The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 971: Desperate, something big happened!


The cyan flame burst out, terrifying, and in an instant, the void was ignited.

"This is the fire in the heart of the earth, and it is a flame that has been brewing for many years. This is a truly terrifying flame. If it breaks out, we will not survive."

"Go, hurry up, you can't drag it anymore."

The grand elder's face changed drastically, and he roared in horror.

Stronger than him, although his strength has reached the highest level, he has no certainty that he can resist such a blue flame.

Only escape.

"If we run away, what will countless people do in Da Zhou? They still have some old and weak women and children. Should they be burned by the flames?"

King Zhou gritted his teeth and roared, "If you can't stop it, you must stop it. After all the people of Great Zhou retreat, we will leave and drive me."


At this moment, his face flushed, his whole body exploded with the strongest force, and he tried his best to block these flames.

"Okay, then stop it."

The other members of the Great Zhou royal family who had been preparing to retreat, when they saw that even juniors like Zhou Wang were so desperate, they felt guilty in their hearts and burst out with the strongest force to stop the flame magma.

However, the cyan flame is the strongest flame in the world, terrifying.

Even the strong in the Nascent Soul Stage can't resist this kind of earth-centered fire, plus, there are so many flames that they can't resist.


King Zhou vomited blood first, followed by Zhou Feng, and then other members of the Zhou royal family. Blood was sprayed from every mouth, but they tried their best to resist.

At this moment, the flame that was blocked by their power was like a pool that was unaware from all sides, and it had risen to a hundred feet high in the air.

If this four-sided square flame magma really broke out, it would destroy the entire Dazhou imperial family secret realm in the shortest time.

No one can resist.

"Little Fifth Sister, a few brothers, you first exit the secret realm of the Zhou royal family."

Zhou Wang shouted to Xiao Wu and the others, "Thank you for your kindness today. If you can see you again in the future, Zhou Wang will definitely thank you."


Xiao Qi also vomited a mouthful of blood, but gritted his teeth and snarled, "Don't talk nonsense, when we really can't hold it, we will run."

Atari and Kong Shuai murmured, "This is not possible, you can't let these magma erupt, otherwise, it would be a shame that so many beautiful girls in Da Zhou would be burned to ashes."

"You two bastards, don't work hard."

Xiao Wu on one side laughed angrily, "It's all like this, thinking about Da Zhou's sister."

"We are having fun in hardship." The two defended, but they tried their best to burst out the strongest force.

At this moment, these powerhouses in Da Zhou, as well as Xiao Wu and others were crazy.

The cyan magma is still flowing out, and the power that bursts out is terrifying, even the magma that is blocked by everyone has begun to change because of too much gathering. After being attacked, it gradually began to change to cyan.

Bang bang bang!

No one controls the magma, but it has terrifying power, bubbling continuously, as if a fire dragon is attacking.

"I suddenly thought of a terrible legend."

Everyone stared at the bubbling magma, and the grand elder's face suddenly changed, and he spoke with a trembling voice.


Everyone turned their gazes at him, and saw the face of horror on the face of the oldest old fellow in the Da Zhou royal family, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"Under the furnace of fire this day, in fact, it is not just suppressing this active volcano. What is really suppressing is a fire dragon..."

The great elder had a bitter color on his face and slowly said, "This blue flame is very likely not the end, there may be a stronger flame behind..."


Boom boom boom!

As his voice fell, a roar erupted, and the cyan lava that had been ejected from the active volcano crater changed and turned black.

"this is..."


Everyone took a breath.

I have never heard of the black flame, but when the flame came out, it began to swallow and absorb the original blue magma, as well as the flame magma that was blocked by everyone.

"Something happened..."

As the black magma swallowed, the magma blocked by everyone began to decrease, but everyone did not have any excitement. Instead, each of them turned pale, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

It is conceivable what terrible things will happen when these flame magma are swallowed by black magma.

"How to do..."

More and more dangerous, more and more heart tremors, and despair kept surging in my heart.

Even the great elder of the Zhou royal family, who can be called the old immortal fellow, was also trembling all over.

"How's the retreat?"

King Zhou roared dryly.

"It's not that fast, and most people are still there. It will take at least an hour to ensure that everyone will withdraw." A loud roar came from a distance.


There was no response again, but there was a look of despair in his eyes.

Especially Zhou Wang, two days later, it will be his ascension ceremony. However, his ceremony has not yet begun, and the entire Zhou royal family will be ruined.

At this moment, his figure was trembling, his eyes were blood red, and there were blood and tears dripping.

"King Zhou, Zhou Feng, you are the hope of the Zhou imperial clan." The great elder said with the same dry voice, but his face was firm. "Wait a moment, you must not do anything about it. You bring the elite of the clan with you to retreat first. Give us."

"I know you love the old and weak women and children in your clan, but they are just ordinary people, and they are not as strong. Even if you want to save them, it is too late. The only way to keep the big week going is to bring the younger generation of elites. go."

"You are alive, it is Da Zhou's hope. After the secret is broken, the ancestors will naturally wake up from the sleeping place, and then they will be able to rebuild Da Zhou."

"Remember, you must live."

His voice has a firm color, but there is a terrifying force in his body that is gradually brewing.

"Old stuff, what are you doing?"

Zhou Feng roared, "Don't be stupid, you must not destroy the Nascent Soul until the last minute, even if the power you gain from destroying the Nascent Soul cannot be stopped, you don't want to die."

"Elder, as the new emperor, even if I die, it is absolutely impossible to retreat." Zhou Wang's expression was firm, and although the corners of his mouth were bleeding, he never stepped back.

"Swear to the death and coexist with Great Zhou!"

"Never take a step back!"

Others were also infected, roaring angrily.

"You bastards."

With tears in his eyes, the great elder roared, "You do not make any sense to do this. You will have nothing if you die. What you have to do is to preserve the blood of the Great Zhou, and let the Great Zhou continue its ancient glory, and let me go."


However, before he could scold everyone away, he heard a roar again, and the whole active volcano trembled.

"not good..."


Everyone was shocked, and accompanied by a dragon chant, the magma they worked so hard to block was all swallowed by black magma, and then turned into a flame of magma and rushed towards the active volcano.

At the same time, the active volcano was shaking, and a dragon roar sounded from below the volcano.

The terrible Longwei broke out!

"Something happened."

Not only was everyone not excited because they didn't have to stop the flame magma anymore, but they showed hopelessness.

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