The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1130: Thing to the explosion

People are not jealous, standing is not stable!

The system is being upgraded and cannot be used.

The power system is cracked and cannot be used.

Seriously injured, the strength is basically abolished.

In this case, ten are not opponents of Niu Dashan.

To win, you must hit a fatal blow.

Longfei’s moves are very dirty, but this is the most effective blow, and the right hand slams hard and drinks, “Who is the king now?”

The cold sweat of Niu Dashan’s pain is like rain, and he said: "Boy, you live..."


Longfei once again tried hard and said with sullenness: "Do you believe that Laozi pinch your egg?"



They have never seen such a look, and they never know that the little sheep like Longfei will suddenly become a tiger.

All the people were shocked.

Niu Dashan immediately softened and said: "Don't stop, the family's nine-generation single pass counts on me to pass on the ancestors."

"Brother, you are the king!"

"You are the king, you are the king here, whoever dares to move you, I swear I must kill him."

Niu Dashan is really afraid.

He felt the secret killing from Longfei, and he would pinch his egg if he didn't agree.

Longfei’s eyes swept away, and he said coldly and coldly: “All the mothers have heard clearly to Laozi. Now, Laozi is the king!”


Longfei’s hand was loose, and he did not retreat. Instead, he stared at Niu Dashan.

Niu Dashan's hands clasped his pants, his body straight, and he retreated. He couldn't look straight into Longfei's eyes now, it was terrible.

Just like eating people.

Longfei was not anxious or slow, and swallowed the healing wound in front of everyone.


Longfei slowly walked back to the distance and sat down against the wall. His eyes were slightly combined. His heart kept asking himself, "What happened in the end?"

"what happened?"

"Is the system not reminding me to be born again?"

"This is called rebirth?"

"This is not my body at all, and...what is this fucking?" Longfei couldn't understand, and there was no memory of the world in his mind.

The feeling for him is to cross again.

Can Longfei know clearly that this is not a crossing.

If this is crossing, it is more dangerous than the first time.


He could sense the disdain and anger around him, all staring at him.

They are not satisfied!

Longfei is like this?

Niu Dashan curled up and screamed on one side.

"Niu Ge, just let this kid go up?"

"Niu Ge, now give this kid a bit of color."

"Cow brother, let me come, if I give him a bang..."

Just when they talked about it.

Longfei's eyes roared, with a strong killing, a deep voice, said: "Whoever dare to make a little noise, I killed him!"

The sound fell.

Longfei’s eyes swept away.

It must be shocked, otherwise it will really be reversed.

Now Longfei can also overwhelm them with momentum.

Once again, his ‘monkey stealing peach’ will definitely not work.

Niu Dashan stopped screaming for a moment, and even the breathing was carefully controlled, and he did not dare to send it out.

The people around him saw that Niu Dashan was so ruined and did not dare to have any more voices.

Longfei leaned against the wall and pretended to close his eyes, but he didn't dare to be like that. He was always prepared to see that these people were all given to the earthquake, and his heart was slightly loose.

After half an hour.

"Niu Dashan!"

Niu Dashan heard Long Fei’s call and immediately got up and ran up and said, “Boss, what do you have?”

He is really scared.

Longfei Weiwei said: "Where is this?"

Niu Dashan, "Boss, have you forgotten here?"

Longfei has a look at his eyes.

Niu Dashan immediately dared not ask more, said: "This is the underground fighting dungeon of the Yuan Dynasty."

"Yuan Yuzong?"


"Underground fighting dungeons?"

All these dragons are extremely unfamiliar, he is sure that this is definitely not the original Tianwu continent, this is another world.

Long Fei asked: "What is the name of this plane?"

Everyone is a glimpse.

He whispered, "What the **** is going on, even where is it forgotten here?"

"Is it stupid?"

"It must be that the brain has been broken."

Niu Dashan has a heavy cough and calms down immediately. He said: "Return to the boss, here is the chaos!"


Longfei’s eyes glanced, “I came to the chaos world.”

The face is very shocking.

"The last day of the robbery, the release of the tires, actually brought me to the chaos!" Longfei heart secretly shocked, also in this moment.


Longfei’s knowledge of the sea blasted open.

Just like a small universe explosion.


“Congratulations to the successful upgrade of the player’s Dragonfly system!”

The system upgrade is complete.

System: Fury System Version 1.0

Player: Longfei

Level: 0

Lingyuan: 10 points

Gongfa: None

Rage value: 100 points

Lucky value: 10 points

War pet: no

Companion: None

The sect: Tian Wuzong, the position of the lord (in the seal)


Everything is like the first time Longfei has crossed, the system is upgraded, but Longfei does not feel the change of the system. The biggest change is...

He has nothing!


As long as there is a system in which he is not afraid, no matter what the world, the system is in hand, the world I have.


A burst of red light flashed in my mind.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to enter the chaos and get special gift packages!”

Longfei thoughts and clicks.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the spirit ring.”


"This is what Laozi is. Can this be called a reward? Can you make a little more?"

Also at this time.

The system beep sounds again.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get the ‘Evil 18 layers (broken)’ into the body?”

"It's mine too!"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’s getting ‘swallowing blood’ is a fusion?”

"Still with Laozi, can you not be bored with the system? Would you like some practical things? Give that experience to Laozi, the one trillion experience Laozi stands directly at the peak of chaos."


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the main artifact ‘龙棺’...”

"Rely, all are Laozi's things, system your grandfather's play me?" Longfei roared, really depressed, everything is dragon flying his own, this is considered a reward?

Potholes are almost the same!

At this time, the system beep sounds again.


“The main artifact ‘Long Yao’ started the second energy filling and began to evolve!”


It was at this time.

Longfei suddenly found that what he had just got changed.

After a few seconds.


"The main artifact 'Dragon' has evolved for the second time."

Looking at the evolution of the main artifact, Longfei's whole blood is boiling, extremely inspiring, "I rub, Nima... This, this, this is to be God!"

Niubi to the explosion of things!


chapter Five,

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