The Messenger of Death

Chapter 140: sonoluminescence

"Hahahaha." Alex who had been holding his laughter back let it spill.

Katherine being a sore loser and Drake ignoring everything that Katherine said was funny to him.

He stopped laughing and flashed an honest smile at them. His smile made the girls there blush. "Drake, here." Alex threw the pill at him.

Drake quickly launched himself at the pill, in fear that Katherine was going to take it before him if he delayed. He caught it and was about to put it in his mouth.

"Wait, not yet." Camron stopped him. He looked at Alex; "Is there anything else that we are meant to know before we consume the pill?" He asked.

"Not really. Nana said that the boost we get from the pill will depend on how much energy an individual would be able to absorb within a certain time." Alex stated.

"Meaning that we should be prepared before we take it." Camron looked at Drake and shook his head. Telling him not to take it yet. "Did she specify the time?" He asked.

"No she didn't, we'll just have to take it and find out as we cultivate," Alex said. He was about to walk to the kitchen to make himself tea but stopped in his tracks.

['Before I forget, let me get this done...']

"System, X-ray mode."

*Activating X-ray vision. Activated.

"You guys stand still for a moment, I'm trying to figure something out." He looked at his teammates.

The same black wisp that he saw leaking out of Camron in the tea house was still present.

"If I recall, Camron, you have an affinity with the darkness element right?" He asked.

"Yeah, is there anything wrong?" Camron wondered.

"No, there's nothing wrong." He answered as he looked at Drake's forehead. He saw rocks floating like a crown around Drake's head. "A hard head. Drake the element you have an affinity with is the earth element, right?"

"Yeah, how did you know that? I don't remember me saying about that, or even using the element." He frowned and placed his right hand under his chin.

He skipped Katherine who standing beside Drake and looked at Adrian's head. What he saw was very confusing. Little bubbles were coming out of his head, when they reached a certain stage they busted and created a little light.

"What in the world is that?" He uttered as he frowned at Adrian.

Everyone turned and looked at Adrian, trying to see what Alex was talking about. "It's just his face. He doesn't look that bad." Katherine commented.

*System might have an answer to that question, would the user like to know?

"Yes," Alex answered. Not caring if his teammates looked at him like he was crazy.

*The phenomenon that you exclaimed at is similar to that of sonoluminescence. Sonoluminescence is the emission of short bursts of light from imploding bubbles in a liquid, when excited by sound.

The system explained.

Alex understood what it explained. "Adrian, I think you have an affinity with sound waves?" He was unsure of what he stated.

"What seriously?!" Adrian was excited for a second, after all, he was someone that didn't have any affinity with any of the elemental pillars in the academy, and then he became skeptical. "But that's not an element." He uttered.

"Exactly, that's why none of the elemental pillars in the academy resonated with you when you tried to check your affinity. The pillar for what you have an affinity with wasn't there." Alex explained.

What he said was understood by all of them but what they couldn't understand was how he knew what Adrian had an affinity with, just by looking at him.

"How do you know this?" Adrian asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to wonder," Alex answered shortly.

"What about me?" Emma inquired. Even if they weren't sure if Alex knew what he was talking about or if what he was saying was even true. She just wanted to hope for something like that.

Alex looked at her head and saw a little tree on it. The tree had countless branches. "A tree?"

"Tree?" They all chorused.

"Yeah, I don't understand. I can only see but can't tell what it actually is. If you want to confirm if my words are true then we would have to do experiments. Are the two up for it?" Alex questioned.

Adrian looked like he wanted to give it a try, however, he was also scared that this whole thing was only a hoax. He didn't want to be depressed by his condition. It was the same with Emma.

"The two of you are still doubting? Tell me, what's worse than never trying? Just because you don't have an affinity with the elemental pillars in the academy doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have any affinity with anything." What Alex said made sense to them.

"That's true, but the reason why there are only 7 pillars is because those are the fundamentals elements. Even if people have an affinity with other things, those people are rare, we can't possibly be looking at two of them now." Drake pointed out.

The whole room was filled with silence now, they were busy contemplating.

"I'll do it," Adrian stated.

"I'll do it too." Emma decided seconds after Adrian had made his own decision.

"Good. First I need to know how elements can be awakened in person." Alex stated.

"I know, you can either surround yourself with things that resonate with the element you have an affinity with or consume a pill that can help stimulate the element within you," Camron answered. It was the same thing that he had done. The principal gave him pills and he was also given a room to cultivate in, with it.

"The second option is out. I don't think that alchemists made pills for people that might be able to control sounds… and trees." Alex looked at Emma, trying to think deeply about hers.

"Let me think of how to provide an environment for you, Adrian." He sat down and pretended to lost in his thoughts while the rest stood and waited for him.

"System, how do I create this sonoluminescence thing?" He whispered.

*When intense and concentrated sound waves are created in a flask of water, a tiny air bubble in the water can give off flashes of light.

"Hmmm intense sound waves… in a flask of water." He thought out loud.

"You have an idea?" Camron asked.

"Yeah, it just came to me now."

['What will you do without the skin crawler?'] Al chirped in.

['Shut up.'] Al uttered.

"We need to create intense sound waves and make sure that he stands or sits in the middle it while being soaked in water, but the issue is what we can use."

"Hmm, in other words, a giant bell and a bathtub?" Drake jokingly commented.

Alex and Camron turned and looked at him. "I never knew that you had a functioning brain. That could also work." Alex reasoned.

"A functioning brain? What did you take me for?" Drake looked offended.

"A freaking joke, that what I took you for," Alex smirked as he replied. Getting his revenge on him for betting that he was going to return to the suite with injuries.

Drake scoffed at him.

"Where do we get a giant bell from? The bathtub can be easy to acquire." Emma reasoned.

"What's there to worry about, when you have money, you don't need to think too much," Alex smirked and headed for the exit.

['Motherf*cker, you are not about to use my money on things that don't benefit me.'] Al blurted out.

['But it benefits me. Call it an investment or something of the sort. The stronger they become, the more chance for us to go on better missions that might be in the same location with another Midas petal.'] Alex uttered.

['You wish, you won't be that lucky always.'] Al commented.

['Yeah, I know that more than you do. But what if I can find something similar to that. After all, the main goal is to get stronger. It doesn't necessarily have to be the Midas petal. Although the Midas petal does have its perks.'] He was referring to the promises that Mr. guardian made to him.

['Do not use my money… I mean our money.'] He corrected himself.

['Point of correction, mine, my money. Besides, you didn't listen to me when I told you not to make out Miriam. And I was still the one that got punished for it. I will make sure to spend a lot today, mutt.']

['C'mon rabbit, it's all in the past. Being petty is my thing. Don't do this, let's be reasonable for a second.'] Al pleaded.

Alex scoffed and ignore Al.

"Where are you going?" Adrian questioned.

"I'm going to ask Xiao En where we can get what we need," Alex replied without stopping or looking back. He opened the door and left the room.

"Alex, wait for us, we'll go with you," Camron called as he went after his friend. The rest of the teammates did the same.

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