The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1006: Yuanxian Jiupin

Two hundred and fifty-six times the property was provoked in the body of Yanlong's ancestors.

In this moment.

Yan Long’s ancestors raged wildly, and they smashed those who became the realm of immortality, opened their mouths, and bit the strong people who became the realm of immortality, and suddenly bite, “Hey!”

Blood dripped from the interdental space.

Also at the same time.

The flying venom of Longfei swallows the power, breath and blood of these strong people.


The raging dragon roared, and the huge body was tumbling in the air. The thick flames of the fire were crushed down, and the strong men were shaken out.

A large number of people rushed up.

They are also guarding the magical monuments in the secrets of the gods.

The magical monument is engraved with all kinds of strange runes, and the runes exude a silver-green glow. On the four sides of the magic monument, there are eight huge chains of incomparable chains, like trapped under the magic monument. The same as the terrorist powerhouse.

Who is the grave below the magic monument?

What is the realm?

"I don't know now, but... I will know it right away."

Longfei’s heart glimpsed, “Booming!”

Yanlong's ancestors once again prospered and madly crushed.

Each of these powerful people in the realm of immortality is super powerful. Although their blood volume is not as terrible as one billion, but it also reaches 130 million points of blood, even if it is a dragon. Power can't kill them.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’’s killing ‘Chengxian’s five strong players’ experience gained 5000000 points, with a value of 20,000 points and an energy value of 1 point.”

Do not explode things.

The experience value is five million.


"Yanlong burns the sky!"


In the heart of Longfei’s heart, he also summoned the dragon gun to be fired. The power of the burning dragon on the dragon gun and the flame on the dragon’s body were combined, and the golden flames of the dragon fired out to form a powerful dragon gun. The blast shot down.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The strong ones were nailed to the ground by the dragon gun, and a long line of damage was floating on the top of the head. At this moment, Longfei’s body moved, “The dragon is swaying!”

A glimpse of the tail.

If you open up the sky, the heavy smashing down.


Those who were nailed to the ground were crushed and crushed.

The system prompts the sound to sound.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’’s killing ‘Chengxian’s five strong players’ experience gained 5000000 points, with a value of 20,000 points and an energy value of 1 point.”


“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flight” upgrade, the current level is eight yuan!”



The life value of Longfei, the value of Xianli all recovered, and the injury on the body was also instantly restored.

The power of Yuanxian eight products poured into the body.

Longfei has become stronger.

"not enough!"

"not enough!"

"Not enough!" Longfei's heart screamed, and even more furious crushed up, people like crazy, his nerves are tight, strong, strong, and become able to crush ancient days The presence.

The family in the Tianyu area south of Gutongtian threatened him and had touched the weakest nerve in the heart of Longfei.

No matter how.

Longfei must **** the ancient days, and turn to the Tianxian Temple.

The only way is to upgrade and become stronger!

What happened to Nantian?

Longfei does not know.

However, since Gu Tongtian said those words, Long Fei also thinks that Gu Tongtian has started to work with his family. If it is the ancient Tongtian, then everything can be said. The strength of the martial arts in Nantianyu is too weak. The strong man of the fairy realm can crush a dead hand.

Can the South Tianyu be controlled by Gutongtian?


It’s just that Longfei doesn’t know it.

Who will move South Tianyu throughout the Tianwu continent?

What is the purpose of moving South Tianyu?

Dragon family?

Or the dragon domain?

These are all unknown. Only when they return to the South Tianyu, do they know what happened, but what Longfei needs to do now is to upgrade, that is, to break through the secrets of this god, his time is running out, only a few It’s time for the monster to attack the city. If he can’t go out before the monsters attack the city, I’m afraid...

Longfei’s heart was tight, his teeth were biting, and he watched those who had once rushed to the top of the immortal realm. The leader slammed and screamed.


Very urgent.

The establishment of Tianwuzong, the system triggered the monster siege system.

How strong will it be?

Longfei does not know.

However, he knows very well that the beast is a thing that no one in Tianwu mainland would think of. If you don’t rush back, the **** city must be lost. At that time... the 50 people of Tianwuzong Will be erased, including himself!



Three hours later.

Longfei restored his demeanor, his hands on his knees, and his mouth was gasping. "Hog..."

at this time.

His cultivation has reached the Yuanxian nine products!

Three days ago, he was still a Jinxian nine product, and now he is the Yuanxian nine products.

This upgrade speed is unmatched.


Longfei is still not satisfied!

Even if you reach the realm of Hexian, the power of the power and the realm of Feixiang is too great, and it is completely crushed.

I have not rested for one second for three days and three nights.

Longfei was exhausted to the limit, but he couldn't stop. The last grave, and the strong man in the tomb was killed. He broke through the secrets of the Emperor and received special rewards from the system. The value of his own fairy power has increased to one million points.

"Where..." Long Fei breathed out a sigh of relief and looked at the huge monument of the Heavenly Devil. The breath that came out of the magical monument made people feel like hell.

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "The kid, the breath under this magical monument is too horrible."


"This magical monument..." Yan Huang's ancestors were silent for half a second. Although he was not reconciled, he still bluntly said: "This magic monument is a spiritual treasure, but I don't know what it is, what he has. the power of."

This is a blow to Yan Huang's ancestors.

Tianwu mainland has something he doesn't understand. It is really a blow.


What Yan Yan Huang's ancestors can't understand, it also shows that this magic monument must be a super-powerful artifact.

Longfei’s heart boiled up. “Even things that you can’t understand, it must be a good thing, oh... then it should be more explosive!”

Yanhuang ancestors said: "Kid, you have to think about it, this piece of magical monument is a fierce thing. Once it is opened, the consequences may be..."

Not waiting for Yan Huang’s ancestors to finish.

Longfei has already gone out, the dragon knife in his hand fell, and slammed into a huge chain, "give me off!"

He has no way to consider the consequences.

There are still two hours left to dawn, and it is necessary to launch a monster to attack the city.

He has no time!

He must get through the secrets of the Emperor and he can go out. Longfei... There is no way to retreat!

"Don't worry!"

"Just do it!"


A chain breaks, and the silver-green rune on the magical stone begins to flash unsteadily...


Chapter One,

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