The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1121: Day robbery

Is the Holocaust and the Day Robbery stronger?

If you don't try it, no one knows.

Longfei's move can be said to be 10,000 times more crazy than a madman. Others are just sitting cross-legged and waiting for the day to rob, and as long as they hold on, they will succeed in the past.

But he...

It’s really a chopper to cut the wires, cut the high-voltage wires, and rushing to the sky with the lightning.

What is sitting on the knees and waiting for the day to come?

What he wants is to break the rules.

at this time.

He doesn't care about his life and death. What he wants is to drag those high-spirited heavens into hell. This is what he wants to do.

The power of purification that will be released in those days is still running fast.

They are also dumbfounded when they see Longfei rushing.

"What does he want?"

"Kid, what do you want to do?"

"We are the **** of heaven, and there is no power to help me."


One by one is still very arrogant and very proud.

Longfei shrugged and watched the first day of his sky robbery, his mouth cornered and smiled: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to kill you."

"That's it!"

The voice fell.

Longfei rushed up and screamed insanely. "Come on, see if your **** is strong, or your strength is strong, hahaha..."


A loud noise, the sky is broken.

On the nine days, a force slammed down and broke through nine days.


With the power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, with the inexhaustible force of tempering, it is also bombarded with the power of heaven and the power of anger.



The entire sky was cracked in all directions, and the dazzling lightning spread out.


One day, the pupil was enlarged, and a slight look at the dragon flying underneath, made a roar, "ah..."


The golden body was penetrated and a huge hole appeared.

The body trembled violently, his eyes turned white, and he murmured, no one knew what he was talking about, and then the body fell from the sky.

"Ha ha ha..."


"The messenger of heaven? Hahaha... You are just a bunch of shit, who is the **** ant now?" Longfei was extremely excited.

Holocaust and catastrophe?

The robbery is even stronger.


Not waiting for Longfei's laughter to fall, the force of the robbery pierced the body of a robbed man and immediately slammed on top of his head. Longfei's body sank and he said: "Come on!!"


Filled overhead, can not resist.

There is no power to resist the power of the robbery.

Longfei did not think about resisting.

You are strong and you are strong, and the breeze is on the hill.

You are your cross, and the moon shines on the river.

The power of the robbery is unstoppable, and it is impossible for Longfei to resist with the defense, because it is not the power to fight with the day of the robbery, and the fight is that Lao Tzu is not convinced.

Knowing the sea and the earth, Longfei’s Yuanlong body is instantly broken.

The self-defense of Wanlong’s power collapsed instantly.

Knowing the sea to reach the mind, this short half-second time is as long as a century, and the heart and the gods are blasting together, leading to the eight classics and the limbs.

Longfei’s eyes are shaking.

The body is shaking, this power is too horrible.


A blood rushed out of the mouth, and Longfei’s body was heavy and heavy. The moment when the legs were bent, he suddenly slammed, and the **** teeth smirked. "I haven’t died yet!"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Come back!"

"Ha ha ha..."


It’s completely crazy.

The whole Tianwu mainland was covered, and all looked dumbfounded.

The people behind him are even more arrogant. They use the sky to rob the catastrophe. This method can only be thought of by the perverted madman, and Longfei actually resists the bombardment of the first catastrophe.

It’s incredible.

Heaven will be smashed, but he has nothing!

This is because this is the annihilation of Longfei, not the catastrophe of the heavenly lord. Any force that resists the catastrophe will be crushed. As long as it is touched by the force of annihilation, it is a smog.

When the robbery is summoned, no one can escape.

The days are all stupid.

"Is this man crazy?"

"Accelerate the speed of purification, as long as the garbage level is cleaned up before he succeeds in the robbery, then it would be useless to summon more days."

"Hurry up!"



The celestials responded quickly and accelerated the speed of the 'purification power'.

As far as possible, before the dragon fly, the Tianwu continent will be purified. In this case, Longfei will not be robbed, and it will directly disappear.


Longfei is crazy and doesn't want to die.

The second day of the robbery bombarded.

Longfei grinned and looked at the catastrophe in the sky that re-released the power. He said: "The heavens who are high above, have you ever eaten candied haws?"

One day will be a glimpse, said: "What is a candied haw?"

"Don't ignore him."

"I will raise our speed."

"Kid, you don't have time, your entire Tianwu continent will be purified..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Longfei shouted excitedly, saying: "Ice sugar gourd!"

The figure of Longfei suddenly moved to a point, looked up at the sky, and said in the heart: "Sure!"

It is impossible to hide.

You can't escape from hiding, and it can be completely pursued.




A series of loud noises, a beam of light penetrates the body of several heavenly angels, like a chain of candied haws.

All were robbed of a hole by the sky.

Several days will fall from the sky.

Longfei excitedly said: "Seeing no, this is the gourd string."

Also at the same time.

Longfei’s body sank.


Once again, it exploded on the top of his head, and a force rushed into the sea. This power of robbing was twice as powerful as the previous one, and it was even stronger.

“Does it increase exponentially?”

"I fuck!"

The heavy pressure of the crushing, Longfei burst out a swearing mouth, Yang Tian grows: "Want to let Laozi kneel down? You **** even the strength of the 18th generation of the ancestors can not do it!"

"I am not awkward!"

"Come on, come on, use your stronger power to bomb Laozi."

Longfei is like a madman.

The second force was stunned, and the mind and the sea were shaking.

How many other forces are there?

Longfei does not know.

He only knows that no one can let him kneel down!

“How many forces are there in the sky?”

"The days of robbery are divided into many kinds."

"Nothing is different. The least catastrophe is nine, and the most catastrophe is eighty-one."

"80,,, 81?"

"Tall dragons fly him..."

Zang Tianye looked at Longfei, and his heart was full of admiration, because Longfei dared to summon the robbery, and no one dared to do so for millions of years.

At the same time, he is also worried.

The killing caused by Longfei is too much. How many days will he endure?

Eighty-one, or... more?


Chapter One,

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