The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1090: I want to explode him.

The fire clouds cover the sky.

Crazy burning, surging.

The scene is like a catastrophe.

Unimaginable shock.

In the cruise ship.

Forty-six dragons are extremely excited, and at the same time, they are extremely nervous and worried.

Qinglong ancestors said: "Boss, the dark side of the dragon field has opened, the power of opening is insufficient, and the time is too hasty, and now it is extremely dangerous."



Hailong Wang hurriedly said: "And what, you are going to say it."

They are too excited.

What does the Dragon Field Open mean?

It means that they can really return, and they can get the power that belongs to them. For more than six million years, they have missed the dragon field all the time, and missed the powerful power.

It’s close at hand!

Qinglong ancestors said: "And... as long as the beam is over, if you can't fully open the dragon field, then the dragon field will crack and disappear completely in the dark side."

"It can never be opened."

All the dragons were sinking and they were all horrified.

Longfei’s heart is also tight. “What do you mean? You say it clearly. What is the name of the Dragon Field if the beam ends?”

Longfei does not understand.

Qinglong ancestors said: "Because the power of Wanlong is insufficient, and the time is more than half a year earlier than the planned time, this makes the dark surface of the dragon domain become very unstable. It depends entirely on this beam, if this beam When the power disappears, the dragon domain will completely collapse and its possession will disappear."

The dragon field cracked and everything inside disappeared.


Longfei’s mission could not be completed.

Long Fei’s eyebrows are wrinkled and said: “How do you say it?”

Qinglong ancestors said: "The dragon field must be completely opened before the end of the beam. Otherwise, the dragon field will be cracked, the southern sky will be cracked, and then the entire Tianwu continent will be cracked."

"I rely!"

"You mean the planet exploded?" Longfei was able to understand.

Qinglong ancestors said: "The Tianwu mainland plane exploded."

"All people will die!"

Longfei exhaled and said: "How much time do I have?"

Qinglong ancestors said: "Three minutes!"

In an instant.

Longfei’s idea was to control the main brain of the cruiser. “Come to me and kill them. Use your fastest speed to kill them.”


The cruiser is accelerating.

Longfei’s thoughts disappeared and disappeared instantly.

three minutes.

time is too short.


What he is going to do now is not to save Tianwu mainland. His consciousness is not so high. Even if the plane explodes, he must first save his family, brothers and women.


"what is that?"

"Heaven, Heaven, Heaven Palace."

"How come here?"

"It has to hit it."


Gu Tongtian looked awkward.

The Western Regions' ancestors looked awkward.

Song Qiancheng in the distance is also a face.

"what's the situation?"

The brain can't react, how can the Temple of Heaven come here? There is absolutely no reason. Gu Tongtian’s face is awkward. He has been practicing in the Heavenly Palace for hundreds of years and never knows that the Heavenly Palace can move.

Just when they were shocked.

The patrol ship slammed into them.

The speed is too fast.

Gu Tongtian’s face changed greatly and said: “Quickly evacuate!”

"Booming, rumbling..."

The Feixian strongmen who reacted slightly slower for ten minutes and one second, all were smashed by the broken body, what is the flying strong, what is the peak of the strong, in front of the patrol is a shit.

It is a cruiser!


"Hey, hey..."

In the mind of Longfei, several prompts sounded, and the experience was arrogant, directly reaching 95%, and five points could break through the realm of Feixiang.

The cruiser crashed into the past and stopped not far away.


Also at this time.

Longfei screamed, "The ancient days, Laozi **** your ancestors!"


A loud noise.

The square is full of shocks.

"Dragon fly?"

"It is the voice of the boss."

"It is a young master."

"Longfei brother, you finally arrived." Yuner smiled.

"Smelly, you are finally here!"

"Ha ha ha... The Lord is back."

In this moment.

The morale of the Longjia Army has increased greatly, and the combat effectiveness has soared.

The voice of Longfei fell, and the right hand slammed hard and sipped aloud. "The ancient day, eat me a trick."


A black shadow shuttled out.

Gu Tongtian smiled coldly and said: "Dragon fly, is this power? Hey!"

When the body moved, one palm blew up.


The body was torn apart, and a human head flew up. The ancient eyes were tight, "The Promise, the Promise..."

What Longfei has just thrown out is a personal, ancient Wuji!

It is the only descendant of Gutongtian in Tianwu.

"Ah..." Gutongtian was furious, and the anger was burning in madness, yelling at the dragon: "Dragon, I am going to kill you!"


Longfei has fallen in the Yuanlong Dynasty and looked at the huge tyrannosaurus. He said: "Grandpa, grandchildren are not filial, come late."

Yuanlong City is a mess.

Longjia disciples have suffered countless deaths and injuries.

Long Sanfeng’s old tears, said: “Xiaofei, not too late, not too late, just come.”

Longfei looked at Jojo, the leopard woman, looked at the three sisters of Liuluoxi, looked at Yuanling, looked at the cow sea, looked at a brother, a friend...

Longfei’s heart was impressed.


His anger broke out more violently.

Yuner said: "Longfei brother, go to save the fat brothers, they are locked in the **** wheel."

Long Fei looked at a special weapon suspended in the sky.

Hell round.

Then look at the face of Song Qiancheng, not far away.

At this moment.

Yun Er said: "Long Fei brother, there are thousands of sisters in the **** wheel, you can not break it, if you break it, thousands of sisters will die."

"Boss, time is too late."

"There are two more minutes."

"If you don't open the dragon field for two minutes, all people will die, and you can't save it alone."

"Boss, it’s important to open the dragon field."

"Everything is waiting for the dragon domain to start, let's put these things aside."

"Boss, no time."

Longzu quickly urged it up.

Really no time.


One of the prerequisites for opening the Dragon Field, the third layer of the Dragon Domain has not yet been opened.

The Dragon Field will not open and the entire Tianwu continent will collapse.

Song Qiancheng smiled proudly and said: "Dragon, your brother and woman are inside, and you can endure one hundred and eight kinds of death in hell."

"Would you like me to let them go?"

"Come down and ask me."

"Ha ha ha..."

Song Qiancheng proudly laughed. If Longfei gave him a squat, his influence would definitely exceed that of Gutongtian and become the king of Tianwu.

Longfei wanted to solve the Dragon Field first, but... I saw that Song Qiancheng was so arrogant and looked at the golden light that was shining all over him. He was upset.

"Grandpa, you lead everyone to the black hole first, all go."

Long Sanfeng asked: "What about you?"

Long Fei mouth corner hook, staring at Song Qiancheng cold smile, said: "I want to explode him!"


chapter Five!

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