao Zhengjing, the acting emperor of the Xiao family.

The great battle between Xiao Zhengwu and these Xiao imperial clan powerhouses has finally brought out Xiao Zhengjing.

"Xiao Zhengjing!"

Xiao Zhengwu recognized the opponent as Xiao Zhengjing at a glance. He gritted his teeth and looked at the imposing and domineering Xiao Zhengjing, and said coldly, "You **** stuff, finally came out."

However, no matter how he gritted his teeth, he hadn't come back for more than 30 years, and he was alone outside to practice in retreat. His appearance had changed a lot, even Xiao Zhengjing had forgotten his younger brother.

At this moment, Xiao Zhengjing ignored him, but looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "This emperor wants to see who you are, and when the foundation is built, he dare to enter the Xiao imperial clan to make trouble."

"The emperor, I will kill him."

In the rear, a young man volleyed, bursting out of his initial cultivation base during the foundation period.

"It's Xiao Geng."

When the members of the Xiao imperial family who watched the battle from a distance saw this young man, their faces were full of excitement, "With Xiao Geng taking action, there will be no problem."

"Xiao Geng ranks ninth among the nine princes of the Xiao imperial family. There is no doubt about his strength, and he can definitely kill any master in the peak of the base period."

The Xiao imperial family has nine successive princes, and it is not just a ranking of young people of this generation.

According to the classification of the Eight Classics of Zhenger, Xiao Zhengjing is the first in line to succeed the prince of the Xiao family.

The huge Xiao imperial family also selected nine successive princes in total. Xiao Geng was able to rank ninth, not only because his bloodline was extremely pure in the Xiao imperial family, but also because of his terrifying strength.

Although it was only the initial stage of foundation building, he had once killed the supreme powerhouses who had been at the peak of the foundation stage.

Even Xiao Zhengjing nodded, "Go, take off his head."


Xiao Geng responded respectfully, and then straightened his waist and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a hint of disdain, "It's just a mere rat."


Without seeing any of his movements, his figure moved horizontally, and he instantly reached the sky above Emperor Xiao Qing's head. He looked condescendingly at Emperor Xiao Qing and Wang Xinyuan below, and said coldly, "A hidden master of the foundation stage, a real master. Rubbish who doesn't understand martial arts will come to my Xiao imperial family to die."

He shook his head, "Poor, pathetic."

While sighing, he said coldly, "If you want to die, I will fulfill you."

Amidst the roar, a terrifying and monstrous power erupted from his body, and a golden dragon of hundreds of feet appeared in his body, the dragon's mighty power, and the breath reached its peak.

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his head, looked at Xiao Geng, and sighed, "It's too weak. Is this the so-called ninth prince of the Xiao imperial clan?"

His eyes were full of disappointment.

"This kid, does he really hide his strength? Isn't he a master in the condensation period?"

Above, the face of Xiao Zhengwu, who was confronting the powerful group of the Xiao royal family, showed a look of surprise.

"No, isn't he a member of the Xiao imperial family? Why do these young people from the imperial family start fighting with him when they see him, as if they don't know him? Isn't he a member of the imperial family?"

"However, there is nothing wrong with throbbing blood."

The more Xiao Zhengwu looked at the scene in front of him, the stranger it became.

He could clearly sense the closeness between the blood and aura in Emperor Xiao Qing's body and he could only be sensed if his strength reached his level.

He was very sure that Emperor Xiao Qing was definitely passed down from the line of his old man, and he was most likely the son of his second brother Xiao Zhenghua.

But why didn't Xiao Qing emperor know him?

Originally wanted to call out Xiao Zhengjing's name and reveal his identity, and then rushed over to beat Xiao Zhengjing violently. At this time, he made a change and decided to see what Xiao Qing emperor was going to do first.


At this moment, Xiao Geng burst into a terrifying aura. Although he was only in the early stage of foundation building, he was no less than a strong man in the peak of the foundation stage.

The dragon yin sounded, and the dragon might be overwhelming, so he suppressed Xiao Qingdi.

He is like a high spirit, stretched out his hand, pointed at Emperor Xiao Qing, and said indifferently, "Boy, no matter what your purpose is when you came to the Xiao imperial clan to make trouble, now, you still have time to kneel down and admit your mistakes. If you let this prince take action, you will die. undoubtedly."

"Now, kneel down."

The sound is magnificent, like a **** overlooking an ant.

With such power, even Xiao Zhengjing couldn't help nodding.

The prince of the nine heirs in line is unparalleled and is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

"Xiao Geng shot, he must be dead."

"First destroy the two small ones, and then cut off the old one."

Even the powerhouses of the Xiao imperial clan who surrounded Xiao Zhengwu stopped, trapped and did not kill. As long as Xiao Zhengwu did not continue to do anything, they were ready to watch Xiao Geng first destroy Emperor Xiao Qing.

In the eyes of everyone, Emperor Xiao Qing raised his head, looked at Xiao Geng who was looking at him condescendingly, touched his nose, sighed and said, "My lord, I don't like to look up at people, you, come down."

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