The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1046: Entering the city

"Remember, everything goes to listen to my words in the wild city." Stars are somewhat worried. This way, Longfei has occupied a very important position in her heart.


She has fallen in love with this man.

Because of the first relationship!

Longfei nodded and said: "You can rest assured, now the ghosts can't recognize me. I am flying."

Easy capacity.

You can also call makeup, and now the dragon fly completely becomes another look, and you can't see who he is.

Longfei changed, but the star is still very worried.

The two entered the wild city.

The guards of the defending city saw the stars and immediately respected the ceremony.

At the same time, there is a doubtful color in their eyes.

The star didn't pay attention, but Longfei noticed it, and the heart said: "It looks like Tian Xuan that the guy escaped."

After a few minutes.

A black armor quickly felt the city's main house and reported to Tianzhu: "The patriarch, the star is back."

One day, the three elders died, he did not care about the life and death of the star, this time she suddenly came back. Scorpio is silent for a while, saying: "What else is there beside her?"

The black armor replied: "A strange old man."

Scorpio murmured, "Unfamiliar old man?"

"Is this old man saving her?"

"Tell this thing to Tian Xuan." Tian Hao responded slightly, as long as it was not Long Fei, he was not interested.


The black armor retired.

The stars entered the city, and there was no slight stop. Even the family did not return, and went directly to the city government.


In the dungeon.

Tian Xuan learned about the news of the return of the stars to the city. His eyes glanced and his mouth was slightly ticked. "This is a fun, strange old man? Hehe..."

The bell in his hand shook and ordered: "You four are listening!"

Li Yuanba stood four times, his spirits were shaking, and his eyes were covered with a thick white light.

When the bells were shaken, they were immediately overtaken like zombies in zombie movies.

Tianxuandao: "Follow me to the city government!"


"Kids, the guards in this wild city are all evolutionary people. The general guards are three generations of evolutionists, and there are some second-generation evolutionaries." Yan Huang's ancestors secretly shocked.

In the end, the strong man in the chaos world has spent so much effort to build such a powerful force in the wilderness?

In the eyes of Longfei, there was a golden light, and he muttered: "These evolutionists have too many experiences. If they are all killed, it will be cool."

Chengxian one product.

Within two years, Longfei wants to reach the realm of Feixian, and has to say that it is very difficult!

It is too difficult for Longfei to upgrade to nearly 2 billion years of experience.

Even if it is eight, the experience of the nine-level high-level monster can not meet his upgrade needs.

Long Fei whispered to the star and said, "How many evolvers are there?"

Stars said: "The wilderness has changed in recent years. Basically, every day evolutionary people come out from the portal. I don't know how much to ask."

"This kind of question is less asked in the wilderness city."

"The front is the city's capital, wait for me to go advanced, you are waiting for me outside." Stars confessed.

Longfeidao: "Be yourself too careful!"

The star is warm and says: "Yeah."


The star is not in the heart, she is very noble in the wild city, but also the home of the powerful war, no matter what happens.

Longfei sat down at the tea house opposite the city's main house, ordered a pair of tea, and slowly drank.

I am constantly thinking about things in my mind.


He is also waiting for news of Yan Huang's ancestors.

After entering the wild city, Longfei let Yanhuang's ancestors feel Li Yuanba's position. Longfei is sure that Li Yuanba must be in the wild city.

It is a star.

Longfei sent five hundred yin soldiers to protect.

Even if something happens, she can let her go back, because the star is his woman, and the woman of Laozi will naturally not let her fall into danger.

Another 500 hundred soldiers were distributed in all corners of the wild city and quickly collected intelligence.

The greatest strength of the Yinbing Legion came into play.

Hidden invisible.

Killing is invisible.

And, more critically, they can get into places where Longfei can't get through.

Everything was arranged properly, and Longfei was waiting for the fragrant, waiting slowly.


"Home, I am back."

The star looks a little excited.

after all.

Here is her home, she is also cultivated by Scorpio, it can be said that in her heart, Scorpio is her half father.

Scorpio also pretends to be happy, saying: "Heavenly, you can count it back. I sent people around to look for you in the past few days. How about? How did the three elders not treat you?"

"Xuan Er has said to me."

Tianxingdao: "Returning to the homeowner, the three elders were killed by a master, and it was because of this that I escaped. I rushed back to remind you that we must guard against the power of the three elders, and... there is one more thing."

Scorpio said: "You said."

Star said: "I think there are people behind the three elders. Otherwise, he can't dare to confront you with the personal strength of the three elders."

Scorpio pretends to be a musing look: "Heavenly star, this can't be said."


The star immediately bowed his head and said: "This is just a disciple's guess."

In the past few days, she has been thinking about this matter. The three elders’ personality is not afraid to openly resist the family. There must be someone behind him.

At this moment.

Scorpio asked: "Star, I heard that you caught the dragon this time? Where is he now? He is the one who is named by the strong, and with him, we have the initiative."

"Do you know where he is?"

Longfei is the focus.

Scorpio didn't want to get an answer from the star, he just asked tentatively.


The star was silent, and her eyes appeared a bit of a dilemma.

This made Tianzhu’s heart shake, and said: “It seems that she really has a connection with Longfei.”

"The strange old man..."


The look of Scorpio suddenly shocked, and there was a little excitement in my heart. "If it is really his, then... oh..."


Scorpio immediately voiced to the black armored soldiers outside the house.

The star is very complicated. She never violated the command of Scorpio and did not lie to him, but this time... The star bit his lip and said: "Disciple, disciple does not know!"

Her behavior has already betrayed her.

Scorpio smiled and said: "I don't know if it is, anyway, Nantian is now in our hands, and I am not afraid that Longfei will not appear."


"What about the strong man who saved you?"

"I want to thank him in person." Scorpio asked.

Tianxing said: "He has left the wilderness."


"This way, then next time." Tianzhu faintly laughed.

at this time.

There was a laugh outside the house.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Star Master, are you really back?" Tian Xuan entered the city government from the backyard, followed by four people behind him, the four King Kong!


Chapter One,

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