The Messenger of Death

Chapter 116: gold waste tavern

When the aura of Alex's killing intent reached the girls, they found it very hard to breathe and they started to choke.

['Alex, stop or you are going to kill the kids!'] Lex snapped Alex out of his crazed state. When he snapped out of it, he realized what was happening and he quickly retracted his killing intent.

The girls gasped for air and they looked at Alex with the same fear they used to look at him before their conversation began.

"I'm sorry, I got too deep in my feelings." He apologized but his apology wasn't enough to put the girls at ease. They backed away from him slowly.

"You said that you wanted to be an assassin, right?"

The girls stopped backing away when he said that.

"To be an assassin means to kill without mercy. When you have killed a lot of people, you start to lose your humanity bit by bit as the souls of those that you have killed begin to eat at yours. Some people lose their senses when they can't take it anymore, they run mad. For us that have passed such trials and do not fear or feel a thing after killing, this is the kind of intent we have. Do you still want to be an assassin after experiencing that?"

"Yes," The sisters responded at the same time.

"Then work hard for it. Train yourselves. The world loves to push people like us to the ground, when it does, you stand up again and go for what you want." Alex smiled as he encouraged them to become killers.

['Bad at pep talk aren't you.'] Al commented.

"Let me tell you the first rule of assassination, with this rule you might as well become the best and the rule is to survive." Alex stood up from where he was seated.

"I will kill the person that you want dead, give me two days and I will make it happen. You do not need to pay me. Take it as me apologizing for what I did earlier. Here," He handed them 1 blue HD-EC each.

"These are called energy crystals and these are blue high-density energy crystals. Hide them where no one can see or find them. When the money that you have is finished, go to a place where you can exchange energy crystals for gold coins, make sure that they give you nothing less than a thousand gold coins for one of these."

['Giving kids that much money, what good ideas you have Alex.'] Al chipped in another comment and Alex ignored him.

The girls quickly hid the crystals and thanked Alex.

"Go somewhere safe and expect to hear good news in two days." He turned and started walking back into the city…

['Alex, do you think it was wise of you to do that?'] Xander asked.

['He's not doing it for the kids, but for himself.'] Lex stated.

Lex was right, Alex wasn't going to kill the lieutenant because of the girls. He was doing it because he felt like he should. There was an itch that Alex had never been able to get rid of for years now. That itch was to kill the people that destroyed the peaceful life of his family on Mars. He tried all he could to search for the culprits but he always ran into dead ends.

After listening to the girls talk about their own experience that was similar to his and they even knew who the offender was, Alex felt like he had to kill these people, that itch had started to itch once more.

['We don't even know how strong this lieutenant is or how strong the men in his platoon are.'] Xander pointed out.

['That's what I'm going to find out now.'] Alex mentioned.

['Where?'] Al asked.

['Where gossip resides.']

"System, change my features, random look."


*Morphing facials of the user.

The skin crawler started to vibrate at a high frequency and began to change the skeletal structure of Alex's face, his facial bones began creaking and making teeth grinding noises.

The same way ripples appear in the water, Alex's face was exhibiting the same. His face started to change. His chestnut brown eyes turned to amber green, his nose became pointed and narrow. His long hair retracted and became short, it changed from black to blonde. Alex's chin became cleft with a bit of stubble on it…

"I have no intentions of backing out of this." Alex declared and stepped into the busy streets of the city.

He asked around for the busiest tavern in the city.

Alex was directed to a place called 'gold waste', which is rumored to the busiest tavern in the whole capital.

['If you go in there with your uniform you'll be leaving a little info that could be tracked back to school'] Al pointed out.

['I know, I'll get a change of clothes before I step in. just needed to know where the tavern is located first.']

He searched for the nearest dark alley and stepped into the darkness to change his cloth. Alex changed into the all-black attire that he usually wore before he was brought into this world.

"My jacket still has blood on it, I'll leave it in the ring for now." He made his way back to the tavern.



"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

Alex pushed the doors of the tavern open and the bustling jovial voices of different companies of people filled his ears and sight. Men and women of different sizes drinking and cheering together.

Some were drinking silently in the corner, others were playing games, gambling. The ones drinking in solitude looked like they were there to just mourn and drink their sorrows away. He walked to the bar and sat down on a stool. He ordered a drink and stayed there for a while just listening to people spill their secrets.

['What exactly do you want to find out here?'] Al asked.

['Two things, the first is the location of the 9th platoon of the Kawataro regiment, secondly the strength of the platoon.'] Alex answered.

"Hey, you want a refill or you are good with just a cup?" The skinny bartender with bags under his eyes asked.

"Another cup and a bit of your time." Alex's voice sounded different from what he usually sounds like. His voice was husky and deep now, it matched the current face the system had chosen for him.

The bartender poured him another cup. "You don't look like a regular here, information in this tavern isn't cheap. If you can't afford it then you might not be able to leave this place in one piece." The bartender used his eyes to point at the huge bouncers that were stationed at different corners of the tavern. Alex looked at them and brought his attention back to the bartender.

He brought out 1 blue LD-EC from his ring and placed it on the counter. He used his palm to hide it from the sights of others but it was visible to the bartender.

Once the bartender saw the energy crystal his eyes lit up. "Beloved customer, please tell me what you want to know. I will give you a satisfactory answer, and if I know nothing about it I will learn everything about it tonight. Whatever it may be, sewing, cooking, anything." The bartender turned into a loyal subject after seeing the energy crystal.

"Tell me where the 9th platoon of the kawataro regiment is located and also how strong is their platoon?"

The eyes of the bartender dimmed, he looked at his sides before looking at Alex. "What you are asking for is classified military information."

Alex retrieved the energy crystal back into his ring.

"Wait, wait. I just said that it was classified information, I didn't say that I wasn't going to disclose their whereabouts. The 9th platoon of the Kawataro regiment has been making a lot of noise whenever they stepped into the city for a while now. They commit crimes in the name of the law then return to their stations. Because of this, our Intel knew that very soon there would be others that will be after them so we had our informants keep tabs on their location." The bartender paused.

Alex brought the blue energy crystal out again. He knew that the bartender wasn't going to continue without seeing the crystal.

Once the bartender saw the energy crystal again, he flashed a toothy grin at Alex placed his two hands on the counter.

"In the military, they have their platoons stationed at almost every region of the western continent. After every 2 weeks, they rotate and change locations with other platoons. The 9th platoon has been at the north-west side of the outskirts of the capital city. They will be leaving there by tomorrow and changing locations with the 1st platoon of the Krakion regiment. The strongest in the 9th platoon is the 1st lieutenant." The bartender finished and stretched his hand to collect the energy crystal from Alex.

"That's not enough. I want to know how many they are in the 9th platoon, a breakdown of their strengths, what they like to eat, what they like to sing. If possible I want to when they like to take a dump." Alex knew that the info he could get out of the bartender couldn't be that detailed but he exaggerated just so the bartender could understand the kind of details he needed.

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