The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1118: Bombing, one trillion experience

It has always been a power attack in the sky.

The speed of Longfei can't keep up.

He must wait for Heaven to land and attack him.

Longfei knows very well that Heaven will not stand the ridicule, he will be irritated by himself.


Anyone who is dying of the death of the King of the King will be unhappy. If it is the same as Longfei, he will also be shocked.

At the moment when the sky will hit, the dragon flies.

He used all his power on this move.

To kill the heavens, there is only one kind of power, that is, the power of the sky above them. Since the main artifact is heaven, it must contain the power of a powerful heaven.

of course.

All of this is Longfei’s guess, can it work, he has no grasp at all.

But this is his last blow.

If it is not successful, then he has only one result, die!

Long Hao, such as the battle axe, slammed down, and the famous sneer sneered, "Is your strength?"

He never thought about escaping because he despised all power and had no power to kill them unless it was the power of their master.

Just, the words have not been finished yet.

The dragon smashed down.



The huge force came out, and the name would be like a wooden stake, nailed to the ground, and spewed a large mouth of blood.

The nails on the body are cracked.

Just in the moment.

A bright red figure floated on the top of the sky.


A hundred million points of damage.


That **** will be beaten in an instant, his eyes roaring, staring at Longfei's reaction, but it is incredible, no one in his body can break the defense.

No one can hurt him.

"How could this be?"

"My defense cannot be destroyed by a small ant."

When he was really angry, Longfei smiled and stood in front of the Heavenly King. The dragon in his hand was another move, and he slammed down. "Are you not arrogant?"



"Are you not heaven?"



"Are you not the **** of heaven who is high above?"



"Are you not desperate?"

"Don't you kill Laozi?"

"Let's get it now, kill me." Longfei is arrogant, and the dragon in his hand squats wildly, violently and rainy, and does not give the day any chance to breathe.

Crit again and again.

Roaring again and again, the anger of Longfei’s heart was venting.

Everyone was shocked.

Even those days that are suspended in midair will be a slap in the face, and the brain will not react. How suddenly will it become like this?

The plot is wrong.

How can a mortal fight against God?

How can a low-equivalent cockroach ant crush God?

Is the world crazy?

"Dragon fly!"


"It's too powerful!"

This scene is so shocking that it cannot be described.

The scorpion of the celestial being was crushed out and could not withstand the attack of Longfei.

Continuous attack.

That **** has been like a dead dog like a dragon flying.

Longfei grabbed his hair and referred him to the air. He said: "I said I will **** you!"

Heaven spouted blood in his mouth and looked at Longfeidao: "You, you, you dare to kill me, God will not let you go, 蝼 ants, do you dare?"

"Kill me, the whole Tianwu continent has to pay the price."

"You dare?"

"Kill me, there are dozens of days to wait, any one can make this world robbed, ants, do you dare??"

He is not afraid at all.

Because he is a high-ranking general.

When will the day be afraid of mortals?

Longfei’s mouth rose and he smiled coldly: “It looks like you don’t know me, do you know what my life motto is? Don’t be jealous, just do it!”

"You asked me if I dare?"

"I am sorry, I have nothing to do with Longfei."


"I hate being threatened by others."

The voice fell.

The dragon in the hands of Longfei was lifted.


The power came out, and the eye of the angel shimmered. He felt a strong killing from Long Fei’s body and felt the death.

Same as ordinary people.

They are also afraid of death!

The sky will begin to struggle and start yelling and shouting, "Save me, save me, save me, you will save me..."


"Will God also have fears?"

"Ha ha ha..." Long Fei squinted coldly and screamed: "The king of heaven can't save you, let him die."

The dragon in the hand slammed.


The golden light is shining, and the body of the heavens is cracked.


The cracking of the four-part split, the body falling like a piece of gold falling, the golden light overflowing, just a moment of landing becomes a pile of powder.

Less than a minute.

A heavenly man, was murdered!

Longfei’s eyes lifted and he sipped, “Next!!”

Also at this time.

The system sounds a tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’’s killing ‘Tianjiang’ and gaining an experience of 100 billion points, with a value of 100 million points and an energy value of 10 points.”

There is only one tone.

Longfei’s heart screamed, “The system is your uncle’s, you will not say to the old man what is being smashed by the main artifact?”

"Heaven will be."

"Don't you give me something to burst out?"

"I am a fairy!"

"But..." Longfei looked at the scalp that he would get from the experience of killing the sky. "The experience of one trillion points is really a dog."

"If I killed this one at the first level, then I would directly ascend to the realm of perfection."

"When you were in hell, you should try it..."

If you try it at that time, Longfei has already died 18,000 times.

Longfei took a look at the experience channel: "There is a lot of experience for me now, one trillion, 10 trillion points of experience are useless."

Longfei can't be upgraded now.


The experience he got was not at all useful.


One trillion points of experience is superimposed, and the experience slot begins to flash red, like energy burning.


"System Tip: Player experience goes into a burning state, and the robbery may come at any time."


"System prompt: please players to prepare for everything!"


The system is constantly flashing red.

This is a dangerous alarm.

"I rely on, Lao Tzu killed a heavenly general, you give me a day of robbery may come at any time, the system, your uncle has no asshole."

"It can't be managed."

"I have to turn all these days out!"

Longfei must be in the heart.

The dragon in his hand pointed and said: "Who is the next one?"

Also at this moment.

The system sounds a tone.


"The time of the king's collision is over!"



third chapter,

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