The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1050: break out


When the spirit broke through, Li Yuanba first awakened.

Looking at the dragon flying in the blood, Li Yuanba was so excited that he said: "Boss, is it really you?"

"Is that you?"

The voice is shaking.

Li Yuanba, like a little boy, shed tears and said: "Is it really you, boss, is it really you?"

Speaking a word.

That excitement cannot be described in any words.

Looking at the dragon flying face is blood, Li Yuanba said sadly: "Who made you like this?"

"You told me, I killed him!"

Longfei smiled, laughed very happy, laughed like a silly, watching Li Yuanba shook his head and said: "No one, no one."

at this time.

Tian Xuan was a little panicked, and the bell in his hand kept shaking. "You still do what you want, give it to me, kill him, kill the dragon thing."

Li Yuanba’s spiritual knowledge broke through, and he was completely awakened.

Already completely out of control, but the other three are not, their spiritual knowledge is constantly impacting, and has not broken.

In the course of this struggle, the effect of Tian Xuan's command on them was not particularly strong. Now their brains are like a bunch of wrong codes, and they are in a mess.

"I told you to kill him, didn't you hear it?"

"Do you want to defy my orders?"

Tian Xuan drunk heavily.

at this time.

Li Yuanba turned and stared at Tian Xuan, who was holding the bell. He asked with a deep question, "Who are you going to kill? Kill my boss?"


His head was a little thought, looking around, a mess, and Longfei was injured. He said: "You just controlled us, let us shoot at the boss?"

"Your grandma's chest and legs!"

"Move me boss?"

"I am going to turn your dog's day!"

The voice fell.

Li Yuanba grabbed his hands and screamed with a heavy snarl, "Rage, give me out!"



The double hammer created by Longfei flashed out of the void, Li Yuanba grabbed it in his hand, and the whole body went into the magic moment, and the thick magical flame burned in madness.


His whole body was covered with thunder and lightning. This was the lightning that came from the collision of his power. The power seemed to burst in the explosion.

"Kill me boss?"

Li Yuanba roared, his body disappeared, and the air rang, "My ancestors!"

In an instant.

A loud bang in the sky, the power of the giant spirits broke out in a comprehensive way, and the power of a pure giant was bombarded with a double hammer.

Destroy the power of the earth.

This is his strength.

After the evolution of power, this is Li Yuanba himself! !

Tian Xuan is stupid.

Looking at the amazing power in the sky, he scared the urine directly, and he couldn’t do anything. He could only shout, "Hey, save me!"

Scorpio looked at his eyes and turned his right hand. A seal was placed on the palm of his hand.

"The thick earth **** print!"

"Give me a drive!"

A thick and incomprehensible force will wrap the heavens.

The thick earth **** seal is an artifact.

In addition to the door of the transmission, one of the three great artifacts of the wilderness domain has a strong defense force, which can bring together the defense power of the whole earth.

This defense is very powerful.

Tian Xuan is also a loose heart, and there is no need to worry about the protection of this thick earth **** seal.


Li Yuanba's double hammer slammed down, and the thick earth **** seal had not supported for one second, and it was broken.

It released the defense of the earth and was broken by his hammer.

"Oh la la..."

The defense is broken.

The strength is not reduced by half, Tian Xuan's face is pale, the whole person is just as dead, too scary.

At this moment, he couldn't even make a sound, just like being strangled by the dead, it was extremely uncomfortable!

Under strong power.

Tian Xuan is shaking.

His squatting horse king is also shaking.


At this moment, Li Yuanba's double hammer did not slam, and stopped at the top of Tian Xuan's head. Tian Xuan's skull was crushed by a powerful force and a groove appeared. His eyes opened slightly. Looking at the floating Thunder Warhammer on the top of the head, the whole size is incontinent, and the voice trembles: "I,, I, spare, I, spare me, save me..."

In this moment.

Li Yuanba’s other angry thunder hammer slammed into the body and said: "Boss, catch!"

His life is given by Longfei.

His name is given by Longfei.

He wants to have my dragon fly in his heart!

Just a hammer he can directly kill Tian Xuan, but he did not do that, because Li Yuanba thinks that killing Tian Xuan and the Wild Wolf King will bring more benefits to Longfei.

and so.

He stopped.

When the power is received, it has a great harm to the body's counterattack, but he does not care for himself.


Tian Xuan fell in front of Longfei.

Directly from the savage wolf king to the ground, directly in front of Longfei, said: "Long Fei, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was just playing around, let me put a dog."

In the distance, the eyebrows of Tianzhu are tight.

He once again despised the power of Li Yuanba.

He did not think that a person in the South Tianyu could have such a powerful force after evolution. He was the first generation of evolution and the first person to evolve. He was the strongest evolutionary.

Scorpio is not happy.

Looking at his son's knees on the ground for mercy, he is even more upset!

Longfei mouth corner hook, slightly smiled: "I will not kill you!"

Tian Xuan’s heart is loose, as if he was a big man.


At this moment, Longfei’s hand fell and he cut down the head of the Wild Wolf King and slammed it. “I don’t kill you, do you think it is possible?”



“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ killing ‘Bulky Wolf King’ and gaining experience of 2230000 points, Xianli 110000 points, and energy value of 1 point.”

"Congratulations to the player..."

There are a few things that broke out.

Longfei did not release the value of violent energy, and he now has no violent energy value.

What's more.

There is a more powerful boss in front of him.

The body is full of purple-colored bosses, Scorpio!

"Old ancestors, this is the power you want, and quickly absorb it." Longfei reminded.

The blood of the beast splashed, and the splattered Tian Xuan was full of faces. He was even more scared and mad. He kept screaming, and Longfei grabbed him and lifted him up.


Longfei told Li Yuanba, "Take them up."

Li Yuanba quickly did it.

Longfei stared at Tianzhu and said: "Would you like your son's life?"

"Oh obedient!"

"Don't chase it out!"


Longfei jumped up and said: "Yuanba, let's go!"

Tian Xuan shouted, "Hey, save me!"

Scorpio did not chase it out.

A black shadow flashed around him, coming out of the void, some puzzled: "Master, why let them go?"

Scorpio smiled coldly and said: "He will come back again!"

"Because... his woman is in my hands!"


The experience here is rich, the evolutionary is numerous, the paradise of upgrading, why is Longfei going?

Because of the heavenly spirit, Lin Yousheng, Luo Han three people have not yet awakened, he must first wake up the three, and then ... **** wild city!


chapter Five,

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