The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 994: Quartet royal family, ring match

"It is said that the hero is a teenager. It is really good. At a young age, you can kill the Pope of Light. With your skills, even in those ancient sect holy places, you are a rare genius in thousands of years."

The owner of the prince took Luo Xia forward, and he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of admiration on his face.

I remembered that when I saw Emperor Xiao Qing for the first time a few months ago, Emperor Xiao Qing was just a warrior who had not yet reached the foundation building period.

After a few months, even less than a year, Emperor Xiao Qing had reached this level of horror. He directly beheaded the Pope Guangming while swinging his sword.

This level of strength is already the true pinnacle of the world.

"you flatter me."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled lightly, what about the so-called genius? In his eyes, nothing counts.

"This time, I'm dragging you down." Luo Xia looked at the blood and corpses on the sea below that were gradually being washed away by the sea, with a look of guilt on his face, "If I can find a way to notify you sooner, it won't As for the loss so great."

"What does all this have to do with you?" Xiao Qingdi shook his head, "Both light and darkness come for me, and I will explain their deaths."

Strictly speaking, Luo Xia was just a victim.

However, there is no need to say much between them.

"I'm going to the Dark Council, so I won't stay any more, and I will contact you later." After this battle, Luo Xia was not without any gains. He directly broke through to become the Earl of the Blood Race, comparable to a super power in the Golden Core Stage.

In theory, the same realm as Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, as a bloodthirsty blood clan, he is stronger because of his own blood. If he takes it seriously, even an ordinary Nascent Soul level powerhouse may not necessarily be his opponent.

"Everything is going well, feel free to contact if necessary."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded.

With the owner of the prince following, no matter where you go, it is safest for Luo Xia.

After all, even the current Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't see through what level the owner of the Prince was.

The two went away, Xiao Zhengjing looked at their backs with solemn expressions, and sighed, "I have long heard that the blood clan has a peerless and powerful person, alone, not in the same blood with other blood clan, and the strength is unmatched. When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary."

"How do you compare to him?" Xiao Qingdi asked.

"I'm not as good as him."

Xiao Zhengjing shook his head, "He is an old monster. It may be a horrible existence that has existed since ancient times. For the blood race, the longer he lives without falling into a deep sleep state, it means that his strength is more terrifying. I can never be his opponent now."

Xiao Qingdi was not surprised by this result, but nodded, looking at everyone on Dragon King Island, with a dignified look in his eyes.

Although Dragon King Island won a complete victory in this battle, the losses to Dragon King Island were also very large, with hundreds of thousands of strong mercenaries, tens of thousands of casualties, and this is only a conservative estimate.

If you count the injured, there are probably a hundred thousand disabled.

"I was late."

Emperor Xiao Qing's words were low and solemn.

Facing the death of these brothers who are usually with him, even he is very heavy in his heart.

"The prince, for us, walking on the edge of the knife has already looked down on life and death. They died for the Dragon King Island family, and everyone has no regrets."

Long Yi Tang Yi stepped forward with a fortitude, "The prince does not need to blame himself."

"What's so sad? Just avoid this in the future. Make the entire Dragon King Island the number one power in the world. No one can hurt Dragon King Island any more. This is the key."

Wang Xinyuan on one side said lazily.

His clothes all over his body were stained red with blood, but he didn't seem to notice it. He walked in front of Emperor Xiao Qing with a nano-robot, "Give me a year, and I will help you make Dragon King Island into the world, no one can break. Fortress."

"it is good."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, and said to Wang Xinyuan, "Please!"

Although there is no action, this sentence can reflect his mood.

For the Dragon King Island, for the hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters on the island, he is willing to lower his body and trust Wang Xinyuan's ability.

Of course, there are also Ai Wen and their efforts. Only by turning the island into a holy place for spiritual practice and making everyone stronger can they truly have the power to protect themselves.

"I'll go to the Xuanyuan Clan first."

Xiao Zhengjing was worried about all the members of the Xiao imperial family, so he left first, while Emperor Xiao Qing returned to the island to control the overall situation.


"Today, the four royal families gathered together, it is indeed the first flourishing age in a century."

Within the Xuanyuan imperial clan, the magnificent reception hall, the guests from the four imperial clan gathered together, and there are countless delicious wines and food.

The eldest prince of the Xuanyuan imperial family was responsible for entertaining the crowd. He was not too old, only in his thirties, and his aura was so powerful that he was not weaker than the emperors of all parties, even better than Xiao Qingyan and Zhou. The two newly promoted emperor kings are even stronger.

He stood up and raised his glass, "I'm really sorry, the emperor can't come to meet you in person because of important things, but when he comes back, he will naturally give everyone an explanation."

"The prince will be responsible for everything in this clan from now on."

He drank the wine in the glass in one sip and looked at everyone with a smile.

Everyone toasted and drank a glass of wine.

"I have long heard that the prince Xuanyuan is a natural emperor with outstanding talents. When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary." An old man smiled and said to the prince Xuanyuan.

"It's overly acclaimed. There are many young talents in the Sifang royal family. It is an honor for this prince to meet with the princes and princes this time." nod.

The Xuanyuan imperial clan, the first imperial clan in the world, according to legend, the extremely terrifying imperial clan that has existed in ancient times, with strong background and first in the world, it is truly extraordinary.

"The prince is humble. As you are, he is definitely one of the best among the four royal families. It is by no means comparable to the kings of dragons and snakes like cats and dogs."

Still belonging to the ancient Qin imperial clan, a graceful and noble young man glanced at the direction of the Xiao imperial clan, and his face showed disdain.

"You guys, please don't bring your personal grievances to the banquet. How about this prince who wants everyone to be friendly?" The prince smiled and looked at the people of the ancient Qin royal family.

Although he didn't say anything threatening, he caused the ancient Qin emperor's face to change slightly, even if they wanted to target the Xiao emperor, they also closed their mouths at this moment.

"However, everyone is a cultivator, and it is normal to have a straighter temper. If you have any small opinions, it is not difficult to resolve them."

"The prince decided that after the banquet, the ring competition will be opened, and the younger generation of the Sifang royal family will take the stage to compete. The final winner can enter the place of my Xuanyuan royal family inheritance and choose a heritage."

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