The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 789: You are the emperor!


The man who was still incomparably frantic just now, the next moment, the flesh that was split in half fell directly from the air.

Moreover, it plunged into the big pit and was ignited by the raging flames.

In the big pit, the flame has not yet dispersed.

Only Emperor Xiao Qing wandered out with his hands on his back.

Wherever he passed, the surrounding flames seemed to be split by a sword, actively scattered.

Step by step, he came to the front of Elder Xiao, Sword King and others.

"Good boy, great."

Elder Xiao's face showed excitement.

At this moment, even he did not expect that Emperor Xiao Qing would reach such a terrifying level after borrowing the power of the Sword King.

The strength of that man is stronger than that of the old man in his heyday.

Even the old man did not have the slightest confidence that he would be able to rush out of the Nine Heavens Divine Fire Cover in his heyday, but Emperor Xiao Qing cut open with a sword and cut the man. This kind of power is unparalleled in the world.

"Sword Emperor, Wushuang."

The sword king was pale, but he smiled very happily.

He is a pure swordsman. He has been passionate about swords all his life. Therefore, he can cultivate swords to such a terrifying level.

Sword Emperor, an unclimbable peak, even if it was him, he didn't know when he could reach such a level.

However, he was also satisfied to see an Supreme Sword Emperor with his own eyes.

"Sword King, thank you very much."

Emperor Xiao Qing thanked him.

The strength of the body began to fade from the body, but all the borrowed power was returned, but the ones that had been used by him could no longer be returned to them.

However, although the power of kendo received by everyone is very small, it also benefits them infinitely.

Because this is the power that has undergone the transformation of the power of the sword emperor, and the supreme sword intent contained in this small power can make them infinitely useful throughout their lives.

Even the Sword King, when he sensed the supreme sword intent contained in those powers returning to his body, his face couldn't help showing excitement, "This is the meaning of the supreme sword emperor."

This sword intent, even for him, has a very strong effect.

"Thanks a lot."

The sword king endured his excitement and saluted Emperor Xiao Qing.

What he lent to Emperor Xiao Qing was just a piece of strength, and what Xiao Qing returned was his prospect, like a guiding light, allowing him to see the path of the sword emperor ahead.

"You are Welcome."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly.

Others treat me well, and I return it a hundred times.

Even before that, he and the Sword King had a battle, but it was just a battle between two peerless swordsmen.

It is the purest discussion of swordsmen.

Now, the two cherished each other, and they looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

Between friends, no matter how much words are spoken, they are just imaginary. Some words don't need to be spoken. In the heart, it is enough.


Little sister Xiao Qingyan rushed over, holding Emperor Xiao Qing's arm, her small face was filled with excitement, "Brother, you are so powerful, you can even kill the Demon Sect."

"The Demon Sect?"

Emperor Xiao Qing touched the little head of his little sister Xiao Qingyan, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, that guy calls himself the Holy Sect. In fact, among the ancient religious sects, there is no such thing as the Holy Sect, only Demon Sect.

Xiao Qingyan's face was a natural color.

"It seems that those ancient sects will also be born."

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned slightly, with a ray of worry in his eyes.

Is this troubled world really going to start?

"Child, Xiao Zhengjing has already been defeated, and we must return to the royal family immediately."

Elder Xiao came over, with a solemn expression on his face, "If not, the imperial family knows that Xiao Zhengjing's defeat will definitely cause chaos."

"Master, go back quickly."

Suddenly, there was a roar, and a figure quickly rushed over.

It is Xiao Zhengwu.

There was a nervous expression on his face, "Xiao Zhengjing has ordered millions of soldiers in the frontier, whether he returns or not, he must launch an attack within one day to completely destroy the Ning Empire."


Old man Xiao's expression changed drastically.

He didn't have time to see the excitement of the return of his son who had been missing for thirty years, but as his expression changed drastically, he hurriedly said to Xiao Qing, "Yan'er, would you still have what you got in the ancestral land that day?"

"Still here."

Xiao Qingyan stretched out her tender little hand, and a golden true dragon token appeared. At the same time, inside her body, a golden long sword that was curved like a dragon slowly rose up.


As soon as this sword came out, the boundless emperor burst out.

The golden sword is like a lifelike dragon about to rise into the sky.

The sword body is made from the dragon body, and the hilt is surrounded by the dragon head.

At the end of the sword hilt, there is a golden bead flowing with a halo, carrying a terrible dragon.

This is exactly what Shenlong vomits beads.

"This token is owned by the ancestors of my Xiao imperial clan. This sword is also the sword of the ancestor. It is called the Shenlong Sword. It was made by the ancestor who killed a real Shenlong. ."

Elder Xiao said in a condensed voice, "The person who owns these two things is the real emperor of my Xiao imperial clan. In extraordinary times, it can even be replaced by the contemporary emperor."

"what do you mean?"

Xiao Qingyan's face changed.

"You are the next emperor."

A ray of smile appeared on Old Man Xiao’s face. He stretched out his hand and touched Xiao Qingyan’s head.

"My ancestor, you have been approved by your ancestors. Then, you are the new lord of my Xiao royal family. However, in this extraordinary period, Xiao Zhengjing has mastered the royal family for 30 years. Suddenly let you inherit the throne, but it is a bit embarrassing for you. Up.

However, all this belonged to your father, and now you are nothing more than your father's. "


Xiao Qingyan showed a bewildered look on her face, raised her head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, and whispered, "Brother, I don't want to..."

Emperor Xiao Qing gently touched Xiao Qingyan's little head, raised his head and looked at the old man, "Why Yan'er?"

"Who told you to refuse to enter the ancestral land and inherit everything?" Grandpa Xiao rolled his eyes, "Originally, all this was for you, but if you refused to take it, you gave it to Yan'er."

"But, now it can't be changed. After Yan'er inherits everything, her throne has been determined."

The old man looked at the brothers and sisters of Xiao Qing and Xiao Qingyan, with happy smiles in his eyes, "Relax, although the old man has lost his strength, he is still not abolished. It is enough to **** you, and there are you bastards. The third uncle is back. Even if he is dead, he will protect you well."

"Old man, I thought you had forgotten me. The son who hasn't come back in more than 30 years has returned. You didn't even get excited."

Xiao Zhengwu still had injuries on his body, apparently the injuries he suffered when facing a strong man sent by Xiao Zhengjing.

There was a gloomy look on his face, "Moreover, you didn't pass the throne to me, so why should I protect them even if I die?"

"Just because you are their third uncle." Old man Xiao snorted coldly.


Xiao Zhengwu was stunned, and suddenly laughed, "It makes sense, as long as I am their third uncle, then, if I don't protect them, who will protect them."

Then, looking at the two brothers and sisters, Xiao Qingdi and Xiao Qingyan, he smiled and said, "Come on, call Sanshu to listen."

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