The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1105: Wanlong into the body

The same death, the same place of desperation.

The scene is almost exactly the same as the dragon battle, but the place has changed.

The dragon is smashing the abyss.

Longfei is the dragon temple.

It is very strange that why did death choose the dragon family, or why they chose their father and son?

Longfei didn't think about it.

No matter what the cost, the only thing he wants now is to kill Gutong.

Even if it is dead, Longfei will not hesitate.


"Don't, Longfei brother, don't promise him, don't." Yuner sensed the death scent that appeared in Longfei's mind, as long as she sensed the breath she would not forget.

This **** of death is the same **** of death as the **** of death signed with the dragon war.

"What is he going to do?"

“What do Longfei want to do?”

The women are extremely worried.

Yuner cried: "Longfei brother has to sign a contract with the **** of death. He wants to sell his soul to the **** of death. You can't do this. If this is the case, Longfei's brother will be ruined."

Joe Joe yelled, said: "Young master, can't be like this."

The girls were shouting loudly.

Gutong Tianrao looked at Longfei with interest and said: "It is also a contract of death. It seems that your father and son are really like you. You also signed a contract with the **** of death when I entered the abyss. Now you are the same, Haha..."

Gu Tongtian is still proud.

No matter who signed the contract with Longfei, he is not afraid.


This power in him is invincible, and it is invincible in Tianwu mainland!

Longfei’s double fists and a heavy hand shouted: “I...”

Just at this moment.

The moment that Longfei wants to promise.

A strange scene happened. A glimmer of fluorescence, the light of the gods, floated on the body of Long Sanfeng.

There was a roar of dragons in the void.

At last.

The sky flashed and the fluorescence rushed deep into the Dragon Hall.


More than 8,000 dragon family's bodies flashed with fluorescence, and the whole person followed the dragon's light of the dragon's three peaks to the depths of the dragon hall.


The Qinglong ancestors rushed out of the Qinglong Ding without control, and the body moved, followed by the light of the gods to the depths of the Dragon Hall.

The black dragon ancestor also rushed out.

The Dragon King rushed out, and the Eight Golden Dragons rushed out, and then one after another, the Dragon ancestor was not controlled by Longfei and rushed out of the body, rushing to the depths of the Dragon Hall.

Longfei stunned.

Death is a little anxious, saying: "Dragon, do you make a choice?"

"As long as you promise, I will be able to help you kill him immediately."

"This is the only way you can kill Gutongtian."

Longfei Weiwei said: "What are you worried about?"

Deep in the Dragon Hall.

A ray of light blasted open, and Wan Daolong’s roaring sounded, and the entire dragon field was shaking.

At this moment.

Gutong’s mind sounded a voice in his mind, and his face changed. He looked at Longfei with a cold look and sneered: “Boy, today is your life.”

Turn around.

The ancient Tongtian figure flashed, and the gods and dragons flew out, and the eyes disappeared into the sky.

Longfei wants to chase it out.


The light in the depths of the Dragon Temple attracted him, and he also wanted to know what the grandfather’s **** was doing deep into the Dragon Hall.

What is the answer to the Dragon Family and the Dragon?

The voice of the **** of death sounded again, saying: "Longfei, Gutongtian has already escaped. If you don't make a decision soon, you can't kill him anymore."

"Your father, your mother, your grandfather, your dragon family are all killed by him. If you are a man, you should be ten times, a hundred times of revenge, what are you waiting for now? I can do it for you, I can let you do it."

It seems a little anxious in the tone.

Longfei muttered: "Death, what are you in a hurry?"

The more the death, the more calm the dragon's heart is.

He can't understand what the **** of death is anxious about?


Is he afraid of the light in the depths of the Dragon Hall?

The escape of Gutongtian is certainly also the fear of the depths of the Dragon Temple.

Who is it?


Longfei stepped out, he had to figure this out, and there was a force in Longfei’s mind that guided him and asked him to pass.

"Don't go over!"

Death screamed and said: "Longfei, you can only take revenge if you listen to me. Only my strength on Tianwu mainland can help you kill Gutongtian."

"Hand over your soul."

Death is getting more and more anxious.

Long Fei's eyebrows moved and slammed out, saying: "Death, you have to be clear, here is my place!"


With a heart and mind, the space of death is closed.

Longfei figure is like a step in the light.


In his mind, a squeaking sound was heard. The powerful force was like controlling his heart. Longfei stepped into the glare.


A loud noise.

The system also instantly remembered the tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to enter the ‘Dragon Pool’ to gain 100,000 points, 10,000 points, and 10,000 points for special rewards.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to complete the sss level mission to find the dragon domain to receive the reward.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to receive the reward, the reward is ‘Wanlong’s entry!’”

As the system prompts to fall.

A dragon in the dragon soul pool vacated and flew into the void, and then rushed down to the head of Longfei.


Just like a lightning bolt.

The body of Longfei sank, the power surged and surging, and the power was incomparable. Longfei never experienced it.


Another big dragon vacated.

Heavy impacts come down.

The strength has strengthened one more layer.


Another dragon is flying.

The power of each dragon enters the body of Longfei, and the knowledge of Longfei becomes wider, and there are more pictures in the mind, some pictures of the gods.

The Tianwu Continental Dragons escaped from the catastrophe.

But because they get one thing!

A thing that destroys the earth.

It is because this thing has caused the catastrophe of the genocide. The dragons are divided into eighteen veins to escape from the upper realm. None of them knows whether the things they brought out from the dragons are the ones that are against the heavens.

They only know that they should be guarded forever.

"What is the thing that Gutongtian got is the anti-sky treasure?"


"Tian Shen Long Ding is only one of the three great dragon artifacts, not the Lingbao that makes the gods tremble." Longfei's mind stopped thinking about these.



Thousands of dragons entered the body.

The power of Longfei explodes in general, and the metamorphosis is strong!

After a full day.

Five thousand dragons entered the body.

It is another day.

Ten thousand dragons entered the body of Longfei.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ Wanlong’s completion.”

Power is stronger than ever!

at this moment.

The Dragon Soul Pool is thirsty, and an open dragonfly in the deep pool is full of colorful lights.

This is the light of the main artifact! !


The fifth chapter is delivered!

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