The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1077: Ready to go to war

Tongtian Temple.

On the main hall, the top of the Tianwu mainland is gathered.

I think that than a year ago, the strong people gathered by Gu Tongtian from the original sixty to the present more than one hundred, the top of the Tianwu mainland is basically summoned by him.


There are still many of them who are breaking the rules.

The demon that was once crushed by the dragon family.

Each of them is cultivated in the realm of flying fairy.

They all have one thing in common, and Shouyuan is almost exhausted.


"The ancient brother, Longfei has disappeared in the wilderness for a full year, and you are sure that he will appear?" asked the Western Regions Devil.

This is also what many powerful people want to know.

Longfei does not appear, then the dragon domain cannot be opened.

It is a waste of time to stay here.

"Yeah, at first you promised that we could open the Dragon Field and get the secret recipe of the longevity inside, otherwise why should we waste time here?"

"Well said."

"Guo brother, you have to give us an account."

It’s been a year since Longfei entered the wilderness, and there was no news about Longfei during the year.

Even the too small mirror can't be seen.

Longfei completely disappeared into this world.

Scorpio said slightly: "There is a tomb of the dragon tail in the wilderness, will it be closed in the tomb of the Dragon's tail?"

He has been retreating and rehabilitating for more than a year, and he is not aware of what happened in the wilderness.

"If he can't get out of the Tomb of the Dragon, he must not be the son of prophecy. Maybe the real prophecy has not yet come out."

"The son of prophecy cannot be trapped in the tomb of the Dragon."

Many powerful people talked about it.

Too revered, the ancient eyebrows are secretly locked.

Among these people, his life is the closest to the exhaustion of the edge.

He is anxious than anyone else.

After several wars, his life was too fast and he could not support it for a long time.

Gutong Tianxin secretly said: "Long Fei, where did you go?"

At this moment.

The dark domain master Song Qiancheng came out and said: "The old brother, it is very simple to want the dragon to fly out."

As soon as the sound fell, the entire hall was quiet and quiet, all looking at Song Qiancheng.

Song Qiancheng enjoyed this feeling of being highly eye-catching and smiled. He said: "What is the weakness of Longfei?"

"It's his loved ones, brothers, women."

"It is South Tianyu!"

"Does he not like to hide? Then force him out." Song Qiancheng's mouth sneaked out a chilly sneer, sullen and poisonous, extremely!

Everyone has a glimpse.

Scorpio immediately said: "Yes, as long as you put pressure on the people around him, then he will definitely appear. Has he not been very arrogant?"

"It's time to give him some color."

Scorpio immediately agreed.


He hated Dragonfly.

Longfei ruined everything about him.

Soon, Song Qiancheng’s proposal was approved by many powerful people.

"Just do it."

"Fuck his family!"

"Doing his brother, I don't believe he can't come out!"

"Old brother, we have endured for a year, it is time to go to war!"

"South Tianyu? The land of waste, hahaha... This time let them not live."

Many strong people are screaming.

More than 100 Feixian strong, this strength can be said to be the strongest lineup in Tianwu's history, a dragonfly in the district? The existence of direct spikes.

They are not afraid.

No one in this world can make them afraid.

Gu Tongtian slowly stood up and said: "Since everyone agrees, then... one month later, go to the South Tianyu!!"

Why is it a month.

This is also a deadline.

It is also a means of forcing dragons to fly out.

Nantian is not an end, their purpose is to fly!


Three days later.

Fengyuan Business League secret base.

"what did you say?"

"Tong Tian Xian Temple wants to start with the South Tianyu?"

Fu Xishan bounced in an instant, her eyebrows tightened, and immediately said: "I will inform them immediately, let them all go out, we must first rush to Nantian."

Not much time.

Chen Fatzi, they all rushed over.

"Is the old thing in Gutongtian going to work?"

"Fucking his grandmother, Laozi has not yet started to him, he first started to us?" Chen Fatzi is very unhappy, more than a year of retreat, his **** Jiaxian root breaks through another layer.

The black knife also came over. "What happened?"

Oya, Linglong also came up.

They all came in.

Fu Xishan said the news she just received.

Chen Fatzi immediately said: "What are you waiting for, we rushed to the South Tianyu!"

"That is the hometown of the boss, everything is there, we can't let Nantianyu have an accident."

Fu Xishan looked at Yun Er and said: "Yun, can't you sense Longfei?"

Yuner gently shook his head and said: "One year and two months, I can't feel the breath of my little brother. He seems to disappear completely in this world."

Her look is very low.

Every day is inductive to the sense of dragon flying, but ... can not be sensed every day.

Yuner’s eyes lifted gently and firmly: “I believe Longfei’s brother, he will definitely come back.”

Fu Xishan smiled faintly: "We all believe."

Fu Xishan glanced at the people in the yard and gave a sigh of relief. "What about thousands of girls?"

The people glanced at each other.

It seems that... Song Qianqian is not present.

A disciple said: "Miss Song Qianqian is not in the practice room."

Linglong murmured, said: "Thousands of thousands of sisters must have important things to do."

Fu Xishan said: "She will definitely know that the Tongtianxian Temple is going to war against the South Tianyu, and will definitely rush to the South Tianyu."

"Now what we have to do is to get to Nantianyu one step ahead of Tongtianxian Temple."

"Everyone is ready."

"After two hours, set off!"

"Go to South Tianyu!"


The reason why Gutongtian said that he shot the South Tianyu one month later was to give Longfei time, and the same... He has a deeper meaning.

It is to let the dragon's forces all enter the South Tianyu.

In this way, he will not have to look for a waste of time.


He was told by Fu Xishan that he had rushed to Nantian with a group of people.

Gutong Tianyi sneered and said: "It’s a group of brains, and I really ran to the South Tianyu. It’s good, and I’ll spend time looking for you.”

"You can get rid of you in Nantian."

"Longfei, you still have twenty-seven days. If you don't come out, all your family members will die. Hahaha... Nantianyu will be robbed, and the grass will not be born!"

This time.

Gutong has made up his determination to kill.

If you don't enter the Dragon Field, he will kill anyone in South Tianyu!


"Auntie, aunt, aunt!"

Three consecutive sneezes sounded.

Longfei grinned and said: "I rely on, who is thinking about me?"

"No matter what!"

"Sweep the valley first and say it."

"Rely, can you give me some strength, so that is it so hard for you to do something?"


The four dragons, the three trolls are all mysterious boxes, and the space rings of Longfei are filled...


Chapter two,

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