The Messenger of Death

Chapter 118: the 9th platoon ii

['Alright then. Let's get started.'] Al said.

"System, infrared mode."

*Activating Infrared. Activated.

With the infrared mode, Alex could see the silhouettes of two people lying on the ground in the forest that wasn't far from the hilly district.

"I see you.' He whispered and made his way into the forest. Before he approached the spies, he erased his presence and brought out the knife that he got from the Dragnel's ring.

['Remember, not an ounce of killing intent should leak out of you until the last moment. If it's too early then they might be able to sense you before you arrive.'] Al reminded Alex.

['I know that already, you don't need to treat me like a novice.'] 

['Was just making sure, with you one can never tell.'] Al muttered. Alex rolled his eyes at what Al said. He slowly made his way to the men that were laid on the floor, watching the men of the 9th platoon drink and party their dignity away.

"Where are those two, they were supposed to come here and take over from us. It's been hours since our shift ended." One of the spies complained in a hushed tone.

"They are probably slacking off somewhere, I swear if I get my hands on them I will skin them alive." The other spy uttered in the same tone his companion used.

['Eh, I have a feeling that they are referring to the two that Lex killed earlier today. Why don't you help them end their shifts quickly, they seem very eager.'] Al mentioned.

['As a nice person which I'm not, I guess I just have to reunite them with their friends so they can skin their selves… dead.'] A wicked grin crawled up his lips and Alex licked his lips.

['Born to kill.'] Al commented when he saw how excited Alex was. Killing is, after all, something that he enjoyed.


Alex stabbed the spy by his right first. The knife in his hand penetrated the man's back way too easily. It was like a hot knife cutting through butter. The knife passed through the man's heart and came out the other end. Alex could feel as the knife also penetrated the ground underneath the spy's chest.

['It's so damn sharp.'] He said to himself.

Before the second spy could properly process what had happened to his companion Alex twisted his neck and broke it.

"That was satisfying," He muttered and removed his knife from the spy's back. Suddenly he felt the eyes of someone on him.

Alex quickly hid behind a tree and held his breath. He peeped at the camp and noticed that it was the lieutenant that was looking in his direction.

['Damn, he's sensitive to killing intents. This might be a hard one.'] Alex thought.

['Let's hope the plans follows through.'] Al was being optimistic.

['Come on, Let us be honest here since we came to this world almost every plan that we have made, didn't go as we wanted it to. Hate to be the breaker of joy but we have to be realistic here.'] Alex pointed out.

['Just shut up and don't be a jinx. Scout out a suitable person to replace.'] Al commanded.

Alex had no qualms with his command so he did as he demanded.

"System, scan, and point a person from amongst these down there that has the most similarities with my height and body structure."

*Scanning subjects, results will be out shortly.

Alex watched as the system scanned the men in the hilly district one after the other, it took a picture of them first.

*Results of scan is available now, would the user like to see the results now?

"Affirmative, in descending order."

The system showed Alex the height and weight of everyone, with their picture behind their information. At the top of each picture was a percentage rate of similarity that the individual had with Alex.

['The highest compatible one here is just 65%'] Alex was disappointed with the results. The guy with the highest compatibility had a crude look with a huge scar that extended from the left side of his cheek to his ear, making the ear on the left side mangled. He had short black hair and deep black eyes.

['I told you that nothing goes well for us, 65% is too low.'] He complained.

['It's a good thing that they are getting drunk. Or do you want to back out of this?'] Al asked.

['Hell no, I'll go with the 65%.'] Alex thought.

He watched his target for a while, waiting for the best and suitable time to head into the hilly district and take over his identity.

The sun had started to set and Alex was still waiting for the right moment to head into their camp.

He saw his target walk towards a reserve where they had their black oil stored. The target dipped the tip of the torch he had in his hands in the black oil, then he lit the tip on fire.

['Oil reserve, found.'] Alex thought.

He watched as his target lit the rest of the torch around and distributed it around the camp. At the center of the camp, they made a bonfire and although they had been drinking before the sunset, it wasn't as lively as they were now. His target drank and drank to his fill until he felt the urge to urinate.

['He's coming to the forest. That would save me a lot of trouble.'] Alex was on his toes, ready to pounce on his target.

['To pee I guess. Hey, it is better you don't kill him. The lieutenant sensed your killing intent the first time, if he picks it again he might know that something is wrong.'] Al advised.

['Alright. Or Lex, you can take it from here.']



['Remember Lex, no-kill. Only knock out.'] Al reminded.


The target was whistling as he brought his junk out and began to let the urine free. Lex sneaked up on him and used the side of his palm to chop the back of his neck.

"Ough." The guy cried out before he passed out.

"Ahh, no, he dropped on his own pee. How am I supposed to wear that now? Foolish me." Lex reprimanded himself as he looked at the target passed out on his own piss, with disgust in his eyes.

['You still have to put his clothes on, bear with it for a while.'] Alex consoled.

With a look of disgust on his face, Lex removed the cloth of the guy passed out on the ground, then he removed his and put the guy's cloth on. It was brown innerwear that military personnel wore under their armor.

"Ewww." Lex gaged as he felt the warmth of the piss stick to his skin. He quickly turned the guy over and raised his left hand to his temple and double-tapped.

"Scan." He ordered.

*Scanning. Scan complete.

"Morph into the previously scanned subject."

Shortly after that, Lex's face change into that of his target. His facial features were now the same as his target. The only difference was the difference in height and the width of the shoulders.

Lex had a wider shoulder than that of the guy that he knocked out. The cloth he wore looked weird and as it was tight for him.

['Quickly begin by setting the stage for plan B first.'] Al directed.

Lex did as he said and walked back to the camp.

"Ahh, Chim."


"When did you start cosplay? That cloth is tight in all the right places." One of the drunk companions of the person that Lex took over, pointed out. The guy was staring at Lex's butt.

"Eh!! Is it just me or did Chim get taller?!" Another person pointed out.

"Huh, not in a million years. Hahahaha, you are drunk you fool."

"No, don't look there." Lex sheepishly exclaimed. He began to blush as the eyes of the rest began to fall on him. He used his hands to cover his face

['Deep breaths Lex, deep breaths.'] Xander started to calm Lex down.

['No, let him be. It will help him blend in better, they will think he's drunk. Lex, pour the oil on everything flammable in the camp, you'll have to take your time doing it and make sure that you don't put too much in one side if not the smell might alert them. And also while doing that look for a bow and arrow, if you can't find any then you will have to rely on the weapons at hand.'] Al said.

Lex found his way to where the oil reserve was and began to pour it on the tents in the camp.

['I've found a bow and arrows.']

['Good, now gentlemen shall we begin?']

"Mmm," Lex answered as he hid behind a tent that was not far from where the lieutenant was drinking.

['Do not expose yourself with your crazy killing intent.'] Al uttered.

Lex closed his eyes and took in deep breaths, he activated his bloodline ability. ['All the cultivators above the 3rd rank of the disaster realm are the ones that I can't get an estimate of their strength on. Let us begin.'] He thought.

He fired 3 arrows rapidly at random directions then he jumped out of his hiding position and released his killing intent.

As soon as he did, he gained the attention of the lieutenant.

"Hello." Lex entered his crazed state as an evil grin appeared on his face.


He shot an arrow at the lieutenant.

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