The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 772: The king is here, who can kill him?


The old emperor of the Great Zhou royal family was completely dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, let you be proud, let you show off, it's dying now."

The old lord of the Xiao imperial family laughed.


However, as soon as his words fell, a long knife suddenly slashed towards him.

"The emperor, keep the Huangquan Road happy."

The cold voice of the leader in black came.


The long knife slashed down, as if to split the emperor's mausoleum in half instantly, even the face of the old emperor of the Xiao family changed.

"My life is over."

He gave a sorrowful laugh, trying to rise up to resist, but because the injury was too severe, he couldn't resist at all, so he could only watch the knife cut down.

"Old Emperor, you are so pitiful, Emperor Dazhou has at least one son to bring someone to rescue, but you, three sons are amazing, but unfortunately, no one saved you, hahaha..." Laughing very happily.

The three sons of the old emperor of the Xiao family were all talented figures, but they were well-known back then.

However, now, the eldest son Xiao Zhengjing kills his father for power, the second son was killed by the eldest son eight years ago, and the third son is even missing, which can be described as sad.

Before the old emperor of the Xiao family closed his eyes, he sighed softly. After all, is it the moment?


The long knife was chopped down, and the terrifying edge had even touched the old emperor's neck, cutting his skin open, and blood stains appeared.

In the next second, a generation of emperors, who are invincible across the world, will be beheaded and will end in tragedy.

"Who said there was no one to save him?"

Just as the long sword was about to be cut down, a sound that seemed to be moaning sounded.


Immediately afterwards, the terrifying Jiucai sword light suddenly illuminated the imperial mausoleum.


The old emperor of the Xiao clan showed surprise on his face and burst out laughing, "Okay, dear grandson, save me."

"Who is sneaky, thinking that you can escape us by hiding in the dark? Kill this old thing first, and then the future one."

The black-clothed leader sneered, the long knife in his hand still slashed towards the old emperor of the Xiao family.

The other forty-eight black-clothed assassins looked cold, holding long swords and slew towards the nine-color sword qi.


At this moment, only a dragon roar sounded, and an extremely bright five-clawed golden dragon appeared in the emperor's mausoleum out of thin air, roaring, and directly killed the leader in black.

A pretty figure quietly appeared in front of the old emperor of the Xiao family.

Wearing a blue shirt, a long sword of clear light, standing upright, quiet, and full of vigor, the emperor is mighty, like a queen alive.

It is Xiao Qingyan.

At this moment, Xiao Qing's smoke and silk were flying, clothes hunting, like a female sword god, picking the long sword in his hand, and instantly flying out the long sword.

"Yan'er, my good granddaughter." The old royal family of the Xiao family was overjoyed when they saw Xiao Qingyan's appearance.

His face was filled with excitement. He was originally seriously injured and vomited blood and fell to the ground. At this moment, he stood up with a head and stood behind Xiao Qingyan very happy.

It seemed that at the moment when he saw his granddaughter Xiao Qingyan, all his injuries had recovered.


Xiao Qingyan's cold voice came out, his eyes looked at the leader of the man in black, and a ray of killing intent appeared in his eyes, "I will kill him first."


A dragon roar sounded, and the mighty sword power erupted.

The long sword volleyed into the sky, turning into a golden dragon, and slew directly towards the leader of the man in black.

"A little girl, dare to be rampant with me?"

The leader of the man in black sneered and directly fought with Xiao Qingyan.

And at this time, the other forty-eight people in black were killing the Nine Color Sword Qi, but before they saw the master of the Nine Color Sword Qi, they heard a sword chant.

Immediately afterwards, the extremely brilliant Nine-Colored Sword Qi swept past. At this moment, all the forty-eight men in black screamed and flew out.

"who is it?"

At this moment, everyone's face changed.

"Although this king does not recognize his relationship with this king, who would dare to kill him with this king?"

The calm words sounded.

A figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the imperial tomb.

The windbreaker hunts and hunts, the silver hair is flying, the sword intent rushes into the sky, like a **** in the sword.

Emperor Xiao Qing, here comes.

One person, one sword, standing at the entrance at will, but the expressions of everyone present changed.

"Who is he?"

Even the head of the man in black who was fighting against Xiao Qingyan's face changed.

He retreated extremely quickly, gathered with forty-eight men in black, and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with solemn expression.

"The king of swords? Are you the king of swords?"

His expression was shocked.

With his vision, he could only recognize that Emperor Xiao Qing's sword intent had reached the realm of the sword king.

"No, it's not the Sword King."

At this time, the black-clothed leader of the Great Zhou imperial clan exclaimed, "It is Emperor Xiao Qing, a kendo powerhouse beyond the sword king."

However, he also knew the result of the battle between Emperor Xiao Qing and the Sword King, and he knew very well that Emperor Xiao Qing's kendo surpassed the Sword King.

"It's really your grandson who came to save you."

The face of the old emperor of the Great Zhou royal family was surprised.

"Of course, Lao Tzu said, my grandson and granddaughter are invincible in the world, as long as they come, my life will be safe."

The face of the old emperor of the Xiao family was proud.

He glanced at Zhou Chen, who was under the attack of the one hundred and eight assassins, and found that the other party was already crumbling, and when he was about to be beheaded, his face even showed a smile.

"Old man, you are dead this time."

The old emperor of the Great Zhou imperial family was stunned, "Could it be that I am the only one who is going to have trouble?"


At just this time, Zhou Chen was smashed into the air by a sword, and his whole body hit the wall of the imperial mausoleum, vomiting blood, moving his figure unable to stand up.

However, the one hundred and eight black-clothed assassins ignored Zhou Chen and Xiao Qingdi and others, and they directly besieged and killed the old emperor of the Great Zhou imperial family.

"You dare to kill me, are you afraid of being beheaded?"

The old emperor of the Great Zhou royal family suddenly became angry.

At the same time, the old emperor of the Xiao family who kept looking to one side with pleading eyes.

As a result, instead of welcoming the old emperor of the Xiao imperial clan, the voice of the one hundred and eight black-clothed assassins came with a sneer.

"They are here to save the old emperor of the Xiao family, not to save you."

Dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

These one hundred and eight black-clothed killers told the old emperor of the Dazhou royal family a very cruel reality.

The light of the knife lit up, the stars flickered, and one hundred and eight big stars fell from the sky, with terrifying power, they slew towards the old emperor of the Great Zhou imperial family.

"One Eighty Eight Destroy the Star Array, send you on the road."

"The old emperor goes well all the way."

Neatly spoken words came over, and seeing that the danger of falling was right in front of his eyes, the old emperor of the Great Zhou royal family who had been in the world for countless years was completely stupid.

"No no, help, help me..."

"Old Xiao, save me..."


The great star was shining brightly, refining all things, and instantly enveloped him. He couldn't help but roar out in despair, "I am willing to swear by my life oath, Xiao Qing, as long as you are willing to save me, in the future, the Emperor of Zhou will be For you."

At the moment of life and death, he didn't care about anything.

As long as it can survive, even if the entire Great Zhou clan is sold to Emperor Xiao Qing?

At this moment, although the One Hundred and Eight Destroying Star Array continued to refine him, he gave a sigh of relief. He was paid by the Emperor of the Great Zhou, and no one in the world would not be tempted.

"What is your life and death to do with this king?"

However, when he breathed a sigh of relief and was about to wait for Emperor Xiao Qing to rescue him, only a flat voice rang.

"My king, what do you want the Great Zhou imperial family to do?"


At this moment, the old emperor of the Great Zhou Royal Family was immediately stunned, "You, you don't even want the Great Zhou Royal Family?"

Around, the great star's refining power is hot and can destroy all things, but his heart is cold in an instant.

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