A fierce mess!

Gutongtian is the existence of the world's peak powerhouse.

There have been no rivals for hundreds of years.

No one can crush him.


Now he was crushed by a force of Longfei, constantly blasting from the sky, and finally...

A loud noise.


The building within a kilometer became a ruin, and a huge deep pit appeared in the middle. The ancient scorpio was in the deep pit, and it was sloppy, with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his face was extremely pale, and his appearance was extremely embarrassing, extremely extreme!


There is no sound in the whole city.

Too fierce!

It’s hard to accept.

Ancient pass.

The super invincible powerhouse in the realm of Feixiang was slammed into the ground by Longfei, what a domineering?

The heart can't stand it.

The power of this move, even the Western Regions' ancestors have come to react in a hurry, and they have a glimpse of their hearts. "Is this your strongest strength? Is the strongest trump card?"

The strongest strength?

Maybe it is!

Because the power of this blow has killed the drought.

It is also because of the power to restrain the drought and flood that can cause a blow to destruction.

To say the strongest power...

That would count 10,000 levels of droughts and floods!


His loyalty is only 0.00001%, and Longfei does not dare to try to summon him.

Drought and flood, is the last trump card of Longfei!

Ten thousand, on the gods!

The drought that has been suppressed for hundreds of millions of years!

He is the real existence of terror.

Longfei’s move fell, and he did not stop. The huge stone in his hand moved to the top of Gutongtian’s head and slammed again. He said, “Are you tall? Is it not impossible? Come again. what!!"


When the dragon flies, he moved all the way to the earth on the ground. "The devil is!"

The Western Regions' ancestors shouted, "Long Fei, stop!"

"What the **** are you old?"

"Do you ask the old man to stop and stop?"

"First, let him burst, and then you!" The anger of Longfei's heart is not reduced by half. The death of the fat spurs her killing. His heart is all the blood madness of killing the Tao. When Gu Tongtian kills, he is not happy!

Gu Tongtian’s eyes lifted slightly, the teeth biting and squeaking, and the body slowly stood up. Looking at the skystone crushed in the sky, the voice was extremely low. “Longfei, you are alive!”

The sound fell.

The figure disappeared in place.

Too fast!

It’s quick to react.


Longfei is even more crazy, and the Tianbei Stone is plunging, and the heart is a glimpse. "Nine-level unparalleled, give me a drive!!"


Five hundred and twelve times the attribute power roars in the body.

The power of incomparable force almost blasts his body. Every time the power increases, he has to suffer tremendous pain. This is the taboo of the sacred bones, the power of taboos, and the power of punishment. It is.

Yuner burst into tears and said: "Longfei brother is too painful."

"He is really suffering."

"Hey, help Longfei brother."

"Thousands of sisters, help him, he is really too painful."

Yuner can sense all the pain that Longfei has suffered. The pain she feels intolerable when she feels it. Looking at Longfei, Yuner’s tears will flow out.

Help the dragon fly?

They all want to help.


For them, Longfei and Gutongtian are the existence of gods. They can't help anything. Going to help will only add trouble to Longfei.

Everyone is heartbroken.

I hate myself, and if I get stronger, I can share more for Longfei.

It won't be like this, nothing can be done.

"The elders are serious!"

"Dragon is going to die."

"I have never seen the elders of the elders fight so seriously. He is the realm of Feixian eight products. The supremacy exists. Who can be an enemy?"

"Dragon is really not self-reliant."

"Look, now he is going to die!"


Gutongtian is too strong.

Strong is like heaven, like God, no one can shake.

He has always estimated his life, has not dared to use his true strength, but now ... his power broke out, he can no longer resist.

The Western Regions’ ancestors also sighed in the heart, “Oops!”

At this time, even if he wants to stop it, it is too late.

Longfei angered a super fierce beast, and now the ancient Tongtian will kill Longfei with all means.

This power.

Even the Western Regions ancestors have taboos!


Longfei is not afraid!

More than five hundred times the power of the property broke out.

He instantly saw the trajectory of the ancient Tongtian movement, a hook in his mouth, and a grinning smile. "Is it hanging?"

"I will let you see more hanging!"


After the movement of the Tianbei stone, it swept out, not waiting for the ancient sky to come close, the green silver light on the stone on the stone was blasting, "Hey!"

The power of the sacred concealed in the stone of the sky is activated!


Swept out, heavy squatting on the waist of Gutongtian, "Wow... oh..."

A stream of blood spouted out.

Gu Tongtian’s body exploded and his eyes stared at Longfei. He said: “Impossible, absolutely impossible, you can’t see my speed, you can’t...”

When he said this.

The six wings of the dragon fly back, "Hey!"


Falling behind the ancient Tongtian, Tianbei stone.


He was dragged from the air, and the ground exploded. If the meteorite hit, there was a huge deep pit. Gutongtian still squatted on the ground, facing the fat man, waiting for him to react. Flying with a powerful force.


Gu Tongtian was bombed and jumped again into the air.

Longfei is another blow. "I want to marry Laozi?"


Gutongtian was bombarded!

"Hey!" Longfei once again fell behind him, swearing, "Kid the brother of Laozi?"


Tianbei stone hits.

Gutongtian was once again bombarded, and Longfei’s body moved again, sinking heavily: “Injury my father?”


"Boom, bang, bang!"

Continuous crit, crazy crushing.

He is sick, wants his life, does not give Gutongtian any chance of backhand, every time Longfei is full of action, playing the ancient Tongtian is not adult, the hair is scattered, the whole body is bloody, and the strong will crush him. live.

again and again.

The people who are still alive in the Imperial City, the Emperor's College, and the Heavenly Heaven Hall are all a little bit of sound.

The air is too depressed.

The picture crushes the heart of everyone, making you breathless and uncomfortable.


In the Tianwai Palace, the four virtual shadows flashed.

The power of four super infinite flying fairy realms emerged.

The four elders of the elders were all dispatched.

Also at the same time.

Gutong Tianyin smiled, "hahaha..."

"Hey, haha..."

"Dragon, can you be resistant to this?"


Chapter two,

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