The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1138: Identity

"I fuck!"

Hearing the sound of this system, Longfei excitedly burst into a thick mouth.

"This Nima..."

"The turret can be drawn!"

"My mother must admire myself."


Longfei did not hesitate to say: "Release!!"

"Shooting these dog days!"

As soon as the mind moved, the turret drawn in his mind was released.


In the center of the Colosseum, suddenly there is a turret that is exactly the same as in the League of Legends, fiercely messed up.

Also at this moment.

Longfei’s thoughts moved, “Hanging this group of **** girls!”



Longfei’s right arm was numb and fell from the air. The butcher’s giant hand grabbed Longfei and held it in the palm of his hand. The powerful force made Longfei unable to move.

The bones of the whole body must be broken.


A roar of roaring in the audience, "eat him, eat him, eat him..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"He is going to die."

"It is his glory to die in the butcher's hand, and the slave rests."

"Butcher, butcher, butcher!"

While they were cheering, some people questioned and said: "What is the statue in the center of the field with a staff in his hand?"

"How come suddenly more such a thing?"

"What the **** is this?"

They don't understand!

I am afraid that the whole chaos community will know what this is.

The butcher stared at the fist and showed a dragonfly flying from his head, revealing a sly smile, and said, "I want to bite your head."

"Trembling, human!"

Unparalleled arrogance.

Open the blood basin and bite it toward the head of Longfei.

Also at this moment.

When the turret was completed, a force on the turret bombarded and directly locked the butcher's mouth.



A fire broke out from the butcher's mouth. "Oh...ah..."

Make a painful scream.

With a loose hand, Longfei jumped out of his hand and screamed heavily. "Mom, now it is my turn."

The idea is moving.

Control the turret, directly lock the butcher, "Ten strikes, give me a bang!"

The turret in the League of Legends has its range of attacks, and its range is not large in the game, but here... oh... he covers the entire Colosseum.

The order of Longfei fell.

The turret was quickly bombarded.

After a single shot, a heavy bombardment hit the butcher's chest and slammed him on the wall, crushing it.

The blood on the head of the butcher also quickly bottomed out.

"What about Zhang Zi?"

"Your mother!"

Longfei’s old fires are all up. “Take another one to Laozi.”

The right leg recovered a little and rushed up and landed on the butcher's head. "Is this eye to release the pressure on me?"


With a right fist, the power of the Golden Boxing bombarded.


The eyes are cracking out.

"Ah..." The butcher screamed incomparably, and the stone axe in his hand swept, waiting for him to sweep the dragon and fly, and a force of the turret bombarded.


Directly blow his arm off.

Blood is like a waterfall, and it is mad.

Longfei stood on the head of the butcher's head, his eyes swept away and said: "I like watching Laozi's good show?"

"Come here!"

"Now show you enough!"

Double fists.

Crit on the butcher's head.


A loud noise, the butcher's entire head was blasted open, the blood volume quickly bottomed out, Longfei took out the double fist with blood, and screamed loudly, "Mom, who else?"

Arrogant, overbearing atmosphere spread out.

The whole scene was crushed by Longfei.

The entire Colosseum was silent, and everyone looked at Longfei with wide eyes.

Also at this time.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ killing ‘butcher’ and gaining 3000 points of experience, 230 points of spiritual value and 1 point of energy.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get the ‘butcher’s stone axe’”

The system sounded two tones.

"Do you have a good show?"


Longfei once again roared. "Which person likes to watch people being killed by monsters? Then look at what you are killed by the monsters."

Longfei’s eyes were gloomy, and the butcher’s stone axe directly resisted the shoulders. He said to the monsters: “Would you like to eat those who tease you?”

"Would you like to kill it?"

The monsters looked at Longfei as if they understood it.

Longfei grinned and said: "Then it will be unscrupulous."

The voice fell.

The scene is a bit confusing.

"What does he want to do?"

"What exactly does he want to do?"

"Don't worry, this Colosseum is more than ten meters high, and these monsters can't be rushed."


The stand of more than ten meters high is not suitable for Longfei, and it is impossible for these monsters to rush.


Wherein was before.

"Can't get up?"

The dragon flies at the corner of the mouth, and the idea controls the turret. Facing a thick wall, he orders: "Give me a blow!"

The turret energy turned and began to be heavily bombarded.

"Boom, bang, bang, bang..."

A bombardment of another shot.

The people on the entire Colosseum began to panic.

After half a minute.

The high walls directly blasted a straight road, which is not a monster, even a five-year-old can climb up.

Also at this time.

The source value of the dragon's body flashes red.

At this time, Longfei noticed that this turret was the source of his consumption.

Now that the source of the spirit has dried up, it will not come out.

Longfei didn't manage these things. This is an opportunity. It is a great opportunity to escape. This is why Longfei does not kill these monsters. He sighs and says, "Give me a rush and start a crazy killing."

The monsters walked one by one to the passage.


"Oh my God."

"Flee away!"

"Guards, guards, stop them quickly."


A monster roared and the beast launched an attack.

After three steps, almost rushed to the stands in an instant, biting a human being was a tear, and at the same time, the entire venue began a large-scale turmoil.

There is no longer a cheering expression when I was watching the movie.

Longfei stood in the middle of the field and smiled coldly. "Is it not like watching a movie? Continue watching, don't you want to see Lao Tzu being torn by the monster?"

"Who is being torn by the monster now?"

Longfei is not in a hurry, walks in the last step and step forward.

dark place.

The strong man around the slave owner wrinkled his eyes and said: "Adult, don't use me..."

The slave owner’s eyes were cold and he said: “No, it’s hard to catch him now. I can’t think of this kid suddenly becoming so powerful, it seems that the power in his body is awakened.”

The strong man's face changed slightly, saying: "Adult, strength awakens, then the identity of this 009 is..."

The slave owner’s eyes were slightly stunned and said: “The first force in the chaos, the **** gate, the lesser gate!”


third chapter,

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