The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1082: You said that you are not?

As long as it is a good thing, Longfei saw it, and that is his.

The whole appearance of the Temple of Heaven is black, and it is the same as the alien warship in the science fiction movie. It is just... In terms of momentum, the visual impact is much stronger than the alien warship.

Longfei stood in front of Panel lenses like a little black dot.

"It’s too embarrassing."

"This guy... ancestor, have you seen anything like this?" Long Fei asked in his heart.

Yan Huang’s ancestors shook his head and said: “I have never seen it, I have never seen it before!”

at this time.

The sound of the drought and the sound sounded, "a group of leopards, even the patrol ship has not seen, really weak chicken."

"C governments ship?"

Longfei’s heart was shocked and said: “Great God, what is the cruiser?”

The drought said: "Why should I tell you, am I familiar with you?"


"Unfamiliar, not familiar at all, drought, you don't want me to find weaknesses, otherwise, I will abuse you." Longfei angered in his heart.

Really uncomfortable.

A war pet dare to talk to him like this?

If it is not because 0.00001% loyalty can be rebellious at any time, Longfei has already cut him.

Drought and water disdain: "You still want to find my weakness? Kid, don't think that you used the weather stone to suppress me, you are amazing, if I restore some strength, I will crush you with one hair."

He is also the same, extremely unhappy.

There is no such thing in the upper realm.

Here has become a war pet of a low-ranking person?

The repressed anger in the heart of the drought is ten thousand times stronger than that of Longfei.

Long Feidao: "Come on, there is a kind of you coming, rushing out to crush me with my hair, rushing out, rushing out to Laozi."

Drought and flood:...

Without the consent of Longfei, even if he has more powerful power, he can't get out.

Longfei swears: "Crush out and bite me, your sister, use the hair to crush me, you press one to show me, Mom is a bit, I have been holding you for a long time."

The old fire is up.

The marmot was tumbling with the anger of the dragon, and the whole body was burning. "Boy, there is a kind of you let me go."

Longfei’s face was stunned and said: “Let your sister, Laozi will not let go, don’t let go, Laozi’s death will not let you out, how to drop, how to drop, you **** to beat me.”

The drought and anger raged outside, the flames burned, and the hearts of the ancestors who killed the ancestors of the Eighty Generations were all there. "Boy, one day I will lick your skin."

Longfei did not fear, said: "One day I will dial your ribs!"

"In the battle space of Laozi, I will give myself a little stop."

The drought and the suffocation are all fire stars, and the heavy sighs, who dares to speak to him like this?

"Call, call, call..."

"I'm furious."

The drought is very angry.

After stopping for a quarter of an hour, the drought and drought suddenly said: "The patrol ship, on behalf of the day inspection, absorbed the power of the sky, he appeared when the plane of Tianwu mainland was born."


"It's very simple!"

"It is to suppress and guard the Laozi, because of the crustal movement of Tianwu, he suspended from the ground in the air."



The breath of the marsh disappeared into the space of the war, hidden in the darkness, and no longer wanted to talk to Longfei.

He was afraid that he couldn't help but run away.

Longfei grinned and said: "How good is this, you have to say, drought, you said that you are not awkward? I think it is very embarrassing, at least even more than Galen's big sword."


Drought and phlegm is vomiting blood directly.

Longfei didn't pay attention to it. The drought and the monsters on the boss level of the gods, let alone vomiting blood, even if he broke his head, he could live.

Now the key to Longfei is how to blast the patrol ship's defensive shield.

How to get in?

"Old ancestor, do you have a solution?" Long Fei asked.

He did not ask about the drought.


Long Fei knows very well that even if he asks the drought, he will not tell him.

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "No, I have sensed this array of methods. It really absorbs the power of the sky, and it is constantly supplied. It is too strong."


"Absorb the power of the sky?"

“A steady supply?”

Long Fei exhaled a breath and said: "As long as its supply can not keep up, then this shield must be broken."

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "The power of destroying the sky? It is impossible, what do you want to do?"

Longfei excitedly laughed and said: "The ancestors, sometimes need to use their brains, sometimes the simplest, the most rude, and the most effective way."


"Super Saiyan mode, open!"


Longfei’s body changed, his hair turned golden, his body burned with golden light, his eyes sank, and he smiled coldly at the defensive shield. He said, “Look at it, you are fast, or I am fast!!”

The voice fell.

Longfei double-handedly moved and said: "Come on!"


The double fist is like thunder and lightning, and a crazy attack on one place, the phantom of the fist madness, can not see clearly.

Some elders in the Tianwai Palace stood on the edge of the shield and watched the dragon flying wildly, and the shield did not move, they could not help but laugh.

"I said that you are a madman, I don't think I am right. I think you are a brain."

"Attack the shield of the Heavenly Palace? Hahaha... This is the most stupid thing I have ever seen."

"Dragon, go home and drink milk."

"Ha ha ha..."

Many elders are very proud of it.

Others dare not say that no one can destroy this day's shield, it absorbs the most powerful force between heaven and earth, the power of heaven!

Really belongs to the power of heaven.

This is why he has not exhausted energy in countless years in Tianwu.

Throughout the Tianwu continent, here is the most aura of heaven and earth.

Break the shield of the cruiser?

Things that are impossible!


Longfei didn't have any stoppages, and the speed on the double fists was faster. Every time the punches were all full, they released the strongest force in the Super Saiyan.



“Congratulations to the ‘Chaos Sengen’ of the player’s ‘Dragon’’ practice!

Strength is improved.

Longfei is still attacking.

Constantly screaming.

The elders in the Tianwai Palace are ridiculed and disdainful.

"Kid, let's save the province."

"Dragon, you are a brain."

"Use it again, don't you eat?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Crazy smug, and crazy ridicule.

The dragon flew in the sky, and the whole **** city was trembled with the power that broke out from him. Again and again, a fist.

"I don't believe it!"


"Millions of heavy hits!" Longfei squats, facing this super Lingbao, he must get his hand, if you drive this back to the South Tianyu, then it is not a wind to go to heaven?


Chapter two,

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