The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1008: Mutual devour

feeling bad.

Super uncomfortable.

It’s more than ten times more difficult than death.

All the essence, strength, and breath of the body are lost in madness. This feeling is like pumping his blood, eating his flesh, and still a little bit, no one can bear this pain, Longfei The teeth must be broken.

Yanhuang ancestors are also scared.

His strength is also lost!

The power of the Fourteen Dragons is also lost!

All the power in the dragon's body is lost.

Jinlong's ancestors said: "Qinglong, hurry up and think about it, I am going to be unable to support it."

Jinlong's ancestors are desperately protecting Longfei's mind and knowing the sea. Without his guardian, Longfei's body has been sucked into a dry body.

Hailong Wang said with amazement: "Qinglong, is he the drought and drought that entered the reincarnation more than 100 million years ago? Why is he here? Why is it sealed here, is it something that people deliberately do?"

"Hailong Wang, now is not the time to say these, we still imagine how to break through the power of droughts and floods." Ghost Dragon said loudly.

“Why is Tianwu Mainland?”

"Is it hard to hide the secrets of the mainland?"

Hailong Wang is very curious.

Drought and flood.

The super powerhouse of the gods, his power is stronger than the dragon.

Why is it in Tianwu Mainland?

It has also been sealed here. A tomb with a strong man is moved here to seal his power. He is also supplying his essence. Even if he is sealed for hundreds of millions of years, he will not die. It is a seal. It is also 'nutrition', which is a kind of formation that only appears in the upper realm.

What exactly is it?

Why is he ‘healing’ here?

and also!

Tens of thousands of Tianwu continents, in the hundreds of millions of years, there is no strong winner of the robbery, the strong man of Feixian realm has fallen, all buried here, the robbery can not break through this? Or is someone forced to crush it, is it not to let the strong people of Tianwu mainland fly and rush to break through the void?


Is he the need to ‘nourish’ to support the fines of droughts and floods?

Everything is too difficult to explain.

The dragons led by Yuan Long accidentally broke into the Tianwu continent. They thought they were the only people in the gods who entered the Tianwu continent. However, as long as they were hundreds of millions of years ago, there was a sealed drought.

this point.

Even Yuanlong does not know!

"Hailong Wang, I think these are useless, or think about how to break through the shackles of the droughts and floods." Duron's ancestors said that he was the weakest, the fastest is absorbed, and the body is about to bear the burden. Living.

If they continue this way, they will be sucked up by the drought.

Also at this time.

Yan Huang's ancestors and Qinglong ancestors also said loudly at the same time: "Long Fei, use your blood to absorb his essence!"

A word awakens the dreamer.

Longfei almost suddenly wakes up from the edge of death, with an excitement in his eyes, his eyes roaring, staring at the incomparable drought and drought, roaring, "Sucking Laozi, Laozi also absorbs your strength!"


"Eight grades are unparalleled, open!"

Longfei roared. At this time, he couldn’t care too much. He grabbed the arm of the marmot in one hand and shouted in his heart: "The power of swallowing blood, give me a burst!"


The power to devour the blood began to work.

Crazy to swallow it up.

Also at this moment, all kinds of powerful forces were drilled into the body of Longfei.

Various pictures.

Four cross-over, the dead body is full of heaven.

The flame burns.

All the pictures are disasters. They are all dead bodies. The horror is extremely extreme. The pictures are arrogant and arrogant. They despise all existence. The unscrupulous power is even the absolute hegemon of the tyrants in the upper realm. It is far stronger than the dragons. Too much, killing too much, wherever he went, he will follow there, and finally he will be smashed by a force of condemnation.

The next screen.

Even the endless dark abyss.

The marmots roared again and again, and they hit again and again, but they did not break through the bondage.

That kind of pain is more tragic than the pain that Longfei is now suffering.

"Sure enough, it is the drought in the gods!"

"I should have entered the reincarnation channel hundreds of millions of years ago. Why not?"

"What conspiracy is hidden?"

"Upper gods... more complicated than we think, will it be related to our dragon catastrophe?"

"It seems like going back to the gods to figure out these."

The pictures that Longfei can see can also be seen.

There is no 'coincidence' in the world. The droughts and floods have not been reincarnation in the Tianwu continent, and they have entered the low-level plane of Tianwu continent under the 'coincidence'. Originally their route was not Tianwu mainland, but another one. For advanced planes.

But now...

The Qinglong ancestors also silenced it.

Everything has become very strange.

What is the secret plot hidden in the upper realm?


It is also why Longfei will enter the secret of the Emperor, why will it break the seal of the drought and flood and release him?

Is this all overridden?

The fourteen dragon ancestors came from the upper realm. They knew something happening in the gods. The drought and flood were entered into the reincarnation under the public judgment,, there must be something concealed.

They know that they know.


What Longfei wants to do now is to explode the drought.

What is his god, what conspiracy, what he wants is explosion!

The operation of engulfing the blood pulse gave Longfei a chance to breathe a little, but... this is not enough to cause damage to the drought, and the drought and the flood are also scornful in the eyes, cold and cold smile: "Is it better than me?"

"Don't you know that I can burn even in the sky?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Thank me more power than me?"

"As long as you match?"


The power of the marmots exploded.

More powerful forces are coming out.

Longfei also knows very well that his body's engulfing blood is still at zero level. It is impossible to devour power with drought and flood. It is not an opponent at all. It must be separated from the line, and a heart, "explosion!!"

In an instant.

Longfei turned the power absorbed by the marmot into an attack and suddenly broke out.


The power is counter-injury.

The powerful force directly blows off one hand of the marmot, and Longfei himself is also shaken out. He will slam the hand on his neck and sink his body. This time, no matter how you can, you can’t let the drought Absorb the past.

Get out of control of the drought.

The essence of Longfei’s body, blood, and power disappeared more than half.

Long Fei, who was extremely exhausted, is now even more pale, just like a sick person.

The drought-stricken arm broke and didn't have any expression, because in the next second of the arm's blow, his arm instantly grew out, his mouth sneered, staring at the distant dragon to reveal the demon's playful sneer, saying: "Explore my strength and use my power to become an attack."

"Interesting, interesting."

"That's mine!"


The drought has disappeared!


third chapter,

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