The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1036: People in the chaotic boundary plane?

The people and things in the wilderness are very low-key.

Because of his low profile, he is easily forgotten.

Because of his low profile, he is also more mysterious.

In the Emperor's College, Longfei confessed to the wild and the owner was thunderous, but there was no contact after that incident.

For the wilderness, Longfei understands that it only produces ore here.


A three-generation savage beast fell, and the dragon's blood was instantly absorbed by the Yanhuang ancestors. Longfei also sat down on the ground and gasped.

"I wipe, these wild beasts are too ferocious." Long Fei panted, clothes drenched, sweating.

The look is a little tired.

Very tired, but hearty, Longfei is very fulfilling.

Every time I play against the wild beast, Longfei is full of strength, no skills, hard power, no defense, this feeling is very happy.

After Yan Yan’s ancestors swallowed the blood of the beast, he said: “These are just three generations of wild beasts. If you really encounter a generation of wild beasts, you may not be able to resist them.”

The Yan Huang ancestors said truthfully.

In the chaotic world, it is much stronger than the Tianwu continent.

The monster is also much stronger.

The second generation, the three generations of the beasts are at best the level of the beasts in the chaos world, even the qualifications of the monsters are not up to.

It can be seen how fierce the chaotic world is.

Longfei screamed, "Is the Chaos world so powerful?"

The eyes of Yanhuang's ancestors flashed out of the mans, and said: "Of course, it is tough, and the chaos is linked to Wanjie. The first stop after the Tianwu mainland has soared into the void is the chaos."

"The chaotic world is the paradise of the military, it is the real strong world, the Tianwu mainland and the chaos world have nothing to compare."

Longfei did not panic, but a look of excitement, muttered: "Yes? Then, there are piles of bosses in the chaos world? Hahaha..."

"It must be cool to burst their chrysanthemums."

The thing that Longfei’s mind thinks is explosive, explosive, and explosive!

Playing games does not explode boss, what else to play?


A force of strength suddenly came up, and Yan Huang’s ancestors immediately reminded him, “Dragon, be careful!”


Longfei reacted in an instant, and his body jerked.

Suspended in the air, the two eyes slightly shocked, said: "Human?"

"Sneak attack?"

In the place where he was standing, a young man of about twenty years old, the man’s eyes were a little scared, but... more is disdain and disdain.

Seeing that Longfei had escaped his attack, his eyes were stunned. He was very disdainful: "I can avoid my attack? Then I will see if you can avoid a few tricks."

The voice did not fall, and the figure disappeared.

Also at this moment.

When the sky emptied, the man’s voice appeared in the air, and he slammed into the dragon and sipped, “Give me a lie down!”


The figure of Longfei became a cloud of white mist and disappeared instantly.

This is a avatar!

At the moment when the young man shot, Longfei exhibited multiple shadows, and he himself was hanging on the back of the man, with a hook on his mouth. "You just lie down for me!"

A palm hit.

Power is fierce.

For those who attacked him, he would never be merciless.

The power of Cheng Xian realm emerged.


The palm of the hand smashed the void, and a heavy shot on the man's back, Longfei's heart secretly smug, "This palm does not die and you have half life."


What he didn't think of was that the man's body just sank and did not suffer much damage. The blood tank on his head floated a number.


"I fuck!"

Longfei immediately screamed in his heart. Although the power of this palm is not all-powerful, it is also the power of the realm of immortality. Actually, it only hits the damage value of ‘-1’.

Is this a wool?


Under that palm, Longfei's palm was numb, just like a thick steel plate. His entire arm was shaken off.

Your own damage is higher than the damage of men.

The warriors in the wilderness are all this metamorphosis?

Then why is the Thunder not so strong in the past?

Longfei can't understand!

Yan Huang’s ancestors said: “It’s not that your strength is not strong enough, but that he has a defensive armor in the chaos.”

"Defense armor in the chaos?"

"That man is a person in the chaos?" Long Fei asked in a row.

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "No, there is no smell of chaos in his body. At best, he is only a disciple of the chaos of the chaos, or something else."

"Scratch, really boring, I thought that the chaos community would invade the Tianwu continent, I also think that the warriors in the chaos industry must have a lot of experience." Longfei snorted.

Just as he was in the palm of his hand.

The man was furious and had a double fist. He turned over and slammed into the dragon. "Dog stuff, I want to abolish you!"

Power surges and more powerful forces are released from young men.

Longfei did not give him any chance.

Double fists and a hug.

Condescending, facing his head, is a thunderous bombardment, "Tomahawk, heavy artillery!"

"Hey, hey..."

In the void, two golden roaring roars sounded, and a huge Tomahawk phantom blew against the young man's head.


This time, the power of Longfei has risen to the peak of the realm of immortality.

The young man's thick defensive hood was automatically unfolded overhead, but at that moment, there was a crack, and his own body was also bombarded in midair.

A deep pit was found on the ground.

The young man is very sloppy and becomes very embarrassed.

Staring at the dragon in the sky, the hysterical roared, "I want to kill you!"


Longfei’s heart is also a bit uncomfortable. “Two attacks, the damage caused is less than one hundred points. The defense of this guy is too bad, but... the defensive armor of the chaos, I like it, oh...”

The figure moved.

Longfei slammed down and smiled coldly: "I will kill you too!"


The man who rushed to the pit, "explodes you!"

It is also at this moment.

The Yan Huang ancestors shouted, "Be careful!"

Longfei glimpsed, he is already a godly reaction, but... a sweeping force comes like lightning, even if he reacts quickly, it is useless.

"Hey, hey..."

In all directions, the power is intertwined like a net.

Instantly encircle the dragon fly.


In such an instant, this giant net rushed to the side, and Longfei was like a person who fell into a trap. He was directly hoisted, looked up, and floated a spiritual treasure above his head.

The tension giant network was just released from this Lingbao.

The giant network is shrinking.

The dragon will fly to the dead!

Longfei was arrested!

At this time, a team was brought up under the hillside. The head was a woman with armor and the armor of the woman was very weak.

Bikini looks like a battle armor.

Under her armpit is a brutal beast.

A generation of wild beasts!

People in the chaotic boundary plane?


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