The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 949: provocative

Xiao Qingdi, who was walking in the secret realm of the Xiao imperial clan, sensed the explosion of the sword energy he had left in the head of the Immortal Gate, and a smile appeared on his face.

After the cultivation base broke through to the Golden Core Stage, with his supreme swordsmanship, he was able to be fearless of any Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse.

Dean of Xianmen is very strong, but after all, he is only in Yuanying stage.

For him, killing an existence of this level is enough.

"Well done, if you didn't cut him off, I also plan to find a chance to kill the old guy."

A faint mosquito and fly sounded into Xiao Qingdi's ears.

It is Xiao Zhengjing.

At this moment, Xiao Zhengjing was retreating in the forbidden area of ​​the Xiao imperial Houshan, but he couldn't hide every move within the Xiao imperial clan, and he was also aware of the beheading of Dean Xianmen.

The corner of Xiao Qingdi's mouth rose slightly, "The enmity of the past can finally come to an end."

The reason why the Xiao imperial family was in civil turmoil in the final analysis was the reason that Xiao Zhengjing was harmed by Zhou Huang. Of course, all of this might also have something to do with Dean Xianmen.

In any case, as Dean Xianmen was beheaded, all hatred finally came to an end.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile, and he walked towards the hall.

"The Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, really lives up to his reputation."

At this moment, a woman walked towards her, with a tall figure, a great face, and an extraordinary temperament. The whole person carried a noble breath that ordinary people could not match.

She smiled and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "With a single blow, the contemporary chief of the immortal gate can be beheaded. There are very few people who can do this in this dunya."

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows slightly and did not speak.

The woman said, "Introduce yourself, Ji Xinyao, from the Xuanyuan tribe."

With that, she stretched out her hand to Emperor Xiao Qing. What is interesting is that her fingers are white and tender, but the nails are painted with nail polish, and the nail polish on each finger is actually a different color.

Red orange yellow green blue purple red blue white.

Ten colors, sparkling, even eye-catching.

The person sent by the Xuanyuan imperial clan to attend the inauguration ceremony of Emperor Xiao was a woman, and she was so...fashionable.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Qingdi's mouth, "Did Miss Ji rush over right after the meeting in the company?"

Looking at Ji Xinyao's clothes, in addition to the shiny nails, she also wore a professional short skirt suit and black leather shoes, which undoubtedly reflected her slender legs.

At this moment, she didn't seem to be a descendant of the ancient royal family of the Xuanyuan imperial family at all, but more like a capable business queen in the workplace.

"The company held a meeting temporarily, so it was late."

Ji Xinyao smiled generously.

Seeing that Emperor Xiao Qing didn't stretch out her hand to hold her with her, her willow eyebrows were slightly raised, and she said with a smile, "Why, the Lord Dragon King looks down on me like this, won't you even shake a hand with me?"

"Sorry, it was rude."

Emperor Xiao Qing stretched out his hand to hold her together.


In the next moment, there was a ray of light flowing in the palms of the two of them, and a mysterious aura spread out.


Ji Xinyao's eyes showed surprise, as if he had expected all of this a long time ago.

Only Xiao Qing emperor frowned, retracted his hand, looked at Ji Xinyao, and then at the palm of his hand, with a ray of puzzlement in his eyes.

When the two of them held their hands together, he clearly felt something abnormal in his body, as if something had been aroused in the depths of the blood, fusing with Ji Xinyao's breath.

However, this feeling was very subtle, and when he wanted to probe, it disappeared.

"We know each other?" Ji Xinyao's hands were behind his back, and a playful smile appeared on his face. It seemed that such a handshake had shortened the distance between her and Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Naturally, but should you explain it to me?" Xiao Qingdi looked at her with a slightly excited look, feeling a little surprised.

"This is the fate of the two of us."

Ji Xinyao smiled and waved to Emperor Xiao Qing, "You will understand all of this in the future. I am very happy to meet you. I will meet with Emperor Xiao first."

With that said, before Xiao Qingdi answered, he walked away.

Her behavior is very elegant, with the atmosphere of a business woman and the noble temperament of being a descendant of the Xuanyuan royal family. If she walks on the road, she will attract frequent attention from others.

Emperor Xiao Qing did not stop her, but looked slightly surprised, only thinking that Ji Xinyao had something wrong, but the other party had no obvious maliciousness.


He didn't care too much, but wandered towards the hall.

"Emperor Xiao, this prince really fell in love with you at first sight. Today is a good day for you to ascend to the throne. Why don't we choose a day instead of hitting the sun? How about we just get married?"

Just when Emperor Xiao Qing stepped into the hall, he heard the voice of a frivolous man.

"My name is Yingfeng. I am the prince of the ancient Qin imperial family. At a young age, I am already a strong man in the Golden Core Stage. It will take less than ten years to break through to the Yuan Ying stage. Twenty years later, no one can Enemy, this prince should be worthy of you, right?"

It was the guy named Yingfeng, the prince of the ancient Qin clan, standing in front of Xiao Qingyan with a glass of wine in his hand, took a sip slowly, and then looked at Xiao Qingyan proudly.

It seems that Xiao Qingyan can be regarded by him as a strong man who will be invincible in the future, and it is Xiao Qingyan who can become his woman.

At this moment, everyone in the field looked towards Winning Wind. All the members of the Xiao imperial family showed anger on their faces, and even younger children stood up and said angrily, "Your prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan is the one who can brag. Good stuff? You dare to brag like that."

"Oh, you mean, you are stronger than me?"

Ying Feng turned his head, with a cold light on his face, looked at the person of the Xiao royal family who spoke.


Just as the member of the Xiao royal family wanted to speak, he suddenly heard a bang.

His face has been slapped by the winning fan.

"Oh, too weak."

Winning shook his hand pretentiously, and said with a sigh, "You are too weak, you don't even have the interest to let me do it. Just like you, no matter how much you come, this prince won't blink. ."


The young man of the Xiao imperial clan is not weak in his own cultivation. He has reached the foundation-building stage at a young age, even among the younger generation of the Xiao imperial clan, he is also a master.

However, in the face of winning the wind, this golden era master is nothing.

He rushed into the sky, but knew that he could not be the opponent of the other party anyway, so he could only say aggrievedly, "What is your ability to bully me, there is something to compare with our big prince."

"That is, if the prince makes a move, you are not his enemy at all."

The other young people from the Xiao royal family spoke one after another, all with a look of disgust on their faces.

The eldest prince in their mouth was Emperor Xiao Qing.

During this period of time, as Emperor Xiao Qing merged into the Xiao imperial clan, all the Xiao imperial clan recognized the strength and identity of Emperor Xiao Qing, especially the younger generation. After knowing the various achievements of Emperor Xiao Qing, he was completely convinced. .

The younger prince of the Xiao imperial family recognized Xiao Qing as the younger prince.

After all, among the younger generation of the Xiao imperial clan, the strongest is only the peak of the foundation period.

"What big prince, let him get out, this prince wants to see what kind of masters the younger generation of the Xiao royal family has."

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