The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 966: Come, call grandpa (six more flowers)

Dazhou is located in the southern part of the empire. Within the scope of Dazhou, there is an active volcano. It was originally supposed to be a volcano that everyone feared might cause disaster at any time, but it was sealed by the strong of Dazhou. A palace was built on it, dedicated to cultivating the Skyfire Furnace.

Inside the palace, it forms a vein of its own, which is called the vein of sky fire in the Great Zhou.

This vein is good at refining alchemy, but all have weird personalities, especially Zhou Huo, the controller of this vein, who relies on his seniority and does not put anyone in his eyes.

Even if King Zhou, the new emperor came, he would not give the slightest affection.


When King Zhou and Emperor Xiao Qing and his party came to the mountain, they heard a blasting sound, and then, a thick smoke rose into the sky.

"Cough cough cough..."

Then, a group of people walked out while coughing, all of them blacked out.

"Failed again. This is the thirty-fifth time that the mountain lord has failed this month."

"Hey, the mountain master clearly cannot refine that class of divine pill, but he has to rely on an ancient pill formula to refine it, how is this possible?"

"Don't talk about it anymore, we will go to help watch the fire next time, this is really a life of nine deaths."


There was a look of helplessness on this pedestrian's face, each of them complained, obviously resentful.

"What is the noise, go back and prepare, and continue to open the furnace to make alchemy after three hours."

Behind them, there was an old but angry voice.

"Ah, come again?"

These people were dumbfounded at once, "No, the mountain lord is spared, we don't want to die yet. It is very difficult to survive this explosion. If we explode again next time, we will be dead."

"Mountain Lord, please, I'm still young, I haven't married a wife and had children. I still want to take a look at the world."

"Mountain Lord..."

In the blink of an eye, these dark guys all knelt on the ground, crying bitterly, and desperate for life.


"How could your Da Zhou royal family's life be so miserable?"

Emperor Xiao Qing and his group watched this scene dumbfounded, only feeling a bit too incredible.

Seeing these guys crying tragically, one can imagine how much they suffered here, really, a little wronged.

"Ahem, this, this is only a special situation." Zhou Wang coughed dryly, looked at the building behind, and said loudly, "Grandpa Huo, I brought my friend here."


His voice fell, and a roar sounded. Suddenly, a ball of flame rushed out directly from the inside, and instantly exploded in front of everyone, and it was directly turned into a dozen flames to form a formation that directly surrounded several people. among them.

"Grandpa Huo, they are my friends, stop it." Zhou Wang was furious.

"Little boy, think you can be arrogant in front of Lao Tzu by becoming the emperor? If you can't break this skyfire formation, you have to burn me obediently." A rude voice came from the building.

"Then don't blame me for being rude." Zhou Wang was helpless. Although he was the emperor, he could not provoke the mountain lord of the sky fire, and he had nothing to do.

Seeing ten fireballs attacking them with infinite power, he could only bite the bullet and go forward, preparing to block them.


However, even though King Zhou was about to take office, he had not really gained the power of Emperor Zhou's inheritance. He was still only the cultivation base of the foundation period. Amidst the roar, a fireball directly knocked him out.

The other fireballs still attacked towards Emperor Xiao Qing and others.

"Anyone can fly out the emperor of the Great Zhou Royal Family. It's weird that the Great Zhou Royal Family is not messy." Kong Shuai and Atari hid behind Xiao Qingdi, watching them fall to the ground with bleeding from the corners of their mouths. Zhou Wang, they shook their heads.

"Speak madly, look for a fight."

Inside the palace, the voice sounded again, and there were a few more fireballs that had attacked the two.

Atari, "..."

Kong Shuai, "..."

"Boss Xiao, help."

Then, the two screamed quickly, wishing to rush the whole person into Xiao Qingdi's arms and hide.

There were dozens of fireballs that attacked them. The power of the flames caused the ground to dry and crack. Even if they hadn't completely bombarded them, everyone felt that their hair was about to burn.

"too frightening."

Even Xiao Wu's complexion changed slightly.


Xiao Wu and Xiao Qi looked at Emperor Xiao Qing at the same time.

"Use your flying sword, you can break it." Xiao Qingdi said to Xiao Wu.

"Can you?" Xiao Wu's eyes lit up and his thoughts moved, and he directly displayed the flying sword technique he had just learned. Suddenly, a three-inch sword light flew out of her body, the light flashed, and a fireball was instantly split.

After that, the sword light flashed, almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, and even split all the fireballs in half in the fastest time.

It's just that these fireballs are not physical things. When they are split in half, they become two directly. In the blink of an eye, there are hundreds of fireballs surrounding them.

"Idiot, flame is invisible, even if it is an ancient flying sword? Can it break the flame?"

Inside the palace, the voice was proud and cursed, "Today, if you juniors can break these fireballs, I will serve you."

"What if you break your fireball with a flying sword?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the building.

"I kneel down and call you grandpa." That old guy was obviously also violent.

"Remember, if you regret it, you will call grandfather after this king beats you." Xiao Qingdi sneered.

"The prince?" Xiao Wu's face blushed slightly, but with an unwilling look.

"It's okay."

Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand and grabbed the flying sword in his hand. Then, he flicked the flying sword lightly, and the nine-colored rays of light fell into the flying sword.

And then, letting go of Feijian, he said to Xiao Wu, "Come again."

"it is good."

Xiao Wu used his swordsmanship, the flying sword turned into a sword light to cut through the first fireball, and then did not stay at all, just like a string, passing all the fireballs in a swish.

"Idiot, it's just asking for a dead end."

Inside the building, that voice sounded again.

The group of young people begging for mercy looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Wu with foolish eyes, "Knowing that using a sword to slash not only cannot break the fireball, it will also increase the number of fireballs. It's silly to continue."

"No wonder the mountain master would scold him."

Although they also had great opinions on the mountain lord, they were even more excited to see Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Wu deflated.

In any case, they are all in the line of Skyfire. Seeing the mountain lord of the line of Skyfire abuse outsiders, their faces are also light.

"Boom boom..."

However, as soon as their voices fell, they heard a blast.

Immediately afterwards, in their incredible gazes, these fireballs that had been slashed by the flying sword all exploded, turning into wisps of black smoke and rising into the air.

In the blink of an eye, everything was calm.

Everyone, "..."

The mountain lord in the rear building, "..."

"Hey, these fireballs may be fake, or why I can pierce them with a sword, so whoever, come out and call grandpa quickly."

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