The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 847: Stabbed a hornet's nest, desperate sudden change

"Do not..."

The hissing shouts of exhaustion sounded, and the pope who was smashed out watched the holy mountain turn into fly ash.

At this moment, he was completely confused.

The heart trembled.

Then the hands...

Then, gradually spread to the whole body.

At this moment, the pope was like a candle in the wind, and his whole person was shaking.

His eyes widened, his eyes really looked at the sacred mountain that was a million feet tall, collapsed suddenly, turned into smoke and spread in all directions, at this moment, he completely collapsed.

This is the sacred mountain of Guangming, the sacred place of the Church of Guangming specially refined by the God of Guangming.

This is the holy place in the minds of infinite churches of light all over the world. It has gone through endless years, experienced wind, frost, rain and snow, and experienced dark and turbulent times. It has never been damaged, but now, it has been destroyed...


A loud roar rang out.

Tears dripped slowly in his eyes.

At this moment, the Pope's eyes were filled with endless sadness and anger.

Especially, when he saw a sword fetus blasted out of the endless smoke and dust, and instantly reached the hands of Emperor Xiao Qing, he became even more angry, "Xiao... Qing... Emperor!"

"I want your life."

The monstrous anger broke out.

At this moment, how could the Pope fail to understand that the collapse of the holy mountain was caused by Emperor Xiao Qing's sword.

He roared, and simply discarded the two-handed sword in his hands. Instead, he slapped his hands suddenly. Two giant hands of hundreds of feet were condensed out of thin air, and they shot directly towards Emperor Xiao Qing with powerful and unparalleled power.

If it is shot, even Emperor Xiao Qing will be crushed into meat foam.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was carefully observing the sword fetus in his hand, and he found that the shape of the sword fetus had undergone a lot of changes. Although it was still without a front, the sword shape became more and more obvious.

Presumably, as long as it absorbs enough energy, the sword fetus is enough to truly transform into a peerless divine sword.

"Be careful!"

On one side, Xiao Zhenghua and Xiao Zhengwu saw their two big hands slap towards Emperor Xiao Qing. Their complexions changed drastically, their figures flashed, and they rushed to the left and right sides of Emperor Xiao Qing, bursting out their strongest power to bombard the two left and right. big hand.


However, it didn't work.

The power bursting out of those two big hands is too strong, with the power of two people, it is impossible to shake these two big hands at all.

What's more, in the collapsed sacred mountain, accompanied by a roar, a powerful and terrifying power erupted into the sky with a terrifying aura.

At this moment, the faces of both of them changed drastically, "This is really a hornet's nest."

The destruction of the sacred mountain of the Bright Church is equivalent to digging out all the peerless strong men hidden in the church. Who can stop this world?

"go to hell."

The pope roared, he was almost crazy.

In any case, he will completely wipe out the eternal sinner who destroyed the holy mountain.

The terrifying force shattered the void, even if it hadn't reached them, Xiao Zhenghua and Xiao Zhengwu were already unable to move, and even their mouth and nose were full of blood seeping out.

On the contrary, it was Emperor Xiao Qing. Because of the sword fetus in his hand, he moved freely. He looked at the two giant palms, Xiao Zhenghua and Xiao Zhengwu, his body was shaken, and his palms fell on the two of them. On the body, shoot the two directly out.

At the same time, he looked at the sword fetus in his hand, revealing a hint of helplessness, "There were nine seals on that day. I thought that I could wait until I thoroughly refined you before releasing all the seals. Who would have thought that the seal would be unblocked in advance, I just hope , Unlocking a heavy seal can block him."


The crisp sound rang.

Inside the sword fetus, nine rays of light were looming, and at this moment, the outermost rays of light suddenly shattered.


Then, terrible evil spirits crazily emerged from the sword fetus.

Power, surging.

The infinite evil spirit penetrated in, and his black hair turned silver in an instant.

His eyes were scarlet, and a terrible breath was flowing.


Seeing the two palms booming, he cut with the sword.

The evil spirit and the sword energy merged into a sword, and in a crash, they slashed directly at the giant palms on both sides.


As the two voices sounded, those two giant palms were cut into countless pieces and burst open in an instant.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing was holding a sword fetus, and his whole body was furious.

Looking at the angry and mad Pope, he split his mouth, revealing a ray of evil spirit, "How do you want to die?"

The moment the word of death fell, he had disappeared in place, and a sword was slashed at the top of the pope's head.


The pope also roared towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

He knew that no sword could be used against Emperor Xiao Qing, so a silver stick appeared in his hand, bursting out with terrifying power, and in a crash, directly attacked Emperor Xiao Qing.

Pope Guangming, known as the first person under the overseas gods, even if this is just a title, but his strength must not be underestimated.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing unlocked the first seal of the sword fetus and used the evil spirit within the sword fetus to fight against the pope, he would not be able to completely kill the pope in a short time.

"Second brother, what shall we do?"

Not far away, Xiao Zhengwu watched the battle between the two blankly, with nervousness in his eyes.

He thought that his strength was already terrifying, few people in this world could compare it.

Unexpectedly, since returning, he has been hit one after another. Every time he encounters an opponent, it seems that he is a little stronger than him...


Xiao Zhenghua didn't answer him, but looked at the countless figures that rose up into the sky with a terrifying aura after the holy mountain collapsed. Then, the long sword volleyed and killed directly.

"Oh, my life is really hard."

Xiao Zhengwu sighed and could only kill him.

However, each of the powerhouses who rushed out of the holy mountain were the world’s top masters, and some were only a little weaker than the Pope. When they really shot, they had terrifying power. After Xiao Zhenghua and Xiao Zhengwu confronted them , It is dangerous and can only be supported.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Xiao Qing flashed his eyes, and took time to slash at Xiao Zhenghua's enemy with a sword, and smashed a strong man out.

"Angel birth art."

At this moment, the Pope also found the opportunity to perform a forbidden technique.

Suddenly, with the terrifying breath coming on, the power of the Pope doubled several times in an instant, and a terrifying breath burst out.

At this moment, even Emperor Xiao Qing's expression changed drastically, "Not good!"

The strength of the pope who performed the angel birth technique is too strong, even Emperor Xiao Qing asked himself that he could never be an opponent.

He retreated extremely quickly, but the Pope rushed over faster.

At this moment, the Pope's strength surpassed anyone Xiao Qing emperor had ever seen. He slapped it out, and the void burst open. The terrifying power acted on Xiao Qing emperor's body, causing him to be shot and flew out.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing was about to unlock the second seal of the sword fetus, it was too late.


Slap after palm, the space around Emperor Xiao Qing was shattered, and the terrifying force was about to tear him apart.


The pope roared, his figure was like a god, and on top of his head, a two-winged angel was looming.

He clenched a fist and slammed Xiao Qingdi with a fist.

Emperor Xiao Qing held the sword to resist, but couldn't stop it at all. His fist bombarded the sword fetus. Even if this force had already shed too much power through the sword fetus's resistance, at this moment, there was also a terrifying force that broke out. It made Emperor Xiao Qing's body burst and blood splashed.

"It's time to end."

The pope roared, at this moment, he, like a god, strode in the air towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

The terrifying power of his own burst out in his hand, condensed by the power of holy light, turned into a big sword, and slashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing in a sudden.


Cut it down with a knife, the void shattered, and the sea below was split in half instantly.

Even Emperor Xiao Qing was suppressed so that he could not move. He could only watch the knife slash towards him.


In the distance, the faces of Xiao Zhenghua and Xiao Zhengwu, who were fighting, changed drastically. They wanted to get rid of their opponents and rushed over, but it was useless. Their opponents were stronger than them and could not get rid of them. They could only watch the slash. Go down.


Just when this knife was about to split Emperor Xiao Qing in half, a roar sounded, and the abnormal change suddenly appeared.

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