The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1108: Fight alone

The system sounds a beep.


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Long Fei’ casting success, special rewards, and refining skills to the Great Perfection!”


Longfei looked at the re-casting of the Shenjian swords, the streamer flashed, like the flowing water, the power is not exposed, the connotation is sharp, and there is a force that is unruly.


Longfei exhaled a heavy breath and said: "I finally succeeded!"

At this moment.

Longfei took out the Hell Wheel, and his mind moved, and a force poured into the Hell Wheel.


Song Qianqian, who sealed the seal in the hell, was released.

After Song Qianqian came out directly to the arms of Longfei, he burst into tears and said: "I don't want that, Dragonfly, I really don't want that."

In the **** round, he resisted hard and didn't want to trap Li Yuanba.


She can't control herself at all.

Longfei said faintly: "It's okay, nothing, everything is gone."

Song Qianqian said: "Longfei, we don't take revenge. The colorful power of Gutongtian is too strong. No one on Tianwu mainland is his opponent."

"And... there must be a strong outsider behind him."

"Longfei, let's find a place to hide. Ok, I promise you everything. I will give you a baby and have a lot of children."

"Don't we go?"

She is really worried.

She is very aware of the power that erupted from Gu Tongtian, and no one can resist it.

Longfei looked at her crying eyes with a bit of pain, saying: "Reassured, I will not lose again."


"You listen to me, you go to Longyu now, wait for me there, tell them, I will definitely go back, I will not lose again."

This time.

Longfei does not allow himself to lose again.

If he loses again, he will not forgive himself.

Gam on everything!

Even if it is dead, you must drag the ancient Tongtian and the strong man behind him into hell.

"Oh, obey!"

Longfei gave a slight sigh.

Although Song Qianqian did not want to, but she also knew in her heart that no one could persuade Longfei’s decision, and nodded lightly: “Longfei, you must be careful, there are so many people waiting for you.”

Longfeidao: "I know."

This war is a revenge.

For himself, more of his women, brothers, and family.

Song Qianqian left on the round moon.

Longfei opened the system and looked at all the skills, attributes, and experience in the space ring filled with experience Dan and black box.

None of these have been opened.

Not forgot.

However, when you want to enter the chaos, you are turning on.

just now……

Longfei’s thoughts moved, saying: “Troll, you are coming out.”


The gravity troll came out of the 18th floor of Hell and said: "Boss."

Longfei took out all the black boxes in the space ring and said: "You send these boxes to the cruiser."

The gravity troll stunned and said: "Boss, are these fears not all your hard work? Why don't you open it?"

The opening of these black boxes in the Tianwu continent is definitely something of the Tianwu continent. It may be an artifact, but no matter what it is, there is nothing better in the chaos.

This is a plane rule limitation.

Even the artifacts of the Tianwu continent may be worthless burning in the chaos world.

I want to fly more than dragon.

He feels that Yan Huang's ancestors need these more.

Yan Huang's ancestors recast their bodies in the Shenchi, and he definitely needs strong strength to supplement his physical strength.

Longfeidao: "It is just what you do."


"Boom, bang, bang..."

The demon, the thunder, and the four dragons all came out. Longfei said: "From today, you are free, you go where you want to go, but there is one thing, you can't follow me."

"Gravity troll, you too, after you send things out, you are free."

Lei De stunned, said: "Boss, are you going to dismiss us?"

"Almost." Longfei smiled. "You are a demon, I should not bind you."

Devil said: "You have not bound us, boss, we don't want to leave, let us follow."

Gravity Troll Road: "Ground Devil, Ray Devil, don't you know the boss's meaning? We can't burden the boss,"

"Boss, we will go to Longyu waiting for you!"


The gravity troll forcibly pulled the demon, and the Thunder demon had several dragons left.

Look at the three cards in the system.

The No. 9 of the Holy Order.

Galen of the Holy Order.

There is also a very king who has never been used by Longfei.

The three men could not release it. This is systematically determined.


It doesn't matter, they are the characters in the game, and even if they die, they won't have anything.

Thinking of this, Longfei’s heart was slightly loose.

Turn around.

Longfei’s idea fell on the top of Leilongzhu, saying: “Feier!”

Mayfair followed him for ten years.

In the past ten years, Longfei felt very owed because he did not find the elf tribe for Mayfair and did not find her home.

The task may have to fail.

Longfeidao: "Feier, I am sorry."

Feier’s tears flashed and said: “Master, don’t be so good, as long as you don’t let me go, you want me to do whatever I want, I can give you a warm bed.”

She is really afraid that Longfei will let her go.

Tianwu is so big, she really doesn't know where to go.

She is homeless.

Longfeidao: "Well, then you follow me, just... I didn't help you find the Elf tribe, so you can't come back home."

Mayfair shook her head: "Master, you are my home, you are my tribe."


The system sounds a tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to complete the mission.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ got...”

unexpected surprise.

Suddenly the task is completed.

Longfei also thought that the task would end in failure, but he did not think of a few words of Mayfair to complete the task, but now Longfei has not paid attention to the reward of the task.

He wants to throw everything away.

He wants to go all out and fight without any worries.

mission completed.

Longfei looked at Feier Road: "You also go to Longyu waiting for me. When I have solved everything, I will go to you."

Mayfair nodded cleverly and said, "Well, master, be sure to pick me up."

Longfei smiled and said: "Reassured, I will definitely!"

How are so many beautiful dragons flying?

It is like a dream to play this alien world. Even if he is dreaming, Longfei has to do more bullying. The brothers are a little more and the women are a little more beautiful.

Everything is finished.

Longfei looked up at the sky, his fists clenched tightly, his eyes glanced and he said: "The ancient days, Laozi is here!"


The body rose up and turned into a stream of light in the direction of the fairyland.


third chapter,

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