The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1013: Didn’t think about going back alive

Under the imperial city is a plain.

The monsters on the plains are full of heaven.


There is no one on the wall.

The royal guards all fled and no one stayed here because of fear and fear!


on the street.

Fu Xishan kept shouting: "Is there anyone who is willing to fight against the Warcraft army with us? We need to be united to resist the monster army, let us be with us."

"Who is going to die with you?"

"If it wasn't because Longfei killed Taizun, what was the test of too much? The strong man of the Heavenly Temple had already shot."

"It's all because of Dragon Flying!"

There was a buzz on the street.

Fu Xishan did not refute, nor stopped persuading everyone to join her team.

"Brother, you have done it in a real world, can help me..."

Not waiting for Fu Xishan to finish.

The man said directly: "I am not a virtual realm. I am a waste of the realm of Lingxian. You can find someone else."


"Big brother, let us be with you."

"I don't want to go to die, I will leave you, I beg you to let me go."


"You guys have taken Nantiandan, this is the refining of Longfei. You can thank Longfei for your cultivation today. When you live and die, don't you should help?"

"Dan medicine is sold by Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu manages who it is refining. There is a kind of you, you should not sell it."


"I would rather not have his Nantian Dan. I want to live now. Where is Longfei's shrinking tortoise?"


Along the way.

Fu Xishan did not persuade success once.

No one is willing to go out with them to kill the enemy, and many people are complaining about them.

It’s all because of Dragon Flying!

Unpredictable people.

The human heart is the most ugly thing in the world.

Fu Xishan’s heart smiled. She thought that Nan Tiandan, who was refining Longfei, changed the Tianwu continent and changed the fate of many people, but...what? Few people will be grateful to Longfei for their fate.

The warriors are selfish.

They are all centered on themselves.

Who will kill you for you?

Millions of monsters outside the city wall, go out to die, obviously know that it is dead, who will rush out?

this is the truth!

"It’s all the ghosts of the **** Tongtianxian Temple!" Chen’s heart was full of anger, Chen’s family was destroyed, and the forces that Fengyuan’s business alliance had cultivated for three years were all disintegrated overnight. All this is Gutongtian, They are forced into desperation!


There is no desperation for any retreat.

The speed of the beast army is getting more and more open, and it is getting closer and closer to the gates of the gods.

Qiu Wandao looked at the people around him, his fists were heavy and heavy, and he said loudly: "When the beast breaks the city, there will be a slaughter. Isn't there anyone who wants to go out with us to resist?"

"For your family."

"For the city of the gods, for the immortal domain, are you indifferent?"


No one stood up.

It was at this time.

A man flew down, "I am late!"

Qiu Wandao’s body glimpsed and said: "Teacher!"

The visitor is not someone else. It is Zang Tianye who has disappeared for more than three years, and the former dean.

Hideyano said with a smile: "Go out and fight!"

Qiu Wandao turned his eyes and looked at the city gate, shouting, "Open the city gate!!"

Chen Fatzi alone opened the incomparably heavy city gate, and the **** of the body was moved, and a loud bang was heard. He said: "Chong!!"

A horse rushed out.


Song Qianqian, Mandala, Blade, Han Xueji, Sun Datou, all of them rushed out.

Qiu Wandao also laughed loudly, "kill!"

Just as they all rushed out of the city gate, those onlookers rushed up, quickly closed the gate, and inserted three bars, locked with chains, preventing the monster from breaking through the gate and preventing it. ...they fled back!

Also at this time.

In the palace of the Emperor's dynasty.

Eighteen masters of the tactics, the thousand celestial crystals for the energy array, refining a super-matrix enchantment.



The enchantment was covered from the Emperor's City and wrapped the Emperor's City.

The people in the city saw the enchantment open, and many people's minds were slightly loose. "Haha... The enchantment method is open, and the monster army can't attack again. Hahaha... The key moment is to rely on the royal family."

"I knew that the dragon couldn't stand it. What a test is too respectable, he is a garbage."

"It hasn't appeared yet, he must have escaped."

"I have sold my brothers and women, and such people are not people at all."

"Now those who go out to fight will all die. These people are really brain-dead, stupid, knowing that they will die, but also rushing out!"

"It's a bunch of idiots."


The turmoil in the city slowly stopped.

Open the enchantment and let them rest assured.


They are also laughing at Chen Tianfei, ridiculing that they are a group of stupid people who have no brains. They are even worse than stupid people. They know that going out is death and they have to rush out. It is really a fool.

"Ha ha ha..."

In the palace.

The elders of a Divine Emperor College laughed. "Dragon, when you killed our court president, today I want to let all the people around you die, hahaha..."

Half of the more than a dozen masters of the Fa Conference are from the Imperial Academy of the Emperor's College.

They are waiting for Fu Xishan to rush out after they rush out.

It is to sever their retreat and let them die without a place of burial!

The palace is also a big laugh.

"Look, they will be crushed into meat."


Outside the city gate.

At the moment when the enchantment of the formation was opened, Zheng Qingsong looked back and gave a sneer sneer at the corner of his mouth. He said: "Deliberately pit us?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Wang Qingshan also laughed and said: "They didn't even know that we didn't plan to go back alive when they came out. They didn't understand!"

The blade smiled and said: "How about using the words of Long Shao and the enemy of the whole world? Not afraid, not afraid, if you don't accept it, then turn it over!"

The black box on the back of the black knife fell, the long knife flew out, the knife screamed and screamed, staring at the army of the beasts rushing in front, looking back at the daughter on the wall, muttering in his heart: "Yun, later If you are not there, take care of yourself."

The black knife did not let her daughter go out.

Yun did not hear, but she could sense it and burst into tears.

Qiu Wandao sank and looked at the hidden Amano around him. He said, "Teacher, compare it?"

Tibetan Tianye Road: "I have this intention!"

"Look at who killed more today!"

"Ha ha ha..."


Everyone moved and rushed up.

Compared with the vast ocean of monsters, they are as weak as a raindrop.

Strength, quantity, disparity is too great!


third chapter,

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