The Messenger of Death

Chapter 147: leaving a note

"Ahh, do I have to leave a letter for her or not?" Alex uttered. He was sitting on his bed and had been contemplating if he should leave a note for Nana, just in case she came back before he did.

['I think that you should. If she comes back and she doesn't find you in the school, I believe that witch can search for you and bring you back here against your will. So leave a note for her.'] Al advised.

Alex picked the pen that he got from Xiao En when he was walking past the reception.

"Uhh, how do I start this?" He stared at the paper.

"Do I make it formal or informal? If I use an informal format, she might say that I'm disrespecting her. If make it formal then she might trip and complain." Alex reasoned.

['Just write anything, I'm not the one that's going to get punished either way.'] Al rejoiced.

['A real helper that you are.'] Alex said sarcastically.

Alex started to write.

"Nana, I'm going on a mission. Just writing this to inform you that I didn't run away while you were away. When we are done with the mission I will come back to the academy willingly." Alex read what had been written.

['If I was the one that you wrote that to then I will come looking for you immediately after reading it. Why the hell did you write that you weren't running away?'] Al mocked.

"I don't know! I don't care anymore. I'll leave the letter with Xiao En. If Nana comes back before I do then she can give it to her for me." Alex gave up on editing the note that he wrote.

"There's nothing left for me to do. Everything important is in my ring… wait, my spear and knife are still with Katherine." Alex recalled. "That girl, did she even plan on returning it to me?"


"Alex, we are ready. What about you?" Camron's voice came from the other side of the door.

"I'll be done in a minute," Alex answered…

When Alex was done, he folded the paper and dropped it in his pocket. He then stepped out of his room and went to the living room. He saw Camron and Drake in blue uniforms and nodded his head.

"It looks good on you Camron," Alex complimented.

"What about me?" Drake asked.

"Oh, it looks good in you too. Really compliments your pale skin and weird hairdo." Alex answered in a snarky tone.

"I really wish that you guys will treat me better," Drake whispered to himself.

"Speaking of treating you guys better. Am I the only one that noticed that Andrea has an ulterior motive behind this so-called apology of hers?" Alex questioned.

"There was another motive behind her apology?" Drake was surprised.

"And he wants to be our vice-captain with such a poor brain? A joke." Katherine muttered.

"I did, but I don't think it would be anything harmful to us. I trust that my sister wouldn't go along with that plan." Camron answered.

"I did too, but I had no say in the matter since you were the one that she actually wanted. I want to go on this mission because of the rewards." Adrian said.

"Same here," Emma uttered.

"Good, it seems like I'm not surrounded by naïve and dumb people," Alex smirked.

['Saying it like you're not naïve and dumb.'] Al scoffed at Alex's comment.

What Al said threw Alex off his high horse. His smirk disappeared from his face and he began clearing his throat. He decided to annoy Al.

['For that statement, I will make you regret it.'] Alex threatened.

['Do your worst, rabbit.'] Al dared.

A mischievous smile slowly crawled its way up to Alex's lips. "Since we already know that, I want to give you all something that you can use during an emergency. Just in case something goes wrong." Alex announced.

['Wait what? Alex, what do plan on giving them? It better not be what I think it is.'] Al panicked.

['I don't know what you're talking about.'] Alex replied, pretending to be clueless.

['This is between me and you, why do you have to involve others?'] Al tried to reason with him.

['Oh my, I don't know. I guess you can blame it on the fact that I'm naïve and stupid.'] Alex faked a sigh in his mind.

['Naïve? Stupid? If you were what those words insinuate then everyone in the world would be naïve and stupid. I don't even know what those words mean.'] This was Al's attempt to stop Alex.

"Drake," Alex called out.

['No, no. I'm so… sor…'] Al cried, he found it difficult to apologize to Alex.

"Take this." Alex gave him a blue HD-EC.

Drake was stunned to see that Alex was handing an energy crystal to him, a high-density one as a matter of fact.

"You are finally starting to show your love for me." Drake sobbed.

Alex ignored him and gave the same energy crystals to the rest.

['I. Hate, You.'] Al uttered in anger before he kept quiet.

['Now I know how to shut you up.'] Alex was proud of himself.

"Emma, Adrian, try not to use your abilities. It might bring unwanted attention to our group. And also, Katherine, my weapons." Alex cautioned and collected his weapons from Katherine before they left the suite.

Alex gave the message that he had written on a paper to Xiao En, and he said to her; "If Nana comes back to the academy before I do, give it to her. But if I do get back before she does, then you can go ahead and burn it." Xiao En had no qualms about doing this for Alex, so she accepted it.

Later on in the evening, they arrived at the meeting point that they were told to of. At the meeting point, there were already 12 people waiting there.

Alex counted them before they arrived.

"Alex." He heard a familiar voice call his name. As he got closer, he saw the person that called him. It was Oliver, one of Camron's older brothers.

"Oliver, Benjamin, what are you guys doing here?" Camron was surprised to see his brothers at their meeting point.

"Alexander." Benjamin, Camron's eldest brother greeted Alex before he gave his attention to Camron. Alex responded to his greeting with a nod of his head. Oliver and Benjamin were both late-stage disaster realm cultivators, and so they had red uniforms on.

The people behind them had blue uniforms on.

['Apart from Camron's brothers, everyone else in their team is a disaster realm cultivators. 5 males and 5 females.'] He observed.

"Bella didn't tell you? We'll be joining you guys on the mission too. But our objectives differ from yours." Benjamin explained as a little grin appeared on his face. He was surprised to see that Camron was a disaster realm cultivator now.

"You must have been lucky these past months," Oliver commented as he put his hand over Camron's shoulder.

"Extremely lucky." Camron chuckled and answered.

"Luck or not, keep on getting stronger and making us proud." Oliver ruffled his hair.

As Alex watched this, he was started to feel a bit jealous. He doesn't know what it felt like to have a sibling. He averted his gaze from the Avanti brothers and looked at the setting sun. It looked like it was about to rain.

['Ahh, what's with me getting sentimental these days? Why can't I be as serene as Xander or unperturbed as Al?'] Alex thought.

['Xander is serene because he is Xander. Al is unperturbed because he is Al, and you Alex, you are sentimental because that is how you are. It is how you always were.'] Lex stated.

['Forget about it,'] Alex shook his head to rid himself of the sentimental feeling that he got from watching the Avanti brothers.

"You guys are here." Alex heard Andrea's voice.

He counted the people that arrived with Andrea, and they were 12 and all females.

Apart from Andrea and Arabella who were nirvana realm cultivators, the remaining 10 members of her group were late-stage disaster realm cultivators in red uniforms.

"Damn, that's why she didn't want to be in the same team as me. She had something like this in mind. No wonder they get missions assigned to them." Alex muttered.

"Good, we should leave as soon as we can. We would be running all the way from the academy to the city closest to the never-ending sea, Del Nosaroc. We need to get there within 2 days." Andrea disclosed as they started to walk towards the school gate.

"To make sure that we get there early, those of you that wouldn't be able to keep up with the majority will be assisted by those that are stronger. If we are behind schedule, then the fastest ones will leave the slower ones behind and make way to Del Nosaroc." Andrea pointed out.

Katherine and Emma looked at their selves. The two of them felt like Andrea was talking to them specifically. They sighed at the same time.

"My team's name is Oasis, and," She looked at Benjamin, indicating with her hand that he should introduce his team's name.

"My team's name is Afterglow." Benjamin said shortly.

"We are the Seraphim team." Camron announced.

"Are there any other questions?" Andrea asked and paused when they stepped out of the school. She then glanced at Alex and saw that he was looking at her with a suspicious gaze. "Since there are none, let's be on our way."


They bolted and hurried to their destination.

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