The Messenger of Death

Chapter 36: rank six origin realm

Alex sat quietly in his room.

['I don't know the exact amount of low-density blue ECs I have in my storage ring.'] He closed his eyes and extended his consciousness to inspect his ring.

['There's quite a sizable amount in there.']

['Alex. We should think about this carefully. That's our money you are thinking of wasting like that. Camron did say that using pills will be cheaper, can't we just go ahead and purchase some?'] Al said gently.

['And so? Weren't you the one that said that I like to show off? I need to get stronger on my own. For myself, nothing else matters before that. So I don't care how many ECs I expend in other to achieve my goal.'] Alex stood his ground.

['Besides, I also plan on getting some cultivation pills. I plan to alternate between the two. You just don't want me spending lavishly, that's why you're speaking to me calmly.'] Alex thought with a smile.

['C' mon Alex, let's be rational here. Haven't you thought about the future? If you keep on wasting money as you plan on doing, how would we live in the future? Or don't tell me that you plan on relying on Camron.'] Al mentioned some valid and reasonable points.

Alex chortled.

['Calm your horses Al, I have thought of the future. I only plan on using the blue and green ECs, I'll leave the purple for emergency uses only.']

['I don't think it's a wise idea to use the green ECs.'] Xander joined the conversation.

['Why do you say so?'] Alex questioned.

['Well, Camron did say that too much of pure QI is not a good thing. You don't know how much low-density blue ECs you can assimilate with. And it is obvious that the QI in a green EC is a lot purer than that of a blue one. So till you find out, it would be wise of you to stay away from it.] Xander advised.

['Alright.'] He agreed.

Alex brought out 10 low-density blue ECs and neatly arranged them on the bed, horizontally. He picked one up and absorbed the energy within it. Just like before, the QI spread its self around his body.

He did the same over and over till it was morning.

['You freaking moron. Ahh!! Please, I will do whatever you want. Please, just stop. Stop using the ECs recklessly'] Al kept on crying in his mind. Alex had used over a thousand low-density blue ECs. And now that the morning sun has graced his sight with its light, Alex realized how much time had passed.

"This cultivation thing makes one lose their sense of time. I feel like I have been doing this for only an hour. I don't even feel tired or sleepy." He got up and stretched. Alex threw a few punches in the air.

-Wooh! Wooh!

The sharp sound of his fist tearing through the air filled his ears, he smiled at his enthusiasm. Alex could feel that he had gotten stronger, but he still hasn't felt that he had reached his limits. He looked around the room and noticed that the remnants of the already absorbed ECs had littered the whole room.

['Should I try and set this on fire?'] Alex asked as he held a hand full of the sandy ECs.

['Are you stupid!! What if the ECs act as gun powder and blows up in our face? You are immune to flames but not to the force that the explosion can create.'] Al warned.

"That's true."

['Arrgh!!. This is literally burning money to ashes.'] Al still hasn't stopped crying.

['Will you quit whining like a B*tch. It's just some low-density ECs. There is still a lot more in the ring. I haven't even touched the high-density ones.'] Alex complained.

['F*ck you. Arrrgh! I have never met anyone as merciless as you. You even made me watch as you burnt precious money away.'] Al accused as he kept on crying.

['Why don't I remember me forcing you to watch? Suit yourself, just know that this is not the end of it.'] Alex said.


He heard a knock. "Alex, it's me." The sound of Beatrice's voice came from the other side of the door.

"You can come in Beatrice."

Beatrice opened the door and entered with a wide grin on her face. It took her a few seconds to notice the oddity in the room.

She gasped and asked. "What is all this?"

"These are ECs that I absorbed. I got carried away and forgot that it would loiter the room. Hope I am not making things harder for you?"

"No, no. you are not. It is my job, after all, I'm being paid to do this." She reassured him.


"I'm guessing that you wouldn't be having your breakfast here, right?" Beatrice asked.

"Haha. Yeah, I will be heading to the dining hall for my breakfast today." He made his way to the door. He passed by Beatrice's side and stopped a few feet behind her, then looked behind.

"And Beatrice, Good morning." She also looked behind just in time to see him flash a smile that revealed his dimples.

She blushed and replied timidly "Good morning Alex."

['You're good at this thing, you even made her blush'] Lex said.

['That's nothing but an amateur move. Hmph.'] Al muttered.

"Sulk all you want Al. it only gives me joy." He said as he stepped out of the room.

On his way to the dining, Alex met Camron.

"I had a feeling that you were going to join us for breakfast. You forgot about dinner last night." Camron said.

"You already knew that I wasn't going to attend dinner. Wasn't that why you said good night and see you tomorrow yesterday, in the afternoon, after lunch?" Alex calmly stated.

"Good morning Camron." He greeted with a smile still plastered on his face. Camron cocked his head a bit and raised a brow. "Good morning to you too Alex," Camron replied slowly.

"Let's quickly head to the dining room. We don't want to be the late ones now. Do we?" Alex started walking and left Camron behind.

'Is he feeling alright?' Camron thought. He shook his head and followed behind his friend.

Upon entering dining, Alex gained everyone's attention. "Good morning everybody."

The Avanti family weren't expecting him to greet them, but they responded. "Good morning." They said in disharmony.

"Good morning Alex," Lawrence said. "How was your night? I was going to send someone over to check on you when you didn't show up for dinner. But Camron told me that you were probably busy cultivating and you wouldn't like any form of disturbance."

"Yes, I was. Thank you for your concern." Alex's sincere smile captivated the young females in the room.

"Congratulations young sir Alex. You made a breakthrough to the sixth rank of the Origin realm." Reginald bowed as he announced.

['What? Did I make a breakthrough? No wonder I felt stronger. I thought it was just a temporary effect of the ECs I absorbed.'] Alex was surprised and enthusiastic at the same time, but his face seemed to be portraying the opposite.

Seeing Alex's expression Reginald spoke up once more. "Do not misunderstand young Sir. I did not probe into your cultivation level, I wouldn't dare to. I know that you are at the sixth rank because of the radiation of QI coming out of you. After interacting with a lot of cultivators, one would be able to tell what rank and realm a person is just by observing the QI radiating from them." He explained. Reginald thought Alex made such a displeased expression because he probed into his core. But in truth, it was just shocking.

After listening to Reginald's explanation the whole room congratulated Alex. Camron had already made his way to his seat, and not long after Alex joined him.

"Alex, how many ECs did you absorb last night?" Camron questioned.

"A little over a thousand. But only low-density blue ECs." He answered truthfully.

"What!? A thousand, are you alright? Who in the hell absorbs a thousand low-density ECs in one night. That's like 500 high-density ECs. How are you still alive? Don't you know your limits?" Camron exclaimed in shock and concern.

"What? You told me that I would know when I reach my limit. I still haven't reached my limit." Alex replied.

"That's. That's not possible. Are you a glutton?" Alex couldn't understand why he was acting like that.

'Maybe it's the same reason as Al. They think it's a waste of precious money.' He thought.

"It's just low-density ECs. Nothing to be worried about." He shrugged and served himself.

"Hahaha, you never cease to amaze us, your highness," Lawrence said. Alex heard what he called him, but he was feeling too excited to care or correct him. "You are welcome," Alex said proudly.

After Alex finished eating he left the dining with Camron…

"Sara, Arabella. What do you girls think about that young man?" Lawrence inquired from his daughters.

"He is very handsome. Looks like spoilt brat though." Sara voiced her honest opinions.

"Sara! Don't say such things." Lawrence cautioned immediately it left her lips.

"Do you think a talented royal family member like him would be without protection? Strong cultivators can monitor a lot of things from afar. What if his protector heard you and think you disrespected his highness?" He added.

Everyone looked around in fear, expecting someone unfamiliar to appear but also hoping that no one appears. They sighed after they had waited for a while and nothing happened.

"Either the person heard us and chose not to do anything about it or the person didn't hear at all. Either way, we should be thankful and be careful about what we say."

"I'm sorry father." Sara apologized. "It's okay darling." He reassured.

"While he may be very talented and handsome. His highness is still very young, father. I'm 20 years old and Sara is 19. From what I know his highness is only 15 years old. I know why you asked that question father, but I have to disappoint you. I will not ride on another person's horse just because mine is smaller and slower. Only when I get to my destination with my own hard work and efforts will I be satisfied." Arabella voiced her own opinions.

Lawrence sighed at his daughter's reply. "So be it."


Six days later…

"Goodbye, everyone. We'll be heading to the severance academy now." Camron shouted with his head protruding out the window of the carriage as it moved away from Lawrence and his wives.

"With Camron gone, now all of our kids are attending the Severance academy. I wish them good luck." Lawrence uttered as he raised his hand and waved at his children.

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