The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 754: You are dead


A huge roar sounded and Xiao Zhengjing took the initiative.

He spread his five claws, as if covering the sky and the earth, and grabbed directly towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

At this moment, a terrifying demonic power broke out all over him.

A ray of earth-shattering energy burst out, a mighty breath flowed, and a black magic dragon claw appeared out of thin air, shrouded towards Emperor Xiao Qing.


At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing flicked and ejected the Dragon Slashing Sword directly.

At this moment, the Dragon Slashing Sword exploded with a terrifying sword aura and disappeared instantly.

Then, I saw Emperor Xiao Qing holding the sword art in both hands, and his voice was cold, "Diduo, the second sword!"

The emperor seizes thirteen swords, the supreme kendo inheritance, which can kill life, soul, life and death... nothing but nothing.

Jian Guang was bitter, and the sword aura burst out.

"This time, the emperor is prepared. You can never hurt the emperor again. Instead, you will definitely die."

Xiao Zhengjing looked calm and confident, waving his hand and bursting out the strongest resistance to this sword.

At the same time, his magic dragon claws still grabbed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

The sword of Emperor Xiao Qing did not resist Xiao Zhengjing's blow, but directly attacked Xiao Zhengjing. As a result, both sides had to resist each other's attack.

If it can't stop it, then there may be the consequences of changing lives.


When this vast demon dragon claw bombarded, the cold light in Xiao Qingdi's eyes flickered, and within the sword fetus in his body, the infinite **** sword aura burst out.

Sword Qi, transformed into terrifying energy, filled his body.

All over him, **** colors gradually spread.

He made a fist with his right hand, and suddenly, a fist blasted out.

"The emperor kills!"

Raging power whizzed out from his fist.

In a crash, his fist struck with the dragon claw.

At this moment, the black hair was flying, the momentum was crazy, the shadow of the fist smashed into the void, and the overbearing power was surging.

At the same time, Xiao Zhengjing's whole person was already surrounded by infinite sword light, and his right hand was pointed into a sword, continuously cutting out sword energy, which was the sword energy of Zhanlong.

He said with indifferent eyes, "This is the Dragon Slashing Sword Qi you want. Today, let you see the true power of the Dragon Slashing Sword Art."

Emperor Xiao Qing also obtained the Dragon Slashing Sword Art, but, after all, the time of training was not long, and the power of the Emperor's Thirteen Swords was stronger.

Xiao Zhengjing had acquired the Dragon Slashing Sword Qi for more than 30 years, and he had already turned it into his own power. He displayed the Dragon Slashing Sword Art with unparalleled power and confidence that he could deal with any strong.

Qiang Qiang!

He pointed it into a sword, the sword aura was overwhelming, and the sword dragon roared, flying around him.

However, at this moment, the light on the Dragon Slashing Sword was shining, and endless energy jumped endlessly.

When the Dragon Slashing Sword Technique collided with the second sword of the Thirteen Emperor Swords, Xiao Zhengjing really understood what the real Supreme Sword Technique was.

His strength is very strong, and his swordsmanship has also reached the peak of the Heavenly Sword Realm. Although he is not in the King Realm, he has a strong power as a foundation, which is enough to exert a terrifying power.

Even if the Sword King comes, it may not be able to match it.

However, when it comes to kendo, it is nothing compared with Emperor Xiao Qing.

Doing everything, he could block this sword, and it was because of his super strong cultivation base, otherwise, in terms of kendo alone, he would definitely not be able to compare with Emperor Xiao Qing.

At this moment, even Xiao Zhengjing couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath, his eyes showed a look of horror, "This kid's kendo is really strong."


However, at this moment, only a puff was heard, one of his sword wounds was on his body, and a sword intent flowed through, directly piercing his wound again.

"Puff puff..."

Next, sword intent burst out one after another, once again tearing forty-nine sword wounds on his body.

Blood surging out even more.

The pain caused him to take out the sword a bit slower. If he was inattentive, he couldn't stop the Dragon Slashing Sword. He was chopped on the shoulder by a sword. If his body hadn't reached a terrifying level, he would break his arm again. .


He growled.

It was too embarrassing. He had prepared carefully, but he was still injured. At this moment, he was really angry.

"You, **** it."

He exploded with a monstrous force, this time he was more than twice as powerful as before.

The terrifying power burst out, and in a crash, the Dragon Slashing Sword was about to be completely destroyed.

"Emperor, the third sword."

However, at the same time, Emperor Xiao Qing smashed the devil dragon's claws with a fist. Blood stains appeared on his fist, but he didn't feel as if he didn't feel it.

A sword swept across, the sword light was very strange, and its might was even stronger.


There was another soft sound, it was the sound of Jianguang cutting through Xiao Zhengjing's flesh and blood.

"You, **** it."

At this moment, on the other side of Xiao Zhengjing's shoulder, there was also blood rushing out, and his face showed a cold color, "Boy, you are completely offending me."

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, as if the sealed power was completely released, the monstrous and terrifying power broke out completely.

The mighty breath rolled endlessly, and the terrifying energy filled Xiao Zhengjing's body.

The devilish energy rose into the sky.

Zhenfei slashed the Dragon Sword and shocked everyone.

The Dragon Slashing Sword flew back and was grasped by Emperor Xiao Qing. At the same time, in the sky, the four-legged snake that had beaten the black dragon so sparsely gave an exclamation and drew back directly to Emperor Xiao Qing's side. .

A thousand-foot nine-color dragon surrounded Emperor Xiao Qing, and the four-legged snake jumped onto Emperor Xiao Qing's shoulder, shouting nervously, "Master, can't move, he is too scary, let's run."

"You are not an opponent?"

Xiao Qing asked.

"Master, don't be kidding me." The four-legged snake is about to cry, how can it be possible to fight? Even if it is free for this period of time, it has found countless treasures of heaven and earth, and its cultivation base has grown greatly. It can't be Xiao Zhengjing's opponent.

"Don't worry, you don't need you."

Emperor Xiao Qing patted the four-legged snake, then raised his head, and when he looked at Xiao Zhengjing, who was devilish on the opposite side, his whole body was already covered with terrifying evil spirits.

With a flick of his hand, he took away the Dragon Slashing Sword. At the same time, in his dantian, the sword tire was constantly trembling, seeming to be extremely excited. It was not bleeding the sword energy, but it kept walking in the dantian. .

As the sword fetus wandered, the original powerful power in the dantian was swallowed by it, the **** energy of the whole body disappeared, and the silver hair of Emperor Xiao Qing also turned black.

His aura began to fall, as if all the power in his body had disappeared.

Even after a while, his strength has fallen to the bottom, he can't even stand up in the air, and can only fall on the ground.

However, he still looked extremely calm.

On the contrary, Xiao Zhengjing's aura continued to increase, and the terrifying demonic energy continued to erupt, and an increasingly terrifying aura was flowing.

The two sides formed a sharp contrast.

"The emperor is finally going to kill."

"Emperor Xiao Qing in this area, just a kid, when he saw the emperor's real strength burst out, he was completely dumbfounded."

"Haha, as expected, none of his strength is his own. Now, if all his strength is used up, he is dead."

"Child, dare to provoke the emperor, your retribution is here."


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