The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1114: Not at all

"Since I met Longfei brother, I didn't use the blood of the prophet to check the future. I believe that the words of Longfei's brother will win the day."


At this time, Yuner still couldn't help it.

She wants to know what will happen in the future.

I want to know how Longfei is doing now.

The power in the blood of the prophet surged, her pupils suddenly enlarged, her body sank, and she fell down on the ground directly, and the whole person seemed to be subjected to some powerful impact.

"Longfei brother... don't!"

His face was pale and trembled, his lips groaned and he said, "No, no, no, no..."

I kept talking in my mouth.

It is like being frightened by power.

Looks up.

Song Qianqian hugged Yuner and gently patted her back and said: "It's okay, nothing, nothing will happen."

From the expression of Yuner, their hearts sank.

Needless to say, they also know what horrible pictures Yune sees.

at this time.

Jojo clenched his fists and walked out.

"Joe Joe, where are you going?"

The leopard asked.

Jojo glanced at the overcast sky outside and muttered, "I won't let anyone hurt the young master."

Go out and go out.

The leopard's eyes were full of violent wildness, and Joe Joe walked out and said: "I will never let people hurt me."

The three sisters of Liuluoxi walked out. "It definitely won't hurt Longfei."

"Smelly hooligans can only be bullied by us, and no one else can bully."

On the exquisite body, Suzaku's divine power moved, said: "Long Fei brother, I want to guard you."

Mandala, Sakura went out.

Song Qianqian will help the child, saying: "Yun, you are here."

The Taiyin sword in her hand rushed out.

Inside the Dragon Hall.

The rest of the people looked low, and their hearts, which were crushed by the dragon's catastrophe, were shaking and could not withstand such a powerful impact.


Xiaobai roared and said: "We are not even a woman?"


"The big deal is death!"

Xiaobai broke through the catastrophe caused by his catastrophe, and suddenly it became violent, and the body directly changed into a huge fierce wolf.

The body exudes the power of the beast.

Ice fire looked at the Dragon Soul Pool, he wanted to jump in and want to become stronger.


The current Dragon Soul Pool has become thirsty and has nothing.

This is his hope.

"Since I am destined to be a high god, I am destined to take shortcuts, then I will go up step by step. One day I will travel the wilderness." The ice is red on one side, and the ice is white and the wings are flying. Go out.


They also got rid of the knife.

Strode out.

For a time, all the people in the Dragon Hall went out.

In the face of Gutongtian, they are not afraid, because Gutongtian is an individual, even if the opponent can only find weaknesses and can beat.

But now they are not facing people.

But the dragon catastrophe!

What catastrophe?

They simply don't know that the unknown fear is stronger than all fear.


The blood of the phoenix in Joe's body moved, the colorful light overflowed, and the body moved, like a phoenix fairy, above the dragon temple.

Looking up at the deep vortex of the clouds, he said: "Come on, there is any powerful force that comes to me."

She has become a person.

The eyes are firm and unparalleled.

Jojo’s heart secretly said: “Young Master, I will not let people hurt you, absolutely not, Joe Joe swears.”


The sky sank, and in the whirlpool, a powerful force bombarded it.

It’s like the punishment for Jojo’s words.

The power of Jojo is surging, forming a powerful phoenix force, and rushing against the power.

at this time.

The leopard female's javelin was shot and shot.

Exquisite Suzaku blood.

Song Qianqian's nine-day mysterious woman.

The power of the three sisters of Liuluoxi.

The power of all people gathered together at one point, and it was heavily resisted.

"Oh la la!"


The two forces collide and the sky is like a blast, which is extremely fierce.

The entire dragon field is shaking.

A force in the sky kicked out and swept away for a million kilometers. It was reflected in the sky like the sky was cracking.

All the people in the entire Tianwu continent are looking up at the sky.

Three-year-olds, centenarians, warriors, and strongmen, all looking up at the sky, their hearts are shaking and praying at the same time.

No one can resist this power.

A force bombarded, the entire Tianwu continent will be penetrated, the entire plane will be destroyed, and they... all will die!

In the face of the power of catastrophe, human beings seem incomparably small.

It’s too small.

"Is it starting?"

"Has the catastrophe started?"

Longfei tried his best to make all the power, the speed was like electricity, and he rushed in. When he looked at the power in the distance, his heart was faintly worried. "Don't be stupid."

"Don't be stupid!"


"Hurry up!"

"Ten-level unparalleled!"


Longfei is desperately fighting.

However, the distance between Xianyu and Nantian is not known, even if he has to rush to the time, it is not a blink of an eye.



Qiao Qiao flew out, and all the people behind her were bombarded and exploded.

The little white step leaps forward, the powerful wolf body moves, "Hey..."

Roaring in the sky.

The huge force sinks and faces the sky: "Come on!"

"The spear of the wolf!"

A huge wolf shadow appeared in the sky, and a huge giant spear stabbed heavily, not waiting for the spear to fall down together with the shadow of the wolf god.

A small white spurt a blood, bursting out.

As soon as the ice and fire wings unfolded, they rushed into the sky.



Ice and fire are intertwined, one layer is stronger than the other.


In the vortex, a force is bombarded, and the more powerful ice and fire power is crushed down. In front of it, the power of ice fire is the same as that of an ant.


The ice fire was shaken out.

"Come back!"

Everyone is not convinced.

Once again, all the power is released, and the impact is once again.


In less than half a second, he was once again blasted out.


They don't even know the source of power. What is the golden light among these vortexes?

do not know!

What is this catastrophe power?

do not know!

Can't resist it completely.

Yuner stood on one side and cried aloud: "Sister Joe Jo, can't fight again, you will die if you fight again, don't fight again."


When Joe Joe heard the word 'death', her eyes suddenly moved.

In an instant.

The power of the phoenix on Jojo became a flame, flying in one step, rushing into the vortex of the clouds...


Chapter Four,

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