The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 926: House seemingly endless rain

"I wonder what happened to the prince?"

Donghai, Xiaowu's villa, Xiaowu and a few women sat together, with a worried expression on their faces.

They were originally cultivating, but they suddenly sensed that Emperor Xiao Qing had left, and came out to ask Xiao Qi, only then did they know that something was wrong with Emperor Xiao Clan.

"It's all to blame for our weak cultivation. If we are strong enough, we can help Brother Qingdi." Su Ruoyan bit her lip and whispered.

"We are not even Grade 9 martial artists. It is too difficult to cultivate to that level."

Even Liu Pingting looked depressed.

During this period of time, Liu Pingting even put aside his work, and sprinted to practice with all his strength. Unfortunately, the time they began to practice was too short, and it was a bit difficult for them to make breakthroughs in a short period of time.

However, fortunately, after Ai Wen got the inheritance of alchemy, she specially refined some cultivation auxiliary pills for a few women, making their cultivation speed more than a hundred times faster than ordinary people.

"Miss Liu, someone is looking for you."

At this moment, Xiao Qi who was guarding the door suddenly said.

Liu Pingting frowned and asked, "Little Qi, do you know who the other party is?"

"It's your brother Liu Xia." Xiao Qi responded.

"Why is Big Brother here?" Liu Pingting frowned.

After the last time, she can be regarded as a complete break with the Liu family. She hasn't returned for a long time, and she hasn't even contacted the Liu family. A few months have passed, and she really doesn't know what the current Liu family is.

"Let him come over."

In fact, Liu Pingting was not angry with her brother, after all, every time her brother stood by her side.

After a while, Xiao Qi walked in with Liu Xia. The latter was full of vicissitudes and beard scum. As soon as he saw Liu Pingting, he rushed in three steps and two steps, grabbed her hand, and said anxiously. , "Little sister, save father."

"what happened?"

Liu Pingting was stunned, "Big Brother, how come you have become so vicissitudes of life, what happened at home?"

"Some time ago, an old friend of my dad suddenly came to visit. When the two of them talked normally and quickly, the other party suddenly took action against his father. After hurting his dad seriously, he fled."

Liu Xia’s face was full of sorrow, “During this period, I tried every means to find a genius doctor to treat my father. Although the trauma was resolved, it was poisoned with irreparable poison.”


Liu Pingting's face changed all of a sudden, "He... is he poisoned?"

"How could this be?"

Although she was completely disappointed with her father Liu Hongkang because of the previous events, and never wanted to go back, Liu Hongkang is her biological father after all.

"Later, after several investigations, I learned that the poison in my father was called the Devil's Blood Curse. It was a very evil poison that only existed in ancient times. It has been lost for hundreds of years, and today's famous doctors are completely helpless."

Liu Xia was trembling, and she was about to kneel down for Liu Pingting, "Little sister, in any case, he is our father, please beg your brother-in-law, let him save people."

"As long as the brother-in-law is willing to take action, he can definitely save his father's life."

Regarding the question of whether Emperor Xiao Qing could rescue Liu Hongkang back, both Liu Xia and the Liu family firmly believed that this prosperous and incomparable number one in the world could definitely save people.


Liu Pingting's face changed, "Mu Mu just left, I don't know when he will come back."

"What about then?"

Liu Xia was also stunned. Originally, he had wanted to come to Liu Pingting a long time ago, but Liu Hongkang has been trying to save face, and when his consciousness is still sober, he has refused to let Liu Xia.

It wasn't until these few days that Liu Hongkang's injuries became more and more blurred, and Liu Xia hurriedly rushed to find Liu Pingting.

Coincidentally, Emperor Xiao Qing is not there. If you wait a few more days, no, there is no need to wait at all, his father will be finished.

"How to do?"

Liu Pingting also looked at Xiaowu and the others with a panic.

Xiao Wu stood up and said solemnly, "I'll go and see with you. Anyway, I am also the most outstanding disciple of the Tang Sect and the ancestor of the poisoned world. Maybe I can remove his poison."

"Let's go see it together."

Su Ruoyan also stood up and said, "Maybe we can help by then."

The sisters between them are deeply affectionate and don't want Liu Pingting to return to Liu's house alone. Moreover, if Liu Hongkang really has an accident, how sad Liu Pingting will be at that time, they are even more worried.

"Okay, let's clean up and set off right away."

As far as the women are concerned, there is not much to clean up. It only took less than half an hour for Xiaoqi to drive the women and leave the Xiao family villa.

However, before that, Xiao Qi specifically confessed to Wu Fan, who was silently guarding the Xiao family villa, "If the prince comes back and tells the prince all this, then we will go to the Liu family first."

Originally, Xiao Qi was naturally unwilling to go to Liu's house, but since all the women were there, he had to follow to protect them.

Even at the back of Xiaoqi's luxury commercial car, headed by Hongxue, with a group of masters secretly followed, protecting the surroundings all the way.

Two children, a private plane landed at the Dongzhou City private airport. The Liu family had already arranged a convoy to pick up and drop off. There was no unnecessary nonsense. After everyone got on the car, they came directly to the Liu family.

"Ping Ting is back."

"Just, where is that person?"

"Why didn't he come?"

When everyone in the Liu family saw Liu Pingting coming back, they were first happy, and then they realized that they had not seen Emperor Xiao Qing, and their faces showed disappointment.

"He is not in the East China Sea, so Ping Ting will come back and have a look first."

After Liu Xia briefly explained a few words, she brought Xiao Wu and the others to Liu Hongkang's room. By this look, everyone's expressions changed.

I saw Liu Hongkang lying on the bed with various tubes filled with oxygen, but his whole body was ulcerated, and there was a stream of black blood flowing out of the ulcerated skin. If the electrocardiogram was not still moving, it would even be Thought he was already dead and rotten.


Seeing this scene, even if Liu Pingting had any resentment towards Liu Hongkang in her heart, she couldn't help crying bitterly.

"It's more serious."

Liu Xia said in a deep voice, "I was not so serious when I left, and the attack was too fast. I am afraid that something will happen in less than a day."

"I found it."

At this time, Xiao Wu held the phone with solemn eyes, "The Devil Blood Curse is very terrifying. It is a very evil poison that emerged in the Miao area in ancient times. The poisoned person will eventually ulcerate and turn into Devil Blood, the only way to save it. The way is..."

Under this look, she was stunned.

"any solution?"

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