The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1017: Holy Power

No hesitation!

Longfei’s thoughts were moved, and at the same time, the four-door Shenwu cannon was overtaken, and the most dense place of the monster was locked, and he slammed into the sky, “Boom to Laozi!!”





Four loud noises, shaking the sky.

The entire city of the gods was shaking, and the power of the martial artillery trembled. All the people were forced. They had never seen this.


At the moment when the Shenwu cannon was released, the energy of the five hundred crystals bursting out was enormous, and the void could not bear it. It was too fierce!

Holy device!

What is the holy device?

This is!

The shells were blasted in the army of the beasts. The mutated beasts were directly smashed into slag, and the shells exploded like a nuclear bomb. The power was unparalleled, even if you were strong and resistant. Can't live.

Four-level monsters, turned into powder, spike.

Five-level monsters, turned into powder, spike.

Six, seven, and eight monsters are all spikes.

In the most center of the shells, those mutant monsters are also instantly smashed into a mass of meat, and the blood of the beasts is flying.

at this moment.

The system sound of Longfei is much more powerful than that of the Shenwu cannon. The sound of the sound is crazy, and “叮, 叮, 叮, 叮...” is a series of strings that are deafening and can’t understand what is bursting.


Preliminary statistics, Longfei this gun is equivalent to 150 million points of experience!

How aggressive is this?

A shot of 150 million experience.

Four guns, experience value has lost 600 million experience!

How fierce this is.

Just want to ask, Mom, who else?

The monster siege is cool here, and the experience value is double!

Otherwise, Longfei is not likely to get so much experience.

Looking at the experience value once again soared to 3 billion, coupled with the reward of the gods of the emperor's secret 'level +1' has not been triggered, Longfei mouth slightly excited hook, "I will fly again, hahaha... ”


"The fairy root of the realm!"

Without the integration of Xiangen, you cannot upgrade.

He now needs a fairy root in the realm of immortality!


"System prompt: Energy is filled!"


"System prompt: Energy is filled!"

The system prompts to sound.

Longfei was screaming again, saying: "Give me a blow!"

"Boom, bang, bang, bang!"

The four-door Shenwu cannon was issued, which means that two thousand pieces of Xianjing power exploded in the monster group. The scene was too shocking. Only the screams of the wolf's pain, the low noise of the space, and the sound of the city. Can't send it out.

They were shocked.

The royal family of the Emperor was shocked.

The Emperor's College was shocked.

The army of the Mozu in the valley was shocked.

Even the Tongtian Temple, which is high above, was shocked.

at this moment.

Longfei is the emperor!

The real emperor is average!

Who can think of Longfei standing on the wall to resist the army of the beast? The power of the Shenwu cannon... If you use it to lock the palace, if you use it to lock the Emperor's Academy, lock the valley where the Mozu army is stationed, and lock in... the consequences of the Heavenly Temple in the sky.

at this moment.

Many people's hearts are slightly cold, their hearts are hairy, and they are angry and cold.

That feeling...

It is like being dragged by the **** of death.

Uncomfortable to say no!


"System prompt: Filled!"

"Four doors are all together, give me a bang!" Longfei thought of a move, the four-door Shenwu cannon blasted out again, blasted in the monster group, those monsters were completely beaten, the armored lion cubs into the void, variation The beast was drilled back into the ground.

They are scared.

The army of the beasts was quickly evacuated.

Completely unable to resist the existence!

"Ha ha ha..."

"The monster army escaped, hahaha... Boss, you are really too powerful." Under the city wall, Song Qianqian cheered them up, and the power of that shot was so fierce.

The army of the beasts was like a ghost, and they could not resist it.

Also at this moment.

Those in the Emperor City secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but Longfei did not relax, the system did not prompt to complete the monster siege, this is only the first wave, but also the weakest wave, the monster siege is not over!


It is also shocking.

"What exactly are those things?"

"Where did Longfei get it?"

"These cannons are too powerful. He is a threat to the entire fairyland and Tianwu mainland. It is terrible."

Someone is talking about this victory.


Many powerful people are talking about the Shenwu cannon in the hands of Longfei. This kind of thing is terrible.

Inside the palace.

"Your Majesty, Longfei is a huge threat to our **** dynasty. It is not difficult to see from his enchantment, and his four cannons. If the muzzle objects to our palace, I am afraid we will all die."

"Your Majesty, you can't let Longfei live."

"This child can't stay."

"The threat is too big."


The Mozu army is stationed in the land.

Zhou Liemei's heart was wrinkled, his face was very ugly, and his heart was very unhappy. He wanted to save her when Song Qianqian was on the line, but Longfei's four-door Shenwu cannon completely smashed his plan. ,


The power of the Shenwu artillery broke out is terrible.

The army of the beast can't resist it, and his army of the demon is the same, can't resist it!

How to do?

If the Mozu army attacked the Imperial City, the four-door Shenwu cannon would be able to withstand them.

At this moment.

The old man in black robes rushed up and said: "Returning to the Lord, I found out that the energy released by the cannon is the energy of Xianjing, at least the energy of five hundred crystals. If he does not have Xianjing, it will be abolished. It!"

Zhou Li’s eye muscles trembled softly and smiled coldly: “If Longfei is dead...the four cannons are me.”


Tongtianxian Temple.

Gu Tongtian’s face is also extremely ugly.

Very unhappy!

He did not know where the dragon fly was from the Shenwu cannon, and the monster army was relieved.

It’s incredible.

On the Temple of the Immortal, an elder proposed immediately: "The elders are too embarrassed, and the threat of Longfei is too great to make him too respectable, and not to let him live."

The Shenwu cannon is a huge threat to the Tianwai Palace.

Some elders are shaking inside.

If a shot is hit, can the Tianwai Palace be able to withstand it?

It's really an unknown!

Gu Tongtian eyes glanced, flashing a cold mans.

The more he wants to control the dragon fly, but...the more he can't control it!

He wanted Longfei to retreat, and then he gave some strong means to let him go to the tomb of Longwei, but... Longfei did not follow his trajectory, and he was on the dragon. The control of flying has never been successful!

This makes it very uncomfortable.


Longfei thought about how to resist the army of the monsters, how to resist the army of the Mozu, but many people thought about **** him!


Chapter two,

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