"The magic beads in the four directions are all born. If the person who takes the magic beads is a strong man in the magic way, I am afraid the door of the magic way will open."

"Ordinary cultivators, even those forces left over from the past, know very little about Demon Orbs, only some of the remnants of the ancient Demon Dao can know."

"If they get it, it will be serious."

"Cha, no matter who takes the magic orb, he must take it back."

A few figures, the whole body shining brightly, is extremely sacred, but the words are filled with incomparable coldness.

"Recently, the people of the Demon Sect are also walking in the world. If you meet the people of the Demon Sect, you will kill them."

"Everyone, in any case, the magic orb must be taken back."

"In addition, the secular emperor seems to have undergone a little change. The task I am waiting for is to make the secular stable. If there is anything unusual, just get rid of it."


As the voice fell, several figures gradually disappeared.


"The battle of the desert, I don't know how it turned out."

In the Xiao family villa, Xiao Zhenghua and Old Man Xiao stood on the balcony, looking in the direction of the desert. Even though they were far away, with their strength, they could also feel how earth-shattering the battle in the depths of the desert was.

"Father, let me help them."

Xiao Zhenghua could not sit still, holding a divine sword, ready to leave.


Although Elder Xiao was worried about Emperor Xiao Qing, he didn't want Xiao Zhenghua to take the risk too. He shook his head, "Emperor Qing said, it is enough for him and Xiao Ding to go. If the two of them can't help it, it's useless for you to go."

"But, are you just waiting like this?" Xiao Zhenghua's face showed unwillingness.


Elder Xiao sighed.

He has already let Xiao Qingyan return to the Xiao Imperial Clan to prepare for his success. If Xiao Qing Emperor and Xiao Ding both fail, the Xiao Imperial Clan must prepare to retreat, otherwise, it will be the end of the Xiao Imperial Clan.

The battle lasted for a day, and the two could still sense the horror that erupted from it.

"No, I can't help it anymore." Xiao Zhenghua couldn't help it finally, and was about to rise into the sky with the divine sword.


Elder Xiao hurried to catch up.


However, when he caught up with him, he heard a roar. In the distance high in the sky, Xiao Zhenghua slashed towards a gentle middle-aged man in front of him, "Xiao Zhengjing, where is my son?"

Isn't that man Xiao Zhengjing?

"Second brother, it's been a long time."

Xiao Zhengjing smiled and shot to block Xiao Zhenghua's attack.

"Of course it's been a long time. If it weren't for you, how could I be like this?" Xiao Zhenghua shouted angrily, thinking of Xiao Zhengjing's return, but Xiao Qingdi and Xiao Ding didn't even appear, his heart trembled, and his whole person almost Going crazy.

"Is it really defeated?" When the old man Xiao followed behind and saw Xiao Zhengjing, his face couldn't help showing sadness.

The appearance of Xiao Zhengjing is enough to prove the consequences of this battle.


Father Xiao looked up to the sky and roared, "God, why ah ah..."

"Father, reunion after a long absence, why did you yell at Jing'er?"

While easily blocking Xiao Zhenghua’s attack, Xiao Zhengjing looked at Father Xiao and sighed, “I haven’t seen him in more than 30 years. I thought that when I met again, I would be excited. What I didn’t expect was that my second brother would kill me. Father yelled up to the sky, shouldn't I come back..."


At this moment, both Father Xiao and Xiao Zhenghua were dumbfounded, "You..."

"Dad, father, he is an uncle, not a fake."

In the distance, two rays of light roared, it was Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Ding.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Ding went to change their clothes and came a little late.


Elder Xiao and Xiao Zhenghua thought of something, they looked at Xiao Zhengjing who was smiling and silent, and there was excitement in their eyes, "Jing'er..."

"Big Brother!"

At this moment, both Xiao Zhenghua and Mr. Xiao had tears in their eyes.

As far as Xiao Zhenghua is concerned, this is the true first meeting in thirty years, and although Elder Xiao met Xiao Zhengjing last time, he only saw the remnant soul, and now it is considered a true meeting.

Father and son, brothers met, it can be said to be overjoyed.

Even Xiao Zhengjing couldn't help but the tip of his nose was slightly sour, and he inhaled so hard that the tears wouldn't drip down. For thirty years, it was too bitter, but now he finally came back.

What could be more exciting than the real meeting of the family?

After that, everyone returned to the Xiao's villa and talked about everything they had done for many years.

When Xiao Zhengjing knew that Xiao Qingyan had become the emperor of the Xiao family, he did not become furious because of the position of the emperor. Instead, he said that Xiao Qingyan should be the emperor with peace of mind. In the future, any strong man will provoke him. The Xiao royal family has his uncle to support him.

Suddenly, the news of the return of Prince Jing of the Xiao royal family spread, and the entire Xiao royal family was surprised and inexplicably surprised.

In contrast, within the Imperial Clan of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there was grief and crying.

"The emperor, passed away..."

Zhou Feng, the prince of the Great Zhou royal family, was put back by the Xiao royal family. He and Zhou Wang looked at Zhou Huang's cloak grave together with a sigh in his eyes.

"Actually, the father should also rest in peace."

Zhou Feng sighed, "The remnant soul of the ancient magical way, whether he robbed the emperor father or his memory awakens, for the emperor father, it is not what he wants. Now, the Xiao emperor can be regarded as helping the emperor to fulfill a wish. ."

"Some things were really incredible back then."

Even King Zhou sighed, "Unfortunately, my father can't see it anymore."

"It's okay, you will take good care of your emperor next, and grow the great Zhou royal family. Your father and your grandfather will be very happy." Zhou Feng patted King Zhou on the shoulder.


King Zhou was shocked, "Uncle, don't scare me, you must inherit the throne of the emperor, how can it be my turn?"

His shocked appearance made Zhou Feng feel helpless. If others had a chance to become the emperor, they would have been excited to find Bei, and Zhou Wang, a bastard, looked terrified.

"Over the years, your emperor grandfather has always treated you as the emperor to cultivate. Now, the Xiao emperor clan has no leader, so naturally you should be in the top position." Zhou Feng said.

"I rub, you are still alive and well, I'm so young, why did you push me into the pit?" Zhou Wang looked at Zhou Feng in shock, and then pleaded, "Uncle, I haven't Enough play, I don't want to be a king, so please forgive me."

"You kid..."

Zhou Feng smiled bitterly in his heart, but on the surface he showed firmness, "This matter is not for consulting your opinion, just telling you."


Zhou Wang was furious, jumped away and pointed at Zhou Feng's shout, "I know, you are deliberately looking for faults, I rely on, I still have my own business, I am the world's largest times in the world of super power The lead writer of the weekly magazine, I still have a lot to do, and the prestige platform of my own hundreds of thousands of fans also needs my maintenance. How could I waste my great youth on the emperor of the Great Zhou royal family?"

"Whatever I say today, I will not agree to be the emperor."

The elders of the great Zhou royal family on one side are all very tired. They have seen people who don't like power, but have never seen people who don't like Zhou Wang, and they would rather give up the position of emperor in order to be the chief writer of some weekly magazine.

Do you know that as long as you become the emperor, the so-called world’s largest super world weekly gadget, you can have as many as you want...

"This kid is still very wild right now, or else, just say it in a few years. In these few years, you will be the emperor first?" A clan elder leaned in and asked Zhou Feng.

"No, I can't be the emperor."

Zhou Feng gave a wry smile.

It wasn't that he refused. To tell the truth, as the prince of the previous generation of the Great Zhou imperial clan, he always thought that the position of the emperor should be on him, but after going to the Xiao imperial clan, he did not dare.

Especially, before letting him come back, a certain powerhouse of the Xiao imperial family stood in front of him and sharpened his knife, while speaking calmly, "Just like you, you should not be the emperor of the Great Zhou. Of course, if you are If it does, it may not last long."

At that time, Zhou Feng was almost mad. It was the first time he saw such a direct threat. However, there was no way. Who made the strength of the Xiao imperial family the most prosperous.

As for the Great Zhou, the Sky Shadow Guard was annihilated, and the powerhouses around Emperor Zhou were also destroyed. What is left now?

Almost gone.

How could such a great Zhou imperial family block the Xiao imperial family?

How did Zhou Feng dare to disobey the will of the Xiao imperial clan and come to power as the emperor of the great Zhou clan?


The clan elders on one side were also dumbfounded, and the other imperial clans, such as the Xiao imperial clan, were also so. For the sake of the emperor, there were not a few brothers who killed each other, and it was the turn of the Great Zhou imperial clan that no one wanted to inherit the emperor. The position of the Lord is really evil.

"In short, I definitely can't be the emperor, let Zhou Wang go, if he is not appropriate, shut him in the small black room until he agrees."

Zhou Feng issued an order.

As far as the imperial clan of the Great Zhou was concerned, after Zhou Huang's death, the power of the entire Great Zhou was dispersed, and even the clan elders did not have much power, and there was an urgent need for an emperor to suppress the scene.

As for Da Zhou's direct line, only Zhou Feng and Zhou Wang were intact, so naturally they could only choose one of them.

Zhou Feng refused, so it was Zhou Wang's turn.

"After the funeral, King Zhou is in power."

After Zhou Feng discussed with the clan elders of the clan elders, regardless of whether Zhou Wangtong agreed or not, he directly announced it.

As for the poor worm Zhou Wang, he was being locked up in the little black room and howling, but it was useless even if he didn't want to be the emperor.

Throughout the Great Zhou, only if he had a good relationship with Emperor Xiao Qing, and only if he became the emperor, could the Xiao imperial family feel at ease and preserve the great Zhou imperial family.

"The great emperor, the Emperor Zhou was annihilated, and now the great Zhou imperial clan is in a downturn, it is the best time, and it is a good time to move the troops south to completely annihilate the Zhou imperial clan."

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