The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1071: Rub, this is too fierce.

"You must follow?"

"Boss, where are you going, we will go there, this time will never leave you again."


"Boss, the other end of the portal we have not been to, you will bring us."

"Without us, let us go."

The four King Kong smashed the iron.

Longfei is not a man of temperament. He is also clear about the strength of the four King Kongs. "Well, then go together."

Stars immediately said, "What about me?"

"what should I do?"

"Dragon, you won't leave me alone here?"

Longfeidao: "You are here, waiting for us to come out, although the Tianjia is broken, but I am worried that there are still his remnants, you must be careful."


Longfei walked up to the front of the star, waiting for her to talk, her lips kissed up and blocked her mouth, then gently said: "Hey, I will definitely come back."

The star's cheeks red, immediately turned into obedient laughing woman, gently nodded, said: "I am waiting for you, no matter how long I will wait for you to come back."

Longfei looked at her, slowly turned and then held her heart and strode to the portal.

The four King Kongs are just behind him.

in fact.

There is also a King Kong in the dragon flying body, Luohan King Kong.

He has already finished condensing, and Longfei did not release him. He always felt that this Luohan King Kong was not simple and has not been released.


Longfei stepped into the portal.

The voice of Yan Huang’s ancestors immediately sounded. “Long Fei, hold your heart and keep calm. No matter what illusion, don’t panic when you encounter anything.”

"Release your Yuanlong Holy Body."

Longfei said in his heart: "Good."


Longfei said to the four King Kong: "Follow me, how do I go, how do you go, don't take the wrong step, understand?"

The four King Kongs sing: "Understand!"

This is not a joke.

If you are a little careless, you will be ruined by the law. You must take care of every step carefully.

Here are the link points of the two planes, and the most confusing and dangerous place.


There must be a safe passage in this turbulent flow. Otherwise, those who evolved cannot pass through the turbulent flow. What Yan Huang’s ancestors have to do now is to achieve this safe passage.


Purple light, in a special valley.

All the colors are purple boss, and Longfei is excited when he looks at it. "Wait, brother will come to explode you."


Yan Huang's ancestors screamed and said: "Long Fei, the law collides, stunned!"

Longfei’s mind sinks and releases the power of the Yuanlong Holy Body. A Yuanlong virtual shadow is superimposed on him, and he is excited. “Come on!”



The law of gold light hits the body of Longfei, and the body of Longfei sinks, directly slamming the impact of this law, completely offsetting its impact force.


Yan Huang's ancestors began to worry very much. After all, it was the law of turbulence. This kind of attack was extremely deadly, but... Longfei had no root hair.

This fleshy body is enviable and hateful.

Longfei is also extremely excited, said: "My ancestors, I am physically strong enough."

Yan Huang's ancestors poured a pot of cold water and said: "Don't be too proud of it. The turbulent flow just now is the turbulent flow of the Tianwu mainland plane law. You can resist it when you encounter the law of Chaos. Let's talk about it. ""

Fifteenth body.

The Yuanlong Eucharist defense is strong.

Strong enough to withstand the impact of the law.


In the chaotic world, it is not invincible.

The rating is too low!

It is useless to strengthen the body. A mind can make your gods know that the sea is cracking. Even if you have a strong body, you can't resist it. The chaos industry needs both internal and external repairs.

Longfei grinned, said: "Chaos is your territory, you will not let me fall to death?"

Yan Huang’s ancestors slammed and said: “I haven’t had a chaotic world for many years. I don’t know what the chaos is now.”

Slowly move forward in the space crack.

Getting closer and closer to the special space in front.

Those dazzling purple bosses are in front of you, and Longfei is getting more and more excited. "If you burst these purple bosses, you can definitely go to heaven, hehe."

"be careful."

"It’s the point of demarcation." Yan Huang’s ancestors reminded him.

Longfeidao: "What is the dividing point?"

Yanhuang ancestors said: "It is the center point of the link between the two major planes. One centimeter is the plane of the chaos."

"This place must be careful."

"It is the most dangerous place."

Longfeidao: "With you, I can rest assured."

There is nothing around, except that the streamer that is constantly flashing from the side, can't see anything, the whole person is like being in the tunnel of time and space.



There was a loud noise in the void.

Yan Huang’s ancestors sank and shouted, “Be careful, domain beast!!”

Not waiting for the dragon to react, a field beast hits it, and opens the blood basin and directly swallows up to the dragon. The huge mouth has a strong suction.

"Dragon Gun!"

Longfei’s right hand moves, “burning the sky!”

The dragon gun was shocked.

When Longfei’s thoughts moved, the value of Xianli fell rapidly. At the moment when the beast swarmed at them, the dragon’s guns moved and turned into powerful power. “Yuanlong is godless!”

The power of lore.

Domain beast.

A beast that devours space.

In the Trans-European Empire, I saw it in the land of death, and suddenly stunned.

It is also one of the most beasts of Longfei.


Longfei spurs up and stabs the throat of the field beast, and a bright red figure floats on top of its head.


Yuanlong is godless, and if the power of spikes breaks out, even the strongest in the realm of Feixian can kill, but it only causes 1 damage.

How strong is this domain beast?


At this moment, Li Yuanba’s golden armor was in his body, and the giant spirit axe in his hand slammed down and slammed against the head of the beast.


Is Li Yuanba's power powerful?

Divine King Kong, born with divine power, truly possesses divine power.


His injury to the field beast was ‘miss’, and Longfei’s whole person was stunned and couldn’t help but burst into a foul language. “I am, this is too fierce?”

"It’s terrible!"

"I come!"

When the spirits move, the power of the ghosts and the power of the Holy Spirit are perfectly integrated and released.

The power of Royal Spirit King Kong broke out.


After a move, the number floating on the top of the domain beast is still missing.

Lin Yousheng, Luo Han and the two also attacked again, all the same miss.

Their attack is completely useless!

The field beast's eyes are stunned, and his face is smug, making people extremely unhappy.

Was despised by the domain beast.

There is absolutely no way for Longfei to attack them!


Chapter One,

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