The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1032: Forbidden, death contract

Xiangen has a total of ten layers of realm.


Use the power of the six-way flying fairyland to directly activate the eleventh layer of the power of the gods in the body of Chen Fatzi, and ... the Xiangen variation.

The gods follow the variation.

Directly become a guardian armor, with the power of resurrection!

Horror is incomparable!

Longfei’s heart was shocked and secretly said: “It can evolve into an anti-injury, and it may evolve into a resurrection. Hahaha... Fat man, is this the hidden power of the gods?”

Every King Kong has its own special strength.

They have some powerful power lurking in their bodies, but they need an opportunity to activate.

The body of the giant spirit of Li Yuanba.

These are the special forces of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit.

The moment when the fat man was too proud to fly, it was the dragon war that brought him into a special space, and was pressed by the five-finger mountain. From that time on, he saw that the **** of the fat man owned by Chen Fatzi had a special Ability.

It looks like it is dead.


His **** Singer has been guarding him and has not given up.

Use the strongest flying fairy power to push the cockroach of the fat body of the fat body, and its special ability opens.

Resurrection... just one of them!

"Call, call, call..."

"I am still alive?"

"Haha... I haven't died yet, this fat man hasn't died yet, hahaha..." Chen Fatzi touched his chest, the wound had healed, and the excited hand danced and looked at Longfeidao: "Boss, I am fine, I'm fine, hahaha... their power is just that, hahaha..."

Longfei looked at the incomparable excitement.

The fat man can live, he is more happy than anyone else.

The dragon warfare said slightly: "If you have nothing, just leave, or you will die if you wait."

Chen Fatzi glanced at it and looked at the dragon battle: "Uncle, how are you? You are holding me under the Wuzhi Mountain. I haven't found you yet."

"Are you a group with them?"

The Dragon Wars did not pay attention to Chen Fatzi.


The power of the ancient six people helped the dragons to pull the fat man back from hell, which made them very unhappy. Their power was not used to save people, but to kill people.

Six forces are surging.


Gutong Tiansheng screamed, "See what you can resist this time!"

"Dragon battle, you give me to die."

Chen Fatzi blinked his eyes and turned to look at the six people in the ancient day. Then he looked at the dragon and said: "You are not with them, you are called a dragon..."

"You are the father of the boss?"

"Rely, ancient Tongtian, you dare to move the boss of your boss, your grandmother, Laozi fights with you."

Chen Fatzi was born without fear of fear.

It’s not good to move his boss, and the boss who moves the boss is even worse.

When he spoke, he was going to rush, but he was hit by a force from the dragon and screamed, "Don't come to die!"


The breath of his body surging, the robe of the robes screaming, watching the pressure of the heavens, the dragon screaming and sinking his eyes, his hands holding the sky, and screaming, "There is a kind of you come!!"


The powerful force is once again crushed down.

The body of the dragon warfare was slightly sunk, the robes were all broken, the upper body was naked, and numerous scars were as dense as a burlap, and the heart was full of vibrating.

Longfei is even more gaze, "Father, what have you experienced?"

Move your palms.


"Give me a crack." The power above the palm of the hand rushed out, breaking the power of the sky's general pressure, and the dragon war screamed.

The blue veins of the body rise.

The power is as strong as the wrath of the sea.





The four elders were shocked and squirted with blood.

Gutongtian was also regressed by the earthquake, and the blood was flowing.

The same is true of the Western Regions' ancestors, and their hearts are broken and broken.

The pressure of the six peak powerhouses was broken by one person!

The dragon battles are not moving, the face, the breath, the power fluctuations have not changed, the pressure is completely crushed, and the strong mess.

Strong burst table.

Longfei is all over.

It is difficult to do the crushing of the six peaks, even if it is the peak of the Feixian nine products. What is this power?

Yan Huang's ancestors hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "The power of life!"

Longfei stunned, feeling a little bit wrong, said: "Old ancestors, what is the power of life, you give me a clear point."

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "It is the power that burns life and borrows from the **** of death. This is a forbidden technique. Once the life is released, it will be shortened rapidly!"

The power of life.

Use your own life to exchange power.

Longfei heard the explanation of Yanhuang's ancestors, his face changed, and his father's back was seen. His tears could not be controlled. The fists were clenched, clenched, and then clenched. The nails were stuck in the flesh and blood. Drip down.

The dragon wars stunned and scorned, and smiled coldly: "The ancient days, do you want to continue?"

"Do you want to kill me?"

"Do you want to kill my son?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"As far as your current strength is concerned, is it worth it?"

Heavy crushing.

The ancient Tongtian heart trembled, he could not see through the dragon, and the more he did, the more he became afraid.

At this moment.

The Western Regions' ancestors shook his head at him, and his mind was about to bear the impact. If he came back a few times, his mind would be shattered.

He doesn't want to put his life here.

The faces of the four elders were also very ugly and were hit hard.

Gu Tongtian shouted: "Dragon battle, today you are lucky!"

"Dragon fly!"

"You remember to me, sooner or later, I will kill you, I will kill you in the Longtian of Nantianyu, hahaha..."


Gutongtian sipped and said: "Go back to the Heavenly Palace!"

The speed is very fast.

Without the reaction of anyone, it will disappear directly into the sky.

Chen Fatzi sighed and said: "Don't let them go, swearing at him, asking for his life. We are so miserable by this grandson that we can't make him better."

The fat man wants to chase.

Longfei screamed and drunk the fat man.

Quickly rushed to the side of the dragon battle, a father to help, whispered: "Father, why should this, why, why do you want to deal with the **** of death."

The dragon battle was first and foremost, and then smiled faintly: "Xiaofei, I really can’t hold you, it seems that you are growing faster than I imagined."

"You can't see them in the ancient days, but you... cough..."

A strong cough.

The look of the dragon's face 唰 唰 变得 became pale, but his face was still full of smiles, said: "Don't worry about me."

"Get out of here now."

The dragon battle is hard to stop.

Longfei’s heart was bleeding, his voice sank, and said: “The blood dragon ancestors.”

"Sea Dragon ancestors."

"Take all the brothers away."

Must leave here.

If Gutongtian is discovered, then no one can go!


Chapter two,

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