The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1098: Lose power

Long domain is like a huge secret.

Longfei entered here and was shocked by everything in front of him.

The dragon totem can be seen everywhere.

Some super-advanced technologies have never been seen on Earth.

Exuding the kind of shocking Longwei breath, the sacred and inviolable, solemn and solemn, people dare not easily make a sound.

"Dragon Field!"

"Dragon Field!"

"More than six million years, we finally came back." Qinglong ancestors had more than forty ancestors excited, sensing everything in the dragon field, this familiar feeling is too comfortable.

Qinglong's ancestors said to Longfeidao: "Boss, the hall on the mountain in the distance is the Dragon Hall, where the claws of the Yuanlong are, and all the secrets of the Dragon are there."

"When you want to know anything, you can."

Qinglong ancestors looked excited.

Longfei nodded slightly: "I know."


Longfei looked at the Dragon Temple on the far mountain, saying: "Go to the Dragon Hall."


A loud noise, when the dragon flew through the canyon, a huge atmosphere was crushed down, "I waited for humans to dare to enter the dragon domain, give me a speed to leave, otherwise I will be rude."

A double wing, the appearance is similar to the ice.


The reminder is much stronger than the ice fire, and the dragon power that comes out of him is much stronger.

A huge sea **** fork was suspended beside him.

There was a fierce light in his eyes, staring at Longfei and dying.

Longfei thought and moved, said: "Qinglong ancestors, do you want to come out and solve it?"

After all, it is a dragon, and if the Qinglong ancestors come forward to solve it, it is naturally best.


Among them, their face dragonfly also converges a little.

Qinglong ancestors said: "Boss, the road here is going to go by yourself, we can't help you."

"Would you like to go by myself?"

Long Fei returned a sentence, his mouth gently tapped, showing a smile: "Then you said earlier."

In an instant.

Dragonfly stepped out and stared at the huge twin wing dragon: "Give you a chance to live, give me a little."


"Small generations, actually dare to let go in front of me." The two-winged dragon is cold.

Don't wait for him to finish.

Longfei figured a illusion, and instantly fell in front of the dragon, not giving him any reaction time, a heavy punch on the head of the dragon.


The dragon was directly slammed on the ground, and Longfei immediately fell on his faucet and said: "Who is a small generation?"

The eyes of the two-winged dragon were extremely shocked, but they still refused to accept it. "Stupid humans, you know where this is, dare to scatter here, then you have to..."


Before he finished, the power of Longfei exploded.

A super-strong force broke out, and a heavy blow was carried out. The brain of the two-winged dragon was directly splashed, and the blood trough on the top of the head instantly bottomed out.



“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing the ‘double-winged dragon’ with an experience of 2 billion points, a power of 2 million points and an energy value of 1 point.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘Haiwang Fork’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ got...”

A few tips sounded.

Longfei glimpsed a little, "It’s so fierce, the experience value is actually 100 million more than the Song Qiancheng of Feixian eight products. It seems that this dragon domain is the biggest copy of Tianwu mainland."


"Since this is the case!"

Longfei looked up at the dragon's mouth in the distant mountains and smiled. "Laugh all the way."

"Yuanba, fat, you two open the way!"

The voice fell.

Longfei’s heart sank.

Yuner whispered: "Longfei brother, Yuanba brother and fat brother did not enter the dragon domain, and..."

Longfei was too excited to forget this matter.

The Eight King Kong did not follow him into the Dragon Field.

How are they doing now, Longfei is afraid to think about it.

Yuner has the blood of the prophet, she can see the future, but Longfei does not dare to ask, he is afraid...

Longfei waited for her to finish, said: "Yun, no matter what happens, I will not let my brothers die easily, even if they enter hell, I will pull them back one by one!"

Hell, haven't been there yet!

Yuner is not saying anything, but his eyes are shining with tears.

I don't know if I am moved or sad.

at this time.

Long Sanfeng and Long Zhanhai came up and said: "Xiaofei, where is it here?"

Longfeidao: "Grandpa, uncle, here is the dragon domain, which is where the dragons have been."

Long Sanfeng nodded slightly and said: "The land of the dragons?"

Dragon War Sea Road: "Xiaofei, we and the Dragon disciples as long as they activate the dragon's blood in the body, after entering here, a little bit of power can not be released."

"Even the original power has disappeared."

Long Sanfeng Road: "Is this related to the Dragon?"

At first, I didn't say that I was afraid of Longfei's worry. Now that Longfei decided to kill it, they couldn't hide it.

From the moment they entered the dragon field, all the power in their bodies disappeared.

Become an ordinary person.

Blood power, realm power, practice... everything has suddenly disappeared, nothing!

Can't find any reason.

The Longjia disciples who entered the Longyu counted more than 8,000 people, and without exception, the power disappeared.

Long Fei turned to look at Linglong and Jojo, and asked: "What about your strength?"

Qiao Qiao said: "My strength is normal, there is no fluctuation."

Linglong also said: "Mys are the same."

Long Fei's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and the dark channel: "It seems to be aimed at people who have the blood of the dragon. The blood of the dragons hidden in my body was completely cracked in the last time. Now I have the blood to swallow, so I have not been affected."

"Dragon, Dragon."

"What secrets are you hiding?"

Long Fei looked at the Dragon Hall and muttered: "The answer is getting closer and closer. I will see what you are hiding and see what your Dragon Cheat is."


Long Fei immediately said: "Jojo, Luoxi, you take care of the Dragon Army, this one kills me alone, you will follow me."

This is the way to the Dragon Temple.

It is also the way for the dragons to return.

It is the road to the rise of Longfei.

This road, he must go alone!

Longfei looked up at the Dragon Temple and stepped out. The dragon field trembled gently, and then a sound of dragons rang in the air.

The dragons on the dragon totems are like alive, rushing out from the totem.

Longfei shoulder smashed the ancient axe, holding the dragon knives in his right hand, his eyes swept away, with the eyes of the world, he sighed and said: "Come on!!"

"All come!"




A figure of the body fell.

Gu Tongtian’s heart was shocked and excited. “Is this the Dragon Field?”


third chapter,

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