The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1015: collapse

Fat people are really strong.


The monster army is not only the monsters in the various mountains on the Tianwu continent, but also some monsters that have never been seen before.

The voice of Yuner fell.


The next loud noise, a huge gear mouth turned out, locked the fat man to swallow it.

Everyone was shocked.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Fat is careful!"

"Fat brother!"

What comes out of the earth is not a general monster, but a mutant beast. It is here when it is called by some kind of power. It is necessary to swallow it all.

Exquisitely, ready to scream, shake the mutant beast.

It is also at this moment.

Yuner’s face was pale and shouted: “Learning sister, be careful!”


The void burst, and a huge incomparable armored gryphon slammed out, and the sharp mouth slammed against the back of the exquisite Suzaku.




Immediately after the sound of the cracks in the distance came out, the powerful force of the mutants was struck. The power of this monster was all the power of the Tianwu continent, all of which were mutant monsters.

They lurk in the void, deep in the ground.

This time.

They are summoned by some kind of power and appear in the city of the gods, which is to crush the city of the gods into powder.


Linglong squirted a blood, and the body sank and fell from the air.


In the void, more than a dozen iron armor lions rushed out, madly rushing to Linglong.

The mutated demons also broke through the ground and madly crushed them against Qiu Wandao and Tsing Yi.

Half a minute ago.

They crushed the monster army, but... Now they are completely crushed by the monsters. These mutant monsters are too strong, their numbers are too small, and the encirclement is shrinking.


The body of the mandala sank, spurting a black blood, looking at one place, shouting loudly: "Everyone stops breathing, and the beast is also a poisonous sorcerer. The realm is even worse than me."


Sakura was bombarded by a powerful force.

The encirclement is reduced again.

Can't resist it!

These mutant monsters are too sudden, and the power on them is too strange.


"Ha ha ha..."

"Don't be self-sufficient, it's going to die soon, deserve it!"


"Longfei abandoned them, and he was stupid enough to sell for Longfei. It was a bunch of big fools."

"Look at them like a wolf, and they are going to die soon."

"Ha ha ha..."

Many people in the city are laughing at them.

Watching them being crushed, those in the city are even more ridiculous.

There is even more laughter in the palace.

No one sighed, sympathized with them, all of them were Fu Xishan, they were fools, and they were so stupid that they would fly to death.


I have never thought about it. Fu Xishan is protecting the city of the gods. I have never thought about it, even if I have never thought about it!


As the ground sank, an extremely fierce beast was drilled out from the depths of the ground. He was dying of **** and dying. His body was huge, he turned into the ground, and slammed it out, making a dark and sullen voice. "All have to dead!"

"Boom, bang, bang!"

Qiu Wandao, the old man of Tsing Yi, and the three people of Tibetan Tianye were smashed out by this **** and beast, and they went backwards and again, spurting blood.

The three faces were extremely pale.

Looking at the huge sly beast in the sky, repairing at least to reach the peak of the peak of the fairy, they can not withstand such an impact.

The beast army is just cannon fodder.

These mutant beasts are the focus.

Qiu Wandao got up from the ground, and the bite of the teeth screamed and screamed, "For the sake of the dragon!"


You must fight for Longfei.

have to!

Qiu Wandao once again rushed to desperate.

The same is true of the Tsing Yi old man and Tibetan Amano.

Even if they were crushed, they did not think about retreating.

Chen Fatzi was bitten by the mouth of the mutated demon. He was struggling to support the abdomen's throat. Chen Fatzi screamed out and screamed. "I am fighting with you!"

The words fell.

The whole person jumped in directly.


Tongtian Temple.

"These people are about to collapse soon."

"The strength of these mutant beasts is too strong. I don't think there is such a beast in Tianwu."

"If you die, you will die. If you die, you will die."

"Ha ha ha..."

Gu Tong Tian Mei’s heart is locked, he still didn’t feel the breath of Longfei. “You won’t really escape?”

This is what he is worried about.


"Boom, bang!"

One by one was crushed and fell to the ground.

The ones that were crushed were not the same, the blood was raging, and there were countless wounds.

Those elders of the drug family.

Disciple of the Department of Labor.

Knife, Han Xueji... They were all bombarded and they really couldn’t help.

Longfei is not there.

In their hearts, they lose their backbone and their combat power is reduced by half.

The heart is also hating.

Why can't you become stronger?

Why can't I help Longfei share more?



Sakura collapsed, and the squat fell on the ground and shouted out in the hysterical sky. "Dragon, where are you? Help us!"

Linglong also collapsed and shouted: "Dragon Flying Brother, where are you, save us."

One by one has collapsed.

Their hearts can't stand it.

It’s not because I’m hurt, but to see people falling around one after another. It’s really painful.

On the wall.

Yuner's hands clasped together, tears dripping down, crying: "Dragon Flying Brother, where are you, come on, come back soon, thousands of sisters can't bear it, Come back soon."


At the same time.

The beast army is still rushing up.

Mutant monsters deep in the ground.

The number of mutant beasts that rush out of the void is constantly increasing.

In the face of such a powerful army of monsters, let alone one hundred people, even if the millions of troops can not resist, can persist until now, they are a miracle.



There was a loud noise in the sky above the Emperor City.

The faces of the people in the city changed, and when they thought that the beasts entered the city of the gods, a figure rushed out.

It was discovered that they were human figures, and they were relieved.


Two empty walks, falling on the wall.

Yuner saw the figure, his eyes burst into tears and said: "Longfei brother, you are finally here!"

Longfei arrived!

Looking at everything that happened outside the city of God, watching his brother being crushed on the ground by the monster, watching the woman bleed, and then watching the sneer in the city inside the enchantment, the dragon was angry!


chapter Five!

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