The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1057: Heart array


"Stupid big!"

The three spirits were shocked and quickly rushed forward.

Longfei’s heart glimpsed and immediately said: “Array method?”

"Entering the battle!"

Longfei had almost no consideration and immediately drank it.

This array of methods is too clever, and it does not fully sense the power of any formation. Now Li Yuanba enters the battle, and Longfei has no stop.

The second of the spirits entered the battle.


It disappeared instantly.

Luo Han, Lin Yousheng followed in and rushed in, and disappeared.

Longfei almost followed them and rushed in. The time was not half a second apart, but he couldn't see them at all in the moment when he entered the battle.

The world in which everyone enters the formation is different.

Yan Huang’s ancestors were shocked and said: “Long Fei, you have to be careful. This array comes from the chaotic world. Although there is no strong in the chaos, but this is based on the power of the array on Tianwu. Too much power, too much."

"It is another chaotic world..."

Longfei’s heart was pressed with a raging anger, and said: “Mom, I must go to the chaotic world to see what the world is!!”


Longfei’s thoughts sank and tried to find them four, but his thoughts were completely isolated.

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "Once this method of entry is an independent space, and ... the most critical point, this is your array of fears."

"What is fearing in your heart, what will happen to it."

"I worry……"

Yan Huang’s ancestors did not continue to talk about it. Long Fei has his control here, but what about the four King Kong?

Longfei’s heart sank and said: “What will happen when you are afraid of it? Your ancestors, what does this mean?”

Don't wait for him to finish.

There is a shadow of the sky in the space.

Longfei snorted and said: "My ancestors, I am not afraid of him, how can his face appear?"

Yan Huang ancestors: ...

Scorpio smiled and said: "Long Fei, welcome to the heart of the heart!"

"Less nonsense!" Longfei sipped, "Put out my people and let my women out, I will quit the wild city."

"Ha ha ha..."

Scorpio laughed and said: "Long Fei, do you think you have the qualification to talk to me about conditions?"

"Don't talk to me about what qualifications."

"I don't hate to be qualified in my premise. This kind of person will die very badly in my hands." Longfei blinked.

I am constantly thinking about cracking the power of the array.

Scorpio sneered, said: "Long Fei, as long as you listen to me, your brother will not have something, your woman will not have anything, and your family in Nantianyu will not have anything."

"As long as you are obedient!"

"Here is my world, understand?"

Scorpio is very proud.

The power in this ‘heart is too strong. It’s a magical array, you can see what is most fearful in your heart, and then evolve.

No one has cracked it.

Dragon Flying Road: Don't be jealous with Lao Tzu, but also your world? Is the **** world? Scorpio, my character should be well understood, and you should be very clear about moving my end.

"Don't give your face a shame."

"You will be worse than your son's death by then."

Long Fei asked in his heart: "Old ancestors, did you think of a solution?"

"Array of eyes!"

"The first step is to find the eye." Longfei said in anxiously, if you are strong enough to crush everything, any formation can be crushed with powerful force.

However, the level of this array is too strong, above the array on the Tianwu continent, it can not be crushed.

Can only find the eye, break the line.

Yan Huang's ancestors shook their heads: "There is no specific eye for the heart, and each space has a different array of eyes. It may be an insignificant grass, or it may be something you are afraid of inside."

The heart-shaped array is a formation that is recognized by a Tianzun super-powerful person in the chaos world. Now the dragon-hearted array of dragons is not even powerful in the chaos of the chaos.


Can't crack it!

Scorpio’s gaze was not sad because of his son’s death. Instead, he sneered: “Dragon, give you the last chance, or be obedient like a dog.”


"Today your four King Kong brothers are all dead!"

"And your woman!"

The voice fell.

Longfei’s eyes condensed a sharp light, and the dragon sword in his hand glimpsed. “It’s only you who will die today!”


Scorpio needs to be broken.

In this moment.

The heart-warming array is running, and in the world where Longfei is in, a miserable voice sounds, "Dragon, save me, save me."

The sound of the stars!

When the dragon was sinking, he immediately screamed and said, "Heaven, where are you?"

Longfei quickly rushed out.

After half a minute.

Within a white space, the star is tied to the cross, the whole body is dripping with blood, and the eyes are full of pleading. Seeing the appearance of Longfei immediately loudly: "Longfei, save me, save me."

"Oops!" Yan Huang's ancestors immediately said: "Can't save, Longfei, everything you see in the heart of the heart is an illusion, can't save."

This is the most worrying thing for Yan Huang's ancestors.

He knows Longfei very well.

In terms of force, he has no weaknesses, and even if he encounters a strong opponent, he has no weakness.

His weakness is his loved ones.

This is his most deadly weakness.

Brothers, women, and loved ones, once threatened, he can easily lose his mind.

Yan Huang's ancestors don't know what kind of past he has. He doesn't know what he experienced in his previous life. Family love is the most precious and precious thing in the world for Longfei.

He is desperate to cherish.

In the past, he did not even have a relative, who is his parents? do not know.

He only knows that he grows up alone, he longs for affection, and longs for the warmth of that home.

This world.

He is desperate to cherish!

When I saw the suffering of the stars, I didn’t think of any problems in the mind of Longfei. I rushed straight up and cut the cross with a knife.

Unlocking the stars, said: "It's okay, nothing."

The star also instantly rushed into the arms of Longfei.


At this moment, Longfei’s chest was torn by a force.

A dagger is inserted into his heart.

Blood dripped down.

The star reveals an evil smile and says, "Why don't you listen to the words of your family? Why don't you listen to him?"

It hurts.

If it is not Jinlong's body, the heart of Longfei will be pierced.


He did not regret what he had just done.

If there is another time, he will still do it.


Star is the first woman in his true sense.

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "Kid, he is not your woman, he is just a fantasy in your mind!"

Don't wait for Longfei to talk.

A force from Yanhuang’s ancestors came out, “Boom!”

Directly flying the star out, the star made a scream, saying: "Ah,,, Longfei, I hate you, I am very you..."


The stars disappeared in the void.

Again at this moment.

Jojo's figure came out of the void, with a sweet smile, "Long Fei young master, Joe Joe miss you!"


Chapter two,

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