The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1088: Hell is coming

Yuanlong Wangcheng, over the sky.

Gu Tongtian looked at Tianzhu and said: "This is the four evolutionists you said?"

Scorpio Wei Wei said: "Yes, I think they are stronger now when they just came out."


"That's just for the garbage of Feixian." The Western Regions' ancestors sneered.

Gu Tongtian smiled and said: "One after another, all the forces of Longfei should be here?"

The dark domain master Song Qiancheng Road: "There is still one."


Everyone looked at Song Qiancheng.

Song Qiancheng smiled and said: "You forgot the father of Longfei?"

"Dragon battle?"

Gu Tongtian’s eyes glimpsed and sneered, saying: “A person who signed a contract with Death, this person can’t do anything.”


Gu Tongtian did not continue to say it, but revealed a sneer of sneer.

The Western Regions' ancestors looked at the ancient Tongtian, this time and a year ago, the atmosphere of Gutongtian was completely different.

Not a breakthrough.

Instead, he has one more power he has never seen before, and it does not belong to the power of Tianwu.

The ancient Tongtian voice was cold and cold, and said: "It is time to give the dragon a color, let them know what is called God on the Tianwu continent!"

"Who is going to fight?"

"I come!"

Song Qiancheng moved slightly and smiled: "Let them taste the taste of the Hell Wheel!"

Many strong people have a shock.

Hell round, the domain treasure of the dark field.

One of the five major treasures of Tianwu Mainland!

The power of the Hell Wheel has not appeared for millions of years. No one here knows what power it is and how strong it is.

Many people think that it has disappeared.


No one knows that it has been in the dark domain, and has always been in control of the Song family in Qiancheng City.

No one knows its secrets!

Gutongtian faintly said: "Song brother, you are relieved when you are out."


Song Qiancheng's pace changed and disappeared instantly.


Several of the dark-fielded flying fairy strong followed, and followed Song Qiancheng.

"Hell Wheel, Dark Domain Treasure."

"I don't think it is really in the hands of the Song family."

"In legend, the Hell Wheel is the power of death and can harvest the lives of anyone in the world."


Everyone whispered.

Gu Tongtian’s eyes were slightly stunned, and his heart muttered: “Hell Wheel, Song Qiancheng, you are really hidden.”


The sky rang.

Song Qiancheng fell, with contempt on his face, looking at the seven people standing on the wall, saying: "How do you want to die? I have one hundred and eight kinds of death methods here, you can choose at will, I can satisfy you."

Chen Tianfei reminded him, "The atmosphere of this guy is very strong, everyone is careful."

"I am honest."

Not waiting for Chen Tianfei to finish, Li Yuanba said: "Let's go together, go to death!"

What is frank?

Directly together, kill him.

Chen Tianfei stunned and laughed. "You have this temper, I like it."

"Then go together!"

In an instant.

The stone scorpion on the back of Li Yuanba slammed down, his right hand was attached to the stone sarcophagus, and his mouth was filled with words, saying words that others could not understand.

The giant spirits trembled.

It's like having a huge monster to rush out of the coffin.

The mysterious rune on the coffin came alive, and climbed up his body along the right hand of Li Yuanba. In just a few seconds, his body would be full of rune tattoos.

Two eyes roared.

There is a fine flash in the eyes.

"Boom! Boom!"

There was a loud noise in his arms. The giant axe on the shoulder of Li Yuanba fell heavily, pointing to Song Qiancheng in midair, "kill him!"


The power of the **** broke out, stepping into the void, and the empty space under his feet was broken by his stepping, and the figure was like a line, and he shuttled out.

For a moment.

The other six people moved at the same time.

Song Qiancheng sneered coldly. "A group of people who don't know the high-density waste, the city owner just borrows your head to stand up to Tianwu."

Grab the right hand.

"Hell Wheel..."

"Give me out!"


A shrill humming sound, a semi-circle like, all black paint, such as a machete, but not a knife, a lot of small iron rings,

There are one hundred and eight.

Song Qiancheng’s eyebrows sighed and said: “Try what it’s like hell.”

The **** is a move.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and the darkness covered the sky, trapping the seven people directly. In their world, **** came.

Hell round.

Not just the power of hell.

It is made with the power of hell, with a miniature of hell, in which you will try one hundred and eight kinds of death!

Among the five major domain treasures.

The Hell Wheel is the most ferocious one.

Hell is coming.

Li Yuanba’s eyes were shocked. “Where is this?”


"Oh ah..."

The evil spirits are crying, screaming, and infiltrating.

Surrounded by the arrogance of hell, the **** of death rises involuntarily from the heart.

Tianling immediately said: "Here is hell!"

Oya asked: "How can we be in hell? Hell round, is this the power of the **** wheel?"

Li Yuanba screamed and sighed, "No matter how much, even if it is hell, you have to slap it upside down."

"The power of the giant spirit!"


The power of the gods broke out in an all-out way, and the runes on the body flashed fluorescently and smashed down a lot. "Give me a crack!"


An axe squats in the void.

But... there is no reaction at all!

There is no reaction at all!

Also at this moment, the shadow of Song Qiancheng appeared in the darkness, and the sullen smile: "Want to break the hell? Hahaha... you will try the one hundred and eight kinds of death."

"Reassured, I won't let you die so fast."

"Slow down, one after the other, let you die a hundred and eight times, hahaha... let you know what it feels like to die."

"Ha ha ha..."

The voice fell.

The world in which they live has suddenly changed into a huge world of fire.


Many people are shocked.

The power of the Hell Wheel is to summon hell?

This power... Who can resist?

This is the power of the domain treasure?

Song Qiancheng looked at the shock in their eyes, his face was very proud, and smiled and said: "How do you feel about killing your own friends?"

"It must be cool."

In the **** round.

A body is struggling, struggling insane, but... no matter how hard she can't break free, tears burst into tears and burst into tears: "Oh... no!"

Another power of the nine-day mysterious blood.

Use the body as a medium to open the wheel of hell.

This is the ultimate reason why Song Qiancheng has always controlled Song Qianqian!


At the same time.

Song Qiancheng’s finger touched the city and pointed to the dragon family in the city. He smiled and said: “killing the light!”


third chapter,

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