The Messenger of Death

Chapter 120: the maids and the clients


"Wake up." Lex began to kick the corpse that was laid on the floor in front of him.

['Lex!'] Alex called out.

"Wake up." He kicked the body once more.

['Lex!!!'] Alex screamed out.

['Huh, yes, I'm here.'] He finally responded to Alex's call.

['What the heck! You killed them all. You didn't even leave a soul for me to take, that wasn't the deal.'] Alex complained.

Lex used his hands to cover his face as tears threatened to fall out of his eyes.

['I'm sorry. I-I. I got carried away.'] Lex started to apologize.


He switched with Alex.

As soon as Alex took control of his actions, the first thing he did was to sigh.

['You didn't even leave one for me.'] He continued to complain as he walked to where the spear landed.

['I'm sorry.'] Lex said once more. This time he sounded like he was about to cry.

Alex wasn't unhappy with the results, he was just dissatisfied with the way it happened. He wanted the pleasure of killing them too.

He removed the spear from the body that it shot down.

['Actually, there's still one that's alive. The one you stripped of his clothes.'] Al reminded.

"What happened here, aren't those my clothes?"

Alex heard an unfamiliar voice, he turned and faced the person that spoke.

"Talk about the devil." Alex smiled.

The person that spoke was none other than the last surviving member in the 19th platoon of the Kawataro regiment.

"You!!" The guy was shocked by what he was seeing. The person in front, smiling at him looked exactly like he did. He looked at the bloodied corpse on the floor and returned his gaze to Alex.

'Did he kill them? But he's only an early-stage nascent realm cultivator, how is that possible?' The almost naked soldier wondered.

"W-wh-who are you!?" The guy didn't wait for Alex to respond before he turned around and bolted away, heading for the forest.

"Very impolite of you, you ask me a question and then the next thing you do is to run away before I can even give you an answer," Alex shouted as he watched the man run into the distance.

['Are just going to let him go?'] Al asked.

['Definitely not.']

The guy turned to see if Alex was chasing after him, and to his surprise, he wasn't. Nonetheless, that didn't stop him from running.

After a short while, before he reached the forest, he looked back again to see where Alex was. This time he didn't see Alex anywhere.

He was wary and frightened by Alex's absence, as soon as he turned his attention back to his front, he saw a man on fire with a red spear in his hand.

"Sorry but I can't let you leave this place alive," Alex said.

He arrived in front of the man and used his spear to decapitate him.


The headless body fell to the ground.

['Although it was only one life, it still felt good.']

"Time to head back to the mansion, but first let me set this place on fire."

Alex gathered all the bodies to one side and set them ablaze. He did the same to their camp before he left the area…

['Now do you feel better?'] Al asked Alex as he was making his way to the mansion.

['Of course, you want me to feel sad that we murdered some people?']

['No, not really. That wasn't what I was talking about. I meant if you felt better. If the itch has stopped.']

['It hasn't, but it feels a lot better than before. I don't think I can ever get rid of the itch, only temporary relief… at least I have kept my promise to the kids.']

['I've been wanting to ask this for a while now, why are you so insistent on keeping your word and promises?'] Al questioned.

['Because it is one of the few things I got from my father. I can't remember what he looked like, but I can remember the time he told me this; A true man will keep his promises and word, if he fails to do that then he has failed as a man. Although I am insistent on keeping my promises, I also know when not to keep them. After becoming an orphan I realized that there were a lot of true men that didn't keep their promises, they only did so when it wasn't at the expense of their comfort.']

['I understand.'] Al uttered...

"Something's wrong."

Alex was now standing in front of the mansion. All the lights were turned off and it was already dark outside.

['Did they go out again or did the power trip?'] Al wondered.

['The power wouldn't be able to trip cause they don't use electricity as a source of power. And even if they went out they wouldn't put the street lights out too, would they?'] Xander reasoned.

"System, infrared mode."


*Infrared mode activated.

Alex looked around for clues about what was going on. He looked at the mansion and saw the heat signatures of several bodies on the floor.

"They are not complete, the maids and clients are missing."

He hurriedly headed for the doors of the mansion and as soon as he entered he checked the pulse of the first person he met. Since he still had the infrared mode on, he couldn't properly discern who's pulse he was checking at the moment but he knew that it was a male.

"He's still breathing." He checked the pulse of the body that was next to the first one and he got the same result.

"They are all alive but knocked out."

['Search for the clients quickly, if they have been kidnapped then we are f*cked. More merit points will be deducted from us.'] Al urged.

Alex hurriedly searched the whole mansion for the clients. Within the span of 2 minutes, he had searched the insides of the whole building

"It seems like I'm too late." He frowned his face.

"Neigh!!" The sound of horses crying reached his ears.

"The damn stable." Alex jumped out of the window that was nearest to him.


"Faster!!" He heard a girl shout.

Not long after that, a carriage came around the corner and was heading for the gates of the mansion.


Alex activated his fire bloodline ability and ran ahead to block the road.

"Stop right there." He ordered.

"Neigh!!" The horse cried out when they were just a little distance away from Alex. They could feel the heat from his flames. The horse stopped of their own volition.

"It's just an early-stage nascent realm cultivator. Deal with him quickly, the flames on his body scared the horses." One of the girls ordered.

"If only you knew how many people said that today and died," Alex stated.

"System, deactivate infrared mode."

*Infrared deactivated.

With the flames on his body illuminating the dark courtyard, Alex could more or less see who the perpetrators were.

They were all females, 12 of them. They all had maid uniforms on. 10 of them lined up in front of Alex.

"The maids?" He uttered with a surprised look on his face. "They were with them all the time, why today? We didn't suspect anything, and now they are all mid-stage nascent realm cultivators." Alex reasoned.

['That's not important now, deal with them while they still think that they have the upper hand.'] Al urged Alex once more.

"The first 3 people to tell me what's going on gets to keep their lives. You have 30 seconds to spill." Alex mentioned.

"Kill the son of a bit-"



The female that was speaking was interrupted by the sword in Alex's hand. The blade of the sword was glowing red because of the flames on his body.

He had sliced her head off before she could complete what she wanted to say.


Not long after her head dropped to the floor it started to burn, so did her headless body.

"You know what, let's make that two. I will pick who will survive, the rest of you are going to die."

None of the maids could see when Alex moved, he was too fast for them to react until they saw their comrade fall and burn into ashes in mere seconds.

Immediately they realized what had happened, they all jumped into their battle stance and brought out their weapons. Some had a katana in their hands and some had knives. They all believed that they were caught unprepared, as his cultivation was weaker than theirs they still believed that they could take him on.

"It's useless," Alex stated.


In mere seconds he had killed 9 of them. Before their bodies dropped to the ground, they all caught on fire and burnt into ashes.

The last two maids that were still on the carriage were terrified by what just happened they were about to bail the scene when Alex appeared behind them and knocked them out with the hilt of his sword.

He opened the carriage and found who he had been looking for. His clients were knocked out cold and in bondage.

"Good, our crippled merit points are safe." He sighed in relief and untied the girls…

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