The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1054: Dragon flies

Words are not speculative and more than half a sentence.

Taizun did not say much, but smiled a little and said: "I believe that the city owner will form an alliance with us."


He withdrew from the city government.

Scorpio sneered, "Xianyu has been turned over by Longfei, and now it is all over the power to form an alliance? Just rely on the current Tiantian Temple?"

"The existence of weak chickens!"

He did not put the Tongtian Temple in his eyes.

Now the Tongtianxian Temple is also barely supported by Gutongtian. If he dies, the Xianyu is collapsed.


In addition to the wilderness, Taizun also went to the dark field.


Different from Scorpio, Song Qiancheng promised to come down without thinking.

In addition...

He also sent a gift to the ancestors!


More than just dark areas.

Gu Tongtian’s influence is very strong. He sent dozens of Protoss enemies to bring together the hidden powers on Tianwu.

These strong people who can't escape the world, they are all threatened.


The life span of five hundred years is the limit of Tianwu mainland, and... In the past thousands of years, no one has been able to rob the thief, and it will only be robbed by the sky.

In the face of the exhaustion of Shouyuan, Gutongtian’s request is really tempting.

As long as they get the Dragon Treasure, they are likely to get a longer Shouyuan. As long as there is a life, everything is possible.

Strong people gather.

Tongtianxian Temple is open to them, a strong aura, and some super-strong exercises in the Heavenly Temple.

The current Tongtian Temple is completely different from the Tongtian Temple in a few days ago.

The strength reached an unprecedented strength.

This is the means of ancient Tongtian.

Six Feixian strong people are not your opponents?

Then I found 16 people, 36 people, and even 60 strong people in the realm of Feixian, and asked if you are afraid!

For more life yuan.

They will never have any kindness!

And these, Longfei simply does not know.


In the valley.

In the past two days, Longfei still kept talking. He said all the things in Xianyu in the past few years. Longfei wants to let them know how they have been through these years.

Let them know how he missed them.


"There is still the last night." Long Fei exhaled a breath, his eyes lifted slightly, saying: "Tomorrow I will save my woman, that is your big sister."

"If you can hear me, I hope that when the sun rises tomorrow, you can go with me."

"It’s a brother, go to war!"

Longfei said a lot.


He also went to the other side, and he did not raise his mind.

Tomorrow will be a fierce battle.

The power of those evolvers is very strong, especially the power of the purple boss. The power of the Boss is even more powerful. If you want to explode it, you must be prepared.

In the middle of the night.

On the eve of the war, Longfei’s heart was surprisingly calm.

The more he is at this time, the calmer his heart is.

The idea is moving, "Into the magic!"

A thousand points disappeared, and Longfei became the body of the demon, just...

The body of the demon is still the same as that at that time. The six wings are broken, the power of the taboos of the whole body is gone, and the powerful force in the abdomen is not struggling.

"The bones are taboo, the first layer is open!"


"Tiangu taboo power release failed!"

The system sounds a tone.

Since the last heavy crushing, Longfei’s body of the demon has been greatly restricted and cannot be broken. The power of the Tianzhu taboo, the power of the Tianshishi seems to have completely disappeared, and Longfei cannot activate them again. .

The body of the demon is now a waste body.

"What the hell?"

"Upgrade can't be fixed?"

"Why is that?"

"Upgrading together can repair the strength, why can't the strength of the Tianzhu taboo?" Longfei can't figure out, the power of the ninth floor is too strong, and the power of the tenth layer is definitely a major transformation.


Once important, the body of his demon is completely returned to its original shape, and nothing can be done.

at this time.

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "Your magic body is impacted by powerful forces. All forces are dead. If you want to activate them, you can only withstand more powerful forces. Use this power to activate them and wake them up. Otherwise, you The magic body is a waste body!"


Longfei was shocked and ecstatic, saying: "Old ancestors, you mean, they are still in my body, can I activate them?"

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "Yes, but... I don't know if there is any power in the world to activate them."


"Isn't the power of the peak of Feixiang Realm?" Long Fei asked.

Yanhuang ancestors said: "The power of Feixian's peak can't be activated. This is a kind of power of the sky. If you want to wake them up again, you must override the power above the realm of Feixian. It's hard, at least I don't think of it now. What kind of power is that, and you may not be able to withstand it with a little carelessness!"


"I will help you."

Yanhuang ancestors said one sentence.

Longfei's magic body is very strong, especially when it can be used to train the celestial bones to the ninth floor, it is even stronger.

He also wants to see what the tenth layer is suddenly.

What is the tenth layer of the Tianzhu taboo?

Even Yan Huang’s ancestors don’t know.


early morning.

The first rays of the sun fell, and Longfei’s eyes were slightly stunned.

Three days.

Wherein the appointment with the squad was up.

Longfei stood up and pressed a huge stone in his heart, because he worried that Lin Yousheng was still under the control of the power Panel.


His eyes lifted and he looked at four people standing on the hillside in the distance.

Li Yuanba, Tianling, Luohan, Lin Yousheng.

Under the sun, the figure of the four of them was very long and long, just like a giant.

Longfei stepped up step by step, his face was smiling, his heart was so excited, watching them four, the familiar feeling came back.

Longfei went to the hillside.

The four people sang together, "Boss!!"

If the sound is heavy, Longfei grinned, smiled like a silly, and the tears of laughter came out, saying: "Ha ha ha... hahaha..."

The four King Kong also laughed.

The tears of laughter are all coming out.

After half an hour.

Longfei looked at the direction of the wild city and said: "Go!"

“Dry and turn the wild city!”

"Save the big!" said the four at the same time.

On the way to the wild city, Longfei will give him the power of the Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit, and say: "Tianling, this is your power."


Wild outside the city.

The sinisters gathered and waited for the dragon to fly.

Very wild city.

In the city government, Tianzhu looked at the stars in the hall and said: "Heavenly, do you think Longfei will save you?"

The star does not speak.

After three days, I am not important to Longfei.

She doesn't know her heart.

after all.

She and Longfei knew each other for a few days. The man in the world would come to death for such a woman? A wild city is a huge trap. If you come in, you will definitely not get out.

In her heart, I would rather not fly!

It was at this time.

A black armor rushed into the hall and said: "Dragon is coming!"


Chapter Four,

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