The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1048: Dragon Flying vs. Four King Kong

If it is not the appearance of Longfei, Tian Xuan will not order Li Yuanba to stop.

"Stop pretending!"

"Dragon fly!"

Tian Xuan is interested in the dragon-like look of the old man, his face is hung with a cold smile, saying: "I said, your life is mine."

Longfei stood still and did not speak.

His avatar has not yet cultivated to that point.

Scorpio micro-channel: "Xuan Er, you are so sure that he is a dragon fly?"

Tianxuandao: "Is it true if you try it?"

"Star Master, I can't help it." Tian Xuan sneered, the bell in his hand slammed and ordered: "Li Yuanba, hands-on!"

Just at this moment.


A golden light flashed, and a powerful force was overwhelming.

Do not give Tian Xuan any chance to respond.

A squat!


The power of this knife is extremely abnormal. It directly cuts off one hand of Tian Xuan, and the arm flies up. The golden light flashes and directly controls the bell.


Tian Xuan issued a pig-like roar, blood squirting, painful trembling, screaming.

A knife is received.

Longfei landed, looked at them four, looked at the bell in his hand, slammed hard, the bell broke!

Li Yuanba also stopped acting.


"Tianling, Lin Yousheng, Luohan!" Longfei looked at the four of them looking dull, like a zombie, the heart is extremely uncomfortable.

The anger in the heart is intertwined with the madness of killing.

The power of murder in the mind is surging, in anger!

Tian Xuan stared at Longfei, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, "Dragonfly!!"

The star is also a glimpse. "You shouldn't come."

Longfei said with a deep voice, "I don't come, you are dead now, move my woman, still move my brother, scream..."

Longfei is now like a fire dragon, with a hot flame.

Furious can't!

The eyes of Li Yuanba's four people were a little surprised, because their knowledge of the sea has a unique memory for Longfei's voice, which is very special, so that they are slightly shocked.

Tian Xuan took the next hemostasis to heal Dan, and quickly said to Tian Tian: "Father, he is Longfei."

Tianzhu mouth corner, a cold smile: "I sent it to my door, it really saves me."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Longfei resisted the Dragon Slayer's knife on his shoulder again, "Hey!"

A knife hits Tian Xuan. "Is you moving my brother, killing me, isn't it?"

Tian Xuan scared his face and sank. He summoned the Wolverine King in an instant. He didn’t want anything, just thinking about running away, but... At the moment he summoned the Wolverine King, the power of Longfei’s hands sank: "Give me death!!"


There was a loud noise in the void.

Yan Huang’s ancestors screamed, “Dragon, be careful!”

Not waiting for the power of Longfei to fall, a powerful force on the chest is crushed up, "Boom!"

The chest is blown up!

Powerful power is like a huge power grid. From the chest to the powerful power of the whole body, all the power flow in his body is blocked.

Longfei was instantly rushed to fly!


The wall of the yard was ruined.

Tian Xuan immediately sighed, "Ha ha ha ... I want to run anything, I forgot that this is my home, I need to run? Kid, cool?"

When the sky empties, it falls slowly and says: "Longfei, you only have one way to go, help me open the dragon field, I will let your family go, spare your brother, otherwise...I will Let them die in front of you one after another."


The ruins exploded and the power of Longfei burned.

Super Saiyan mode!

The powerful force directly lifted him, and the sky flew up and looked at Tianzhu: "Do you know the consequences of engaging my family?"

Scorpio said: "The consequences? What is your qualification for this situation? Tell me about the consequences. I want to tell you that you can only live with me!"

Very crazy!

Very disdain.

Tian Xuan also proudly smiled: "Dog things, squatting in my heavenly dog, you can live for a few more years, otherwise, today you will become a dead dog, hahaha..."

The star reminded me, "Dragon, don't be impulsive!"

The repair of Scorpio is too strong.

The first generation was also the first evolver.

It is he who opened the door of transmission, replacing the position of Lei family in the wilderness.

In just three years, his cultivation has reached the peak of Feixian's peak, even if compared with the ancient Tongtian, it is not inferior.


This is in the wild city, the second generation, the three generations of evolution, how is Longfei an opponent?

Tianxuandao: "Heavenly star, you are a monk who really has a leg with him."

"Then you should die more!"


Tian Xuan screamed, "Where is the black armor?"

There are hundreds of black armor warriors around the yard. Several black armor warriors rushed to the stars in an instant. The swords in the hands of the stars were just moving...

Not waiting for her move, Longfei’s body moved, “Wanfo Chaozong!”


Directly put a piece of black armor warrior to fly out, the idea commanded: "The sinister soldiers listen to the order, bring the stars out of the wild city!"


Hundreds of sinister soldiers suddenly took up the sky and jumped into the city, and the speed was too fast.

And it happened suddenly, and it was too late to react.

Tian Xuan’s eyes were tight and said: “Want to escape the wild city? Hey, you can’t escape today.”

"Oh, you can't let that monk escape."

"Can't let her take the news out." Tian Xuan screamed, if the ambitious words he just said were known to the powerful in the chaos, they would be wiped out instantly.

Never let the strong know.

Scorpio’s heart is also clear, and he said: “The black armor is listening to the order, and the whole city is chasing it!”


The black armored soldiers in the yard quickly retired.

Chasing the stars.

Tian Xuan looked at Long Fei and said with great interest: "Hey, Longfei and his brothers should meet and should let them talk about the old."

Tian Xuan smiled proudly and said: "Longfei, your four King Kongs have been re-engineered, and now they are different from the past. It used to be like a glimpse. Now... they are the four of our heavenly family. Dog, hahaha..."

"Do you think you crushed the bells, can't I control them?"

Tian Xuan’s thoughts moved and took out a bell from the space ring. “I still have it here, hahaha...”

"You four are for me!"

When the bell swayed, the eyes of the four people flashed a red light.

The brush is in front of Longfei.

They looked at Longfei, and their eyes were full of killing!

Longfei looked at them four people, four brothers, four King Kong, but now they are being manipulated, the heart is uncomfortable, muttering: "I'm sorry!!"

"Really sorry!"

Tian Xuan smiled smugly. "Ha ha ha... apologize? If you apologize, what do you want me to do!"

"Give me kill!"


third chapter,

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