The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1020: Ten billion experience!

Fairy beast, carrying the beast of Xiangen.

They are super strength.


Extremely rare existence.

The appearance of the beast army has made everyone shocked. The warriors of Tianwu mainland are too lacking in Xiangen. Many people are dying for the sake of a sacred root. The appearance of a fairy beast will cause a large force to compete.

just now.

Just outside the city of the gods, a large wave of fairy beasts appeared.

They are all high-quality fairy beasts.

Many people swallow their saliva, which is too tempting. However, no one in the city of Gods dares to go out because... they are not opponents at all!

The fairy is too strong.

Tongtianxian Temple.

“How come so many fairy beasts suddenly appear?”

"Before the elders, do we want to?"

The elders of the Tongtian Temple also lacked Xiangen.

They can't rush to practice the sacred roots, and they can't hold back the temptation to see such a huge army of fairy beasts. However, they are even more afraid of the ancient heavens than the army of the beasts.

Gutongtian Weiwei: "Let Longfei be alone to resist."


Although they want to kill the roots, they have a cup of beauty, but they dare not defy the ancient days.


They also know in their hearts that if the ancient army of the beasts does not shoot in ancient times, they can't resist it!

Gutong Tianxin is more and more full of doubts. "Why is this? The ten monsters in the forbidden mountain range are gathering, the mutant monsters are drilled from the depths of the earth, and now there are so many more beasts. What are these? ?"

"Dragon, what did you do?"

Do not understand!


In the East Cliff Valley, Zhou Lie’s heart glimpsed, and he was also coveted by the beasts, but... compared to these beasts, he wanted the life of Longfei!

"Dragon fly!"

"I see how this wave of fairy beasts resists?"


at this time.

The old man of the hidden magic and the black cloak disappeared around Zhou Lie.

Longfei now has a mind to fight against the monsters, and did not expect Zhou Li to be his hands at this time!


"Boss, how do you do it?" Chen Fatzi stared at a huge beast bear beast, his eyes shining, the pair of fairy beasts who are always eternal, and now he is in need of Xiangen.

Everyone looked at Longfei!

Waiting for the order.

Long Feidao: "Old rules, you are ruining the fairy beasts, and other things are handed over to me. As for Xiangen, you don't have to worry, I have a way to explode them one by one."

It takes a while for the ordinary warriors to strip the roots.

Longfei now has no time to give them.

Must fight hard!

The people did not hesitate, and Chen Fatzi was the first unscrupulous rushing out, roaring and said: "Come on, all come to play Laozi!"

The black knife followed.

Blade, Mandala, Wang Qingshan, Zheng Qingsong, Sakura, and Han Xueji formed a team. They cultivated the combined forces. These people can work together more.

Qiu Wandao is together with the three old people in the realm of Yuanxian.

Exquisite, Oya stood around Longfei, and Longfei stepped out, and the two men rushed out at the same time.

The war is on the verge.

This is the last wave of monsters siege.

As long as it resists this wave, Longfei’s ‘Tianwuzong’ is established in the upright sense and is recognized by the system!

The Zongmen system must be established.


As the level of the Zongmen increases, it can trigger many functions.

Zongmen power.

Zongmen experience.

Zongmen shop.

Even the legend, it is also the most valued point of Longfei, Zongmen transmission!

Can instantly send the sect of the sect of the sect to a place, slamming, and suddenly sent a large wave of brothers, I will ask you, afraid of not afraid?

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The first wave of people who rushed up were all shaken out, and those who wore armor were much stronger than Longfei’s imagination.



"Show out!"


There was a loud noise in the void, a large sword in one hand, and Galen in the death armor rushed out. In another place, a wild beast with a red vest and a basketball in his hand was summoned. come out.

"Take me two centers, kill me!"

Longfei gave a command.

Six endless, attacking force tens of thousands of points, Galen and Knock of thousands of crit rushed up, the whirlwind writhed, Knock was constantly spinning, Longfei right hand, the dragon knife in the hand was replaced Pangu open the axe.

Once Nock’s big move is triggered, Longfei is going down.

"Nine grades are unparalleled!"



The head of the fairy be cut off and the system sounds a beep.

"Boss, here!"

Chen Fatzi lifted a blasted bear immortal beast that was injured by his anti-injury and injured him to the side of Longfei. Longfei left his hand and moved, and the emperor’s holy sword slammed, "Boom!"


The system prompts to sound.

Longfei took a look at the blast bear defense sin root, facing the fat man: "Sengen to the hand, continue to kill!"

In full swing.

There is no powerful army of immortals, and Longfei flees. On the contrary, Longfei’s group of people are more excited to kill. Although they also have casualties, everyone is hanging up, but no one is taking a step back. Going all the way, killing all the way.

There are many people on the wall slowly.

Their eyes are full of envy.

"There are so many fairy beasts, a lot of fairy roots."


"If I also join Longfei their team, it would be fine."

"Now say a fart, you are not still laughing at Longfei, are they stupid?"


The man’s face changed and said, “Don’t you say that?”


Inside the palace.

"It won't work like this. Longfei will kill all the beasts, and we can't get anything."


"This is the city of the gods. We just need to crush the dragon fly."

"Dragon is a very heavy person. We started with Fu Xishan and used him to threaten Longfei and let him surrender Xiangen. In this case..."


The temptation of Xiangen is too big.

Many people are playing the idea of ​​Sendan.


The elders of the Tongtian Temple are playing this idea.


Compared with them, Zhou Lie has already been dispatched.

Looking at the fairy beast less and less, Zhou Lie turned to look at the million army in the valley, the voice sank, said: "We should debut!!"

The Mozu army slammed.

Zhou Lie looked at Longfei in the distance and smiled proudly. He said: "Longfei, Longfei, today you are dead, hahaha..."


"Buddha shines!"

Longfei took a slap in the palm of his hand, and then snarled at the beast of the fairyland. "Big sword, kill me!"

Galen moved, holding the sword in both hands, and squatting against the fairy beast.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’’s killing ‘Fairy’ and gaining 10000000 points, 130000 points, and 1 energy.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get the ‘Eight Pinions’ integration!”

Also at this time.

The system sounds a tone again.


“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flying” to complete the ‘Worship of the Beast,’ and the Beast’s siege is over!”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to establish ‘Tianwu Zong’ to gain a special reward of one billion points, one million points for Xianli and one hundred thousand points for rewards!”

The experience in the Longfei experience slot combined with the experience of the Zongmen system has reached 10 billion points! !

Is it upgraded?

at this time……

In the direction of the East Cliff Valley, the dust is full of sky.

The Mozu Million Army began to attack!


chapter Five!

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