The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 992: Overbearing, sword cut angel

In the distance, when Mingbodir saw the Seraphim appearing, he had already noticed something bad in his heart.

However, he was trapped by Emperor Xiao Qing's sword air seal.

At this moment, seeing Xiao Zhengjing appear again, which made his heart beat wildly, "If you don't go, you will definitely not be able to leave after a while. Whether it is the old man Guangming or Emperor Xiao Qing, I have all preparations, but I am not prepared."

He cursed in his heart.

In the three-way war, he turned out to be the purest.

The other two parties are fully prepared and have back-ups. He is the only one. Although he is very confident in his own strength, what if he is dealt with by these two parties together?

"Run, you must run."

Boom boom boom!

He roared and exploded with his strongest power, and suddenly tore through Emperor Xiao Qing’s sword-qi seal, his figure appeared outside the seal ring, and smiled coldly, "Emperor Xiao Qing, today’s affairs are endless, you die The enmity of many strong men in my dark council will be reported in the future."

As soon as he turned his body, he was about to flee away.

"Mingbodil, dare to let people come to stop this prince, you are really good at learning."

Suddenly, a figure walked out of the void, who was the owner of the prince in rage.

At this moment, the owner of the prince was no longer as plain as before. Instead, he rolled around with murderous intent, staring at Mingbodil, sneered again and again, "Dare to count on my disciple, you really don’t want to live anymore. right?"

"You, how can you get out of trouble?"

Mingbodir's expression changed drastically, "He couldn't stop you?"

"If you don't want to kill him, do you think he can stop this prince?"

The owner of the prince has a cold voice, "I was blocked by him because I had some friendship with him, and you, to me, what are you?"

"Take your life."


He stretched out his hand and grabbed it directly towards Mingbodir.

His hand seemed to disappear out of thin air, and then jumped into the void, and another hand appeared in front of Mingbodier, even if Mingbodier resisted desperately, it was useless, so he was directly pinched by his neck. People mentioned it.

"Dare you move me?"

Mingbodir roared, "Prince, you should understand that although your status is extraordinary, I am the president of the Dark Council. If you dare to kill me, even the people behind you will not be able to keep you."

"Oh, do you think you need someone else's consent to kill you?"

The owner of the prince sneered, and just brought Mingbodier to Luo Xia's side, waved his hand, and expelled Luo Xia's imprisonment.

"How do you think you should deal with him?"

The owner of the Prince directly looked at Luo Xia and asked his disciples for their opinions.

"Master, I bet with him that he loses and he wants to give me something from the Dark Council." Luo Xia said in a polite manner.

"Yes, if you kill me, your disciple won't get anything." Mingbodir seemed to react and quickly shouted, "Prince, you can't kill me."

"To shut up."

The owner of the prince screamed and looked at Luo Xia, "Since you have won, then, from now on, you will be the president of the Dark Council, which he lost to you."


Luo Xia and Mingbodir were dumbfounded at the same time.

"No, do you dare? You are not qualified to decide the position of the chairman of the dark council, damn, prince, if you dare to kill me, your foundation will not be the president of the dark council, the dark council will not let go your..."


However, Mingbodir's roaring voice hadn't completely fallen down, he heard the roar and thought that his whole person was directly crushed by the owner of the Prince at this moment.

"Eat him."

After that, Mingbodir burst into a cloud of blood, and was directly turned into a cloud by the owner of the prince*, and then penetrated into Luo Xia's body.

After swallowing the owner of the Prince, Luo Xia's whole body aura rolled, and the strength of the whole person began to rise, and while roaring, he broke through the limit of the marquis of the blood family and reached the earl of the blood family, which is equivalent to the golden core period of the east. The strength of the strong.

Moreover, the breath of the whole body is still improving.

The owner of the prince was not surprised by this, but looked at the Guangming Pope who was stopped by Xiao Zhengjing, and suddenly laughed, "If the old man Guangming is also brought to you, you should be able to make another breakthrough."

The more he thought about it, the more interested he became, and he stared at the bright pope in the distance without blinking.

The strong are the most keen on killing intent and vision.

After Pope Guangming’s sword was blocked by Xiao Zhengjing, he saw Mingbodir being bombarded by the owner of the Prince. It was when he was shocked, he felt that the owner of the Prince’s unkind gaze suddenly changed his face.

"Get out of the way, today, I will release Dragon King Island, and I will do more about it in the future."

He roared, and quickly fled towards the distance. It turned out to be a decisive escape, no longer entangled with Xiao Zhengjing.


However, as soon as he moved, a horrible aura broke out. Xiao Zhengjing's figure turned out to stop him in an instant, and he looked at him with a smile, "I said, no one can hurt a person on Dragon King Island with me. No one can escape."


The Pope Guangming was tense in his heart, roaring and fleeing at the same time, but Xiao Zhengjing's figure followed him, no matter where he appeared, Xiao Zhengjing would just follow.

He was almost crazy, "What the **** are you going to do?"

"Be good and don't move, and wait for my nephew to deal with you."

Xiao Zhengjing smiled gently, still holding his hands in front of the Pope Guangming. As long as the Pope Guangming doesn't run away, he won't move.


The Pope of Illumination kept roaring and he was almost going crazy.

However, Xiao Zhengjing is stronger than him. Even if he wants to escape, he can't escape, so he can only do it in a hurry.

"The strong man in the East has almost taken that step." The owner of the Prince looked at Xiao Zhengjing with a solemn expression on his face, "Really powerful and incomparable."

Xiao Zhengjing turned his head to look at him, smiled slightly, but there was also a solemn color in his eyes.

Both sides looked at each other with solemn eyes, obviously, they both sensed the strength of each other.

Fortunately, they are not enemies.

Looking at Emperor Xiao Qing, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing's sword in the sky. The sword emperor's intentions were earth-shaking, fighting endless battles with the seraphs.

At this moment, the sword aura sprang up, and Emperor Xiao Qing held the sword art in both hands and pointed at the seraph. The sword fetus that had gradually evolved into a complete erupted sword light, directly piercing the seraph through the roar.

However, Seraphim didn't seem to be aware of the injury, and still dared to kill Xiao Qing.

"This seraph can not be regarded as a kind of creature itself, it can only be regarded as a refined puppet. Its core lies in the brain core. If you want to completely kill it, you must crush the brain core." The owner of the prince reminded. .


The mechanized voice came from the mouth of the Seraphim, and then, the Seraphim held swords in both hands and cut down towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

In front of it, Emperor Xiao Qing raised his sword and said with a cold expression, "Emperor!"


The sword fetus was in the air and disappeared in an instant.

Then, a sword light appeared from the void and suddenly penetrated Seraphim's head.


The angel summoned by the Pope of Light using the angel birth technique has fallen!

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