The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 920: Everyone in the world does not need your fingertips


With a roar, Xiao Ding started a life and death battle with the woman in the barren mountains.

The two chased and fled and didn't know how far they were. They only knew that they had crossed over half of the Yanhua Empire and reached this unknown deep mountain.


At this time, Xiao Ding slashed and tore the woman's clothes apart, revealing white and tender skin. He was stunned, and then quickly closed his eyes, "Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"Go to hell."

Never thought that when the woman saw this scene, not only did she not yell at her, nor was she shy to hide her, but the cold light in her eyes flickered, and she burst out a stronger killer move towards him.

"I wipe..."

An inattentive Xiaoding with his eyes closed was almost hit by the opponent, so scared that he quickly opened his eyes to resist.

"You are not ashamed, alas, because you came out of those places, why don't you have any shame." Xiao Ding sighed, holding a machete to fight the opponent.

"You are not ashamed, you are not ashamed, you still watch?" The woman yelled in grief, "You deliberately fled to this deserted place and cut off my clothes. Did you premeditate? Ok?"

"Uh, no, it's not." Xiao Ding, who has beaten the old bachelor for a lifetime, has never experienced anything, so naturally he is much shy.

The white and tender skin of the woman on the other side often flashes. For people in a normal city, this is nothing at all, but to Xiao Ding, it is simply hot eyes.

He replied in a panic, the force of his shot was a bit weaker.

"Then you still watch?" the woman yelled.

"I, I don't look, let you hack me to death?" Xiao Ding came back to his senses, only to feel that something was not right, so he prepared to endure the discomfort in his heart and kill him with a knife.


Suddenly, the clothes on the young woman's body splintered, dangling white.


Xiao Ding was stunned.

Then, without any hesitation, he turned around on the spot and roared, "You are too much to cheat in this way."


Behind, the woman showed the triumphant color in her eyes, using her sword technique, flying the sword across the void, and slashed towards Xiao Ding in an instant.


Although Xiao Ding turned around, he could sense the murderous intention behind him, and he roared, chopped with a scimitar, and slashed towards the rear. At the same time, his figure was heading away, "You Stinky girl, it's too much, I won't fight you anymore."

He has been reading poetry and books since he was a child, and he has learned the way of a gentleman. Even at an age, he has never forgotten what he should do as a gentleman.

Even if he knew that this was the other party's trick, he couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

"Finally gone."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief, and a breeze blew over, only to feel a slight coolness. He couldn't help but change his face and quickly pulled up his clothes.

"Also a lovely person, just why..."

She whispered in a low voice, looking at the direction Xiao Ding was leaving, her eyes gleaming, but finally she sighed again, "They killed the senior, and the sect will not let them go. Not only them, but the whole so-called The Xiao royal family will be destroyed."


Then, the woman turned around and left.

Xiao Ding didn't know this scene. He was flying all the way, thinking about it, getting more angry. He wanted to turn around and deal with the woman. However, after thinking about it, he was afraid that the woman would simply take off her clothes. That would be rude. Up.

In desperation, he had to turn around and go back, but met Xiao Qing emperor whistling over halfway through.

"Boy, why are you here?" Xiao Ding looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a strange expression.

"Where is my uncle?" Xiao Qingdi frowned.

"I was about to go back and help him." Xiao Ding naturally couldn't tell that he was frightened by a woman's trick to undress, but said solemnly, "After I defeated the other party, the other party was seriously injured and fled. I thought Go after him, but after thinking about it, I am afraid that Xiao Zhengjing is not an opponent, so I am ready to return to help him."


Emperor Xiao Qing had no more words, his voice fell, and his body turned into a nine-color streamer and rose into the sky.

"problem occurs?"

Xiao Ding was stunned, "Is that guy Xiao Zhengjing really that good? But isn't he very good? He slashed one with a single sword, and the other one was almost killed by him..."

"Forget it, let's catch up, but don't both of them get beheaded."

After thinking about it, he hurried to catch up.

However, he didn't want to think about his own strength, in front of the two, he really couldn't have any advantage.


"The Emperor Xiao Clan was killed by someone. It is the strong man who came out of those places..."

When Emperor Xiao Qing chased Xiao Zhengjing away, in the fairy gate, the dean of the fairy gate who was cultivating heard the news, and his face was surprised, "Great, this time the Xiao imperial family is dead."

"If you offend the strong in those places, even the emperor can't stop it, let alone the mere Xiao emperor."

"Hahaha, I must quickly restore my arm, and after the cultivation base reaches the peak, maybe I will be able to completely destroy the Xiao imperial family."

Originally he was a little irritable because of the slow process of restoring his arm. He, who wanted to give up several times, was motivated by this news and felt that he had to recover quickly to participate in the act of destroying the Xiao royal family.

At the same time, in the Demon City, Ning Yuling also heard about the Xiao imperial clan. She looked calm and did not say anything.

"Are those places going to come out again to point fingers?"

On the contrary, within the Xuanyuan imperial family, the current emperor, this mysterious and gentle temperament powerhouse flashed a ray of cold light, "I think I am above all and control everything. Every birth will surely bring chaos. Why do you come out? Pointing?"

"The emperor, what shall we do?"

Below, a middle-aged man asked.

"After the affairs of the Xiao imperial family are over, hold a four-party imperial meeting." The emperor of the Xuanyuan imperial family walked out of the hall with his hands on his back and looked at the sky above his head, but his eyes were full of murderous aura.

"The development of this world and the creatures in this world do not need them to arrange. Their only task is to guard and suppress those places."

"If you dare to point your fingers at will, then their end should be here."


At this moment, the emperor of the Xuanyuan imperial clan burst into a powerful and domineering aura, even unparalleled horror.


Xuanyuan imperial clan, the oldest imperial clan that has existed since ancient times, even the Ning clan is not as good as Xuanyuan's younger brother.

This royal family is extremely mysterious and is the head of the four-party royal family. Usually, it hardly participates in worldly affairs. No one knows what kind of strength it has.

However, when he heard that there were strong people coming out of those places, the mysterious ancient royal family of the Xuanyuan imperial clan moved.

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