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Entering the city is completely different from what you see outside the city!

A huge building stands in the city like a huge pyramid, with the top part of the stone as a part of the thundercloud. Around the stone monument, a huge vortex formed, stirring the thundercloud.

"I am going to go, this is the famous building of the Titan, the obelisk?"

Innumerable golden runes are engraved on the monument, and the thunderclouds in the sky are formed by the vortex of the power radiated by these runes.

"System Tip: You found the Titan Miracle Building [Obelisco], World Prestige +100!"

"System Tip: You successfully identified the miracle building [Obelis] and obtained the master information [qualifier] occupation information."

It’s really an obelisk, the legendary Titan landmark, and I didn’t expect it to be in the game.

Robert is excited: "It is an obelisk!"

The obelisk is famous, but to say what role the obelisk has, Dawei really doesn't know, especially in different games, the settings are different.

“What is the use of the obelisk?” he asked.

Robert said: "I don't know what to use, but the obelisk represents a world power!"

I am a big one, so arrogant!

Lucy's brow wrinkled deeply: "Exactly, it represents the power of arcane."

The history of the dragons can be traced back to the age of Titans, and it is not surprising to know the obelisk in Lucy's database.

"The power of arcane, I know that arcane and magic are very similar, but there are also big differences." Dawei said.

"The power of arcane is replaced by magic. The cause is also derived from the Titan. Arcane is an extremely powerful force. It is a kind of power that the Titans have mastered. But Titan believes that there is a great pollution to the world and does not promote the use of arcane. Lead to the gradual decline."

Can affect the world, this is very Titan, Dawei surprised: "That is, the Titan runes on the obelisk, recorded the power of arcane?"

Lucy nodded: "It should be said that the principle of the formation of the power of the Arcane, the powerful force I feel outside the city, should be the power of the Arcane."

It turns out that the thundercloud in the sky is the field of arcane power formed by the obelisk!

The whole city is built on a sandbank, and the yellow tones make the first association dry. Looking at it, the architectural style of the entire city is consistent with the obelisk, similar to the pyramid building. Well, Titan seems to be a mythical product of Egypt.

"System prompt: You found the power magnet!"

"System prompt: You found obsidian!"

"system hint:……."

As he entered the city, the system information continually jumped out, all kinds of tall things, and he used to be like a desert city, completely turned into a golden city.

"Nima, it is a building of the Titans." He said that he also touched a lot of high-end materials in the game, including the void minerals, but the news of the system has not been heard in the game so far.

At the foot of a stone brick, there is a large human housing. It is built by Yuanli Magnet. It seems that the ground of the whole city is such high-end materials. He has to turn off the special vision of mining skills, otherwise he I wonder if I will be blinked.

He laughed: "Before you came, you thought that bringing out a brick is an antique. The realm is still too superficial. It is a treasure everywhere!"


Nothing to do, smashing the floor tiles, one piece can be broken down into hundreds of units of high-end materials, or Titan's material!

Not interested in other buildings in the city, Dawei went straight to the obelisk. Surprisingly, under the obelisk, there is a huge portal. He said: "There is room inside?"

Outside the door stood four giant Titan statues, and Louise was shocked: "The four Titans of the world!"

Dawei let me go again. The city of thunder gave him too much surprise. Treasures everywhere, legendary obelisks, and even the statues of the Titans of Creation four now appear. What else will not happen?

If there is really a creation four Titan in the game, I don't know if it is a prototype in myth.

He asked: "The legendary world is created by four Titans, which four Titans?"

For his doubts, npc also said that he did not know, but there is no doubt that it can stand in front of the obelisk. The number is exactly four, which is the creation of the four Titans.

From entering the city to the present, there was no danger of anticipation. He hesitated for a while and decided to enter the obelisk. No player can resist this temptation, because only the Titan architecture can be called a miracle building, above the level of God. What's more, the power of the Titan is recorded on the obelisk, that is, the power of the Arcane that can pollute the world!

The huge steps, but the height is not high, or the Titan's body shape, he will become a problem under the steps, which shows that the thunder city map is high-end high-end, meaning is still for the players.

The obelisk also engraves countless Titan runes, and the golden light flows, forming a composition similar to the magic loop.

"System prompt: Players enter the obelisk!"

Going underground on the steps for more than half an hour, the system only mentions

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