The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 931: The mountains are high and the rivers are long

"Ping Ting, where are you going, don't leave anymore. If you leave again, the poisonous blood will attack your heart, the attack will be faster, stop quickly, I will help you suppress the poisonous blood in your body."

In the small alley, Liu Pingting walked on her own. Xiao Wu finally couldn't help but rushed forward and grabbed her directly. Regardless of the fact that she would be poisoned, she used her own power to force Liu Pingting to suppress her body. Poisonous blood.

"Little Fifth Sister, no, if you do this, you will have an accident."

Liu Pingting kept shaking her head, trying to break away from the P5, but with her current state, even the action is a bit laborious, how could it be possible to break away from the P5 who has reached the stage of foundation building?

"If you die together, I'll help you too."

At this moment, Su Ruoyan and Fang Wanqing also rushed forward, and the two women sat side by side, trying to put their own strength into Liu Pingting's body.

"No, you don't..."

Liu Pingting struggled, but it was useless, she could only watch the Devil Blood Curse begin to spread towards the women.

From the rear, Xiao Qi, who had just contacted the Emperor Xiao Clan, followed up. When he saw this scene, his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "Who asked you to do this? You are all in trouble. What should the lord do? I should be allowed to come. ."

Originally, he was already prepared. After he contacted the Emperor Xiao Clan, he first helped Liu Pingting suppress the poisonous blood in his body with his own power. How long could it be delayed.

Unexpectedly, after such a short period of time, she was preempted by a few women.

"It seems that if the toxin of the Demon Blood Curse is spread to everyone, it may be delayed for a longer time."

Then, Xiao Qi's eyes lit up and he rushed over to join the team sharing the Demon Blood Curse.


Just as he rushed over, a sigh suddenly sounded.

A figure appeared silently among the women. With a wave of his hand, the nine-color light burst out and directly sucked all the magic blood curses on the women.

Then, holding Liu Pingting, who was pale, smelly, and a little scarred, said with pity, "Why are you so stupid?"


"Brother Qingdi..."

At this moment, everyone looked surprised.

And Liu Pingting quickly stretched out her hand to cover her face, "No, don't look at me, I must be ugly now..."

"Knowing Ugly, I dare to do this kind of thing."

Seeing that Liu Pingting was already poisoned so severely, and afraid that his face would be seen by herself, Emperor Xiao Qing laughed angrily, "In the Liu family, except for your brother Liu Xia, everyone else does not regard you as the Liu family. People, you sacrificed yourself for Liu Hongkang, have you ever thought about me?"

The hand holding Liu Pingting glowed with nine-color light, and he directly used the method of ‘snatching the spirit’ to **** all the magic blood curse in Liu Pingting’s body.

Seeing Liu Pingting covering his face, he couldn't wait to catch Liu Pingting and give him a hard hit.

In the end, resisting the impulse, silently sucked all the magic blood curse on Liu Pingting onto himself.


Feeling that the blood curse on her body was flowing towards Emperor Xiao Qing, Liu Pingting no longer cared about covering her face, but exclaimed, "No, don't do this, the blood curse is terrible."

"If you know it's terrible, go and mess with it."

Emperor Xiao Qing said angrily.

But I was afraid that Liu Pingting and a few others were worried, and said, "This king is not poisonous, so don't worry about what the blood curse will do to me."

When everyone heard this, they were relieved.

"This little blood curse is just, how can it harm the owner of this dragon king."

The four-legged little snake was bouncing on Xiao Qingdi's shoulder, very proud.

This time, the owner did not drive it away as usual, which made it very excited.

However, it didn't take long for it to laugh.

All the magic blood curses on Emperor Xiao Qing seemed to have found a breakthrough, all spreading towards him, "You...ahhhh, what are you doing?"

"Master, how did you put this blood curse on me? This thing smells so bad."

This guy yelled and was about to jump away, but was squeezed tightly by the energy emitted from Emperor Xiao Qing, and it could only be surrounded by the energy of the Devil Blood Curse.

Fortunately, the four-legged snake was born out of ordinary, not to mention the blood curse, no matter how terrible the poison was, it could not cause any harm to it.

"This magic blood curse is really a bit powerful."

Not long after, Emperor Xiao Qing had already sucked out all the magic blood curses from Liu Pingting, and handed the weak Liu Pingting to Xiao Wu who was aside. He stretched out his hand, and a cloud of black and red mist was emitting from his palm. With evil anger, it is the magic blood curse.

The four-legged snake stretched out its front paws to pinch its nose, and took a sigh of relief, about to blow away the magic blood curses surrounding it.

"do not move."

Emperor Xiao Qing restrained it, and then sucked all the energy of the blood curse from the four-legged snake into the ball in his palm.

"Master, what's so good about this? Isn't it the magic blood curse, it's just a small poison." The four-legged snake was puzzled.

"Someone wants to deal with Liu Hongkang, no, this magic blood curse is definitely not something ordinary people can get. Someone should calculate all this and plan to deal with me through Liu Hongkang."

Emperor Xiao Qing's hand squeezed, and a nine-color flame rose up, directly refining the magic blood curse, and then, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said to Xiao Qi, "Go and check for the help of this magic blood curse."


Xiaoqi left.

Only then did Emperor Xiao Qing look at the women.

At this moment, the faces of several women showed excitement, but Liu Pingting buried his head in Xiaowu's arms and did not dare to look at Emperor Xiao Qing.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Xiao Qing was angry and affectionate. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and flicked Liu Pingting's head, "Seeing you dare not do this in the future."

"Wood, people won't dare anymore, don't you be angry?"

Liu Pingting raised her head carefully and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing pitifully, "I thought I was going to die just now, I thought I would never see you again..."

Seeing that her aura was still a little weak, her face was pale, and her appearance was pitiful, even Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help but feel heartache. He hugged her in his arms and threatened fiercely, "Look at you in the future, dare you dare to do this." "

"Hehe, people dare not."

Liu Pingting smiled and buried her little head in Emperor Xiao Qing's arms, with a look of happiness on her face.

I thought I was bound to die, and I even wanted to find a deep mountain forest to wait for death by myself. What I didn't expect was that these serious problems would be solved when this man like a **** arrived.

She absolutely loves this man.

At this moment, she only felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

No one can compare with her.

Just thinking about staying in this warm embrace forever.

"Still laughing."

Seeing Liu Pingting's smile, the man was so angry that he almost hit someone, but he couldn't bear it, so he waved his hand and threw the four-legged snake that was stumbling on one side.

Four-legged snake, "..."

Lie down with the gun, dumbfounded.

"Come back home."

Then, with a wave of his hand, holding Liu Pingting in his arms, with a few women, they embarked on the journey home together.

No matter how far the journey is, home is the only one.

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